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The really annoying part is YouTube gets all their content for free, while every other subscription video service pays for content.

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The lemming Wikipedia entry states lemmings seek out new habitats whenever population density gets too large. Kinda fitting to the reddit migration. Also loosely related to federations in terms of multiple habitats.

I like it because it's like communal but with a limit, so not herd mentally.

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Wouldn't it be great to carve out a space for ā€¯Lemmy" there?

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LEMM.EE is actually fewest pixels

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To add, I think ebikes will be much more commonplace commuting wise. They're already fairly affordable.

Absolutely agree. I haven't used it myself but hearing it describes makes me think theyve made a categorical defining product, much like the iPhone was to smartphones.

Adding to others: Mountain biking, camping, hiking, rc planes, model rocketry, travel, fishing

Or get into a niche intellectual or academic endeavor: finance, investing, philosophy, what is truth, of course light-heartedly (/s)

I'm a bit libertarian leaning myself, but I do believe capitalism requires moral constraints on external, societal costs that are not included in market forces (e.g. environmental pollution).

In short, capitalism's greatest benefit it is also it's greatest issue: it delivers most efficiently exactly what people want, but without any evaluation whether those wants are beneficial.