1 Post – 15 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

I cancelled Netflix the day they blocked my elderly parents from accessing my account.

I was paying for 4 streams, it shouldn't matter 1 stream was at my parents house, they were still getting their money.

Don't worry Netflix, we still get to enjoy your content via torrents and my parents still get a convenient streaming app full media via Plex, so you can eat shit Netflix!

15 more...

Wrong hole dude!

Probably easier to just run one, or both, as a VM.

This bizarre post with awful grammar aside, there are great and useless people in every profession, so just be nice to ones that seem to care and/or go beyond the minimum and ignore the rest.

I have a shower every morning, first thing, will only skip a morning shower on the rare day in just laying about the house.

Will have a second shower only if I've been doing something sweaty/dirty like mowing or bush walking.

Edit: Worth adding that in an Aussie, not in a humid or overly hot location and don't have a physical job.

Bought a Jeep!

2 more...

Are you going come here and setup my system, then install apps on mine and my kids devices and show them how to use it AND then travel to my parents house, install it on their devices and explain to them how to use it?

No? Guess I'll stick with the free self-hosted Plex.

1 more...

Curious how they're a "scam"?

Media rights, exclusive content and pricing are often ridiculous, but the end users gets what they're paying for.

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Amazon announced a couple days ago they're adding ads to all current plans and creating a new, more expensive, plan that will be ad-free.

It's not really any different from other services simply increasing the price and/or adding a cheaper plan with ads.

I do have to thank Netflix for motivating my to try Plex and see what my uplink could handle, about 3 1080 streams, so there's that positive.

Good quality stainless steel with metal handles, nothing to wear out, indestructible!

3 more...

536,000,000 animals are killed every year by wandering domestic cats in just Australia alone.

Keep your cat inside!

Before ditching Netflix I added all my current shows to a calendar/tracking website, which I check every few days and grab anything new, new new shows, in just rely on word of mouth and/or social media.

Nope, just an unreliable hunk of shit and everything broke, garbage vehicle.

Bunnings app!

Aussie will know what I'm talking about, the splash screen is too fucking long, when it finally opens, it's fucking blank while the items load and you can't search until it loads and when you return from a search to the main screen, it fucking loads again!

Okay end rant!