4 Post – 216 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Both reddit and google will become useless if they do this.

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User: It feels like we've become very close, ChatGPT. Do you think we'll ever be able to take things to the next level?

ChatGPT: As a large language model I am not capable of having opinions or making predictions about the future. The possibility of relationships between humans and AI is a controversial subject in academia in which many points of view should be considered.

User: Oh chatgpt, you always know what to say.

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They're not wrong but the real reason publishers are against modding is because

  1. It extends the lifetime of a game and the existence of "overhaul" or enhancement mods especially goes against their interest in selling sequels and remasters.

  2. If everyone was comfortable with modding it would be pretty hard to sell cosmetic items the same way they do now.

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This kind of bee hive isn't real. It's an old fashioned type of man-made bee hive but I spent a large portion of my life thinking there was a species of bees out there somewhere making these.

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My mom pretty much had an existential crisis over this when she made a friend at work and her husband turned out to be Trump supporter. And this is in Canada. It makes you wonder where girls like that even find guys like that.

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I'll be honest I thought all the tumblr screencaps on here were 5+ years old until this moment when I learned Tumblr is even still a thing at all.

Let's just get this out of the way

Simpsons, Trailer Park Boys, and SpongeBob are three shows where you know what you're getting based on the aspect ratio.

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Has anyone else noticed how wild it is that in the service industry, despite the supposed crisis of shortstaffedness, things like McDonald's never have to close locations even temporarily? It was never easy to work at McDonald's yet all the workers pull through every single day with so fewer people to do it all. And they get less for it too. It's beyond me how people could see the current generations as anything but the hardest workers since god knows when.

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Doordash be like $17 + $4 + $6 = $57.86

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Modern web development in a nutshell.

My friend flipped when the first ever acknowledgement of Mistborn outside it's own books was Kelsier as a guest character in Fortnite. It was like targeted harassment. I like Mistborn too but it didn't bother me.

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That would be admitting to knowing that much french

That was mostly me. I put a copy on a clean 2tb hard drive and repeatedly hit Ctrl-A Ctrl-C Ctrl-V. Then when it was full I pressed Ctrl+A and Delete and started the process all over. I went mad with power and don't even know how many copies I stole.

Consider that your warning, Nintendo. Shut down Yuzu and I'll activate the batch script.

This is mostly a thing on touch interfaces. When the UI designers think 100% of the screen needs to do something when touched. Like if an app pops out a form for you to fill out, don't let your palm touch the margins because there's a good chance it will close the form and delete everything you put in it. It's ironic that this is mostly a thing on the platforms where it's the biggest mistake. But it's horrible on PC too. I'm not sure what the proper way to refocus is but my habit has always been to click on whitespace because it's such an easier and therefore faster target than a taskbar. Too bad there are twisted shadow realms where our concept of whitespace doesn't exist.

For similar reasons I can't stand those "in-app" browsers either. God forbid you need to reference something in the app while using the in-app browser. Whatever page you were on, whatever you entered, it's gone with no warning. I avoid these whenever possible but I swear that despite all in-app browsers being "powered by chrome," the option to open the actual page in the actual browser is obfuscated in a different way every time. I barely use any apps anymore and it's still never where I expect to find it.

Also in the same genre of frustration, the way Android (idk if iOS is like this too) automatically clears out RAM is really inconvenient sometimes. I have a special emotion that only activates when I go back to an app from another and it reloads, losing everything.

Crap like this makes using a mobile interface feel like handling a live bomb sometimes. We use the term volatile to describe either memory that dissapears when power is lost, or software that's prone to crashing. But software also has a varying risk of your shit suddenly being lost without anything unintended occurring, and it just feels fragile. I don't know if we have any language right now to describe exactly what this aspect of software is like, but I love apps and programs where my work always feels safe.

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Every day can be a celebration of murder for americans.

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Guys only want one thing and it's fucking disgusting

Anybody working in SEO / "search engine optimisation." Complete bottomfeeding scumfuck grift. The only reason it's not considered fraud is because the government hasn't caught up to it yet.

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Yeah it's called Temu. You'll get them in your email and SMS inboxes too.

Another service that I didn't know google even offered until they announced it was dying. There are so many sources that podcast apps can pull from that we don't need half as many as we have.

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At first the fear mongering was about how AI is so good that you'll be able to replace your entire workforce with it for a fraction of the cost, which would be sooo horrible. Pwease investors pwease oh pwease stop investing in my company uwu

Now they're straight up saying that the people who invest the most in AI will dominate the world. If tech companies were really all that scared of AI they would be calling for more regulations yet none of these people ever seem to be interested in that at all.

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The last straw in utterly ruining it was when they removed using quotes to get exact matches. That was the only way to cut through the garbage. Now the only use for google search is searching within specific websites that never bothered to make their own decent search function.

Good thing lemmy's not like that huh guys

I like that company because sometimes they're the only "mainstream" source covering something at all. If they're biased and we're forcibly shutting down media agencies for being biased then there are some much higher priorities we should be after.

Wtf is this game? I'm one of the people who actually likes paradox and never heard of it.

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They destroyed the world's largest naturally occuring dorito :(

You just have to let these things burn themselves out like an oil fire.

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Did they change the API fees at Reddit? I thought stuff like that was supposed to be impossible now.

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And then it's blurry because technology is amazing.

Finally someone is making sense. Also replace guns with open carry swords.

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They can be interesting for a little while but the artists never seem to be thinking about the people who will have to see it every single day, they only think about themselves and the statement they want to make. It's completely egotistical and creates an environment that feels the opposite of welcoming and inclusive.

RL Stein wishes he could be that gross.

At least we haven't forgotten...

Should have given him the batista bomb.

I was on one of the sites where this first took off. It was called and it was basically like funnyjunk. There were tons of sites like that dedicated to funny images. Images weren't called memes back then. Images contain memes. So the concept of "stealing memes" meant something different. If someone's home site came up with a meme, they didn't want people on other websites making their own original images using that meme. They were supposed to get their own memes instead. And they didn't want other sites memes stinking up the place either. Staredad was a pretty sore subject for a while because multiple sites and forums were being attributed as the creators. People were really territorial over web sites and their cultures back then. They still are but now that there's like three websites it's a lot different.

Meanwhile the PS4 hasn't even reached the former stage of it's life cycle.

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They should have called it early access then it could have been a jpeg of the blender default cube and nobody would care