4 Post – 208 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I'm on fosstodon

hmmm.. I see. Good luck finding what you need. I have no ideas.

I see Jabref has a Linux application and there are browser extensions that work with it. Did you try that?

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Apple being the pinnacle of this. They were the first ones that made devices theirs, not yours.

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Respecting the user? Lol

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I don't understand why you don't blame Apple first of all for their methods of locking up open standards and/or modifying them just enough that non-apple products won't work.

I don't support Chinese companies for doing shitty products, but fuck Apple for everything they do to lock you in their "ecosystem."

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Fuck discord.

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Dear ones, I'm sorry to have to make this announcement, but this is where our tracker comes to an end. It is important that you understand and accept this decision. Although it was a difficult one, it was taken after careful evaluation and for good reasons.

Unfortunately, I no longer have the time to run the site. A site like this requires quite a lot of commitment and my priorities in everyday life have changed in recent years. Time is the most precious resource for all of us and I have invested enough time here.

I wanted to leave the site to someone else, who would take care of the community in the future, but unfortunately I don't have anyone to leave it to. ToXiC, the one who was going to take my place is no longer with us.

This is quite the responsibility, we have a large number of users who also have sensitive data that cannot be left in anyone's hands. Abuses can be made and whoever has absolute power can decide anything regarding everything related to the community, so obviously a reliable, capable person is needed who also has very advanced technical knowledge to ensure the security of our users and proper functioning of the site. It is quite difficult to find such a person who is integrated here and shares the same values and has the same dedication that you have enjoyed for the last 16 years.

I decided that the best thing to do is to close the site rather than risk something like this. I'm truly sorry, I've also put a lot of work into this and I've always had the community at heart.

As a SysOp I thank you for your active involvement in our community. I deeply appreciated the valuable contributions, the passion you brought and the effort you put in. FileList would not be what it is today without the involvement of all of you!

What happens from now on? From this moment on, donations are closed and the amount we have covers expenses for the next 2-3 months. During this time you can still enjoy the site, download what you need from here and post your goodbye message in the thread. After ~3 months, sometime around January 2024, the site will be closed permanently.

With love and appreciation, EboLLa

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Having a headphone jack will let you use any kind of headphone produced in the last 50 years, which has a 3.5mm jack. Also, while listening to music you could also charge your phone, if you choose to, but not with a USB-C only port. Furthermore, USB-C DACs are stupid, they are an annoyance, even the ones with the shortest cables - I broke three of them in two months because they're idiotically designed and they don't fold in my pocket - a thing that never happened with headphone cables.

Who the fuck remembers Mandela dying in prison??? The man was resilience itself!

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FUTO in Romanian sounds a lot like "fuck her"...

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Why is it so hard for the newer generations to just write a short article about what they want to say? It's so boring watching clips that say so little...

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If it's a bug, then reinstalling won't do anything. You could try first creating a new user and checking out that happens with it too. Also, open a bug - it will help others too.

I don't understand why people have expectations from a young platform like it's supposed to be the new reddit/facebook all of a sudden. I lived through the digg->reddit move and believe me, it was worse than what we see on lemmy sometimes. Let it grow and it will have a chance. Offer help when you think some communities aren't correctly moderated or when you think you have better ideas. People usually will try to help (not all the time).

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The main point is that Authy is a company that hosts your data on their cloud and you can't know what they do with it. Aegis is local, but has the ability to create scheduled backups, which then you can sync to your own server or just copy it in different locations for safety.

This is such a bad idea! The formatting will be lost and the resulting document will look like shit! Especially for books where they use graphics.

Once again, fuck Samsung for doing this!

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And this is a surprise for whom?

Thanks for that, but the question still stands.


TLDW: read all the blog posts, all the discussions and make your own opinion. I lost 15 minutes of my life and didn't become any more informed or smarter.

As the others have said, your first issue is using blank spaces before and after =

Then, when you need to use double quotes in a command, the alias should be defined with single quotes, like this:

\$ alias dockps='docker ps --format "table {{.ID}}  {{.Names}}  {{.Status}}  {{.Ports}}"'

There are so many reasons, but the main one is that they keep pushing their shitty Exynos cpus in Europe! My next phone is certainly not a Samsung just for this reason.

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Please don't promote this prick anymore!

I heard other people complaining about what OP says, so I'm thinking maybe it's A/B testing...

Do you also hate real estate agents for putting their smiling face on billboards?

Yes, we do in fact!

Thanks for the emojis. I wouldn't have understood the words without them.

It's the same with people asking me why I don't buy bluetooth headsets and insist on having wired headphones. I don't want to buy something extra when I already have a pair of VERY GOOD headphones and audio signal is always better on wire - even with lossless audio on bluetooth (which is not yet supported by (m)any devices).

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No, he doesn't. He's obnoxious.

In case you’re not being sarcastic

He's not being sarcastic. I was ready to post something in the same vein because people should make a bit of an effort to put a simple description when they post a link.

I played Descent in my days and I know about it, but even so I had no idea what the link was about.

OK. So? It's their instance, their rules. I don't get it. You don't like it, go to a different instance and live your life.

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Yes, and that is netflix's limitation. Nothing to do with Linux in itself.

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At one point I had an Arch installation that ran for 6 years! I never had issues, but anytime I was updating I was checking the arch announcements too - some packages need manual intervention sometimes. But this was some time ago, I think that laptop broke 5-6 years ago already.

But no, Arch is not unreliable. Usually the user is.

Start a self-hosted server. You're welcome to join ! or !

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As others have said, moving to QT6 was a massive effort. There were a lot of changes due to that. And if you would have followed their progress, they always said the user will only see minor changes, so there's that.

Another thing that has changed is much better Wayland support and this is also a big effort.

measly fee for ultra

you have to take into consideration that not all people have your level of pay, your quality of life and so on. That 'measly fee' is two day's pay for some and they can't afford that. Yes, I understand that the dev has to make a living, but I think it's a bit expensive. And I was paying for Sync (for reddit) since the beginning. I even got Pro for my wife, who didn't use it at all, just to help LJ.

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Exactly this. Also, Samsung built a lot of functionality into the OS and did it better than Google in many cases.

This is way before reaching your bootloader. It's about the manufacturer logo that's displayed by UEFI while doing the whole hardware initialization.

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I want to use one of these OSS keyboards, but man they suck a lot for non-English typing.. and especially if you want/need multiple languages!

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What? I've used neovim flatpak without issues in Fedora and openSuse...

That doesn't mean it's not paywalled. Just that you have the knowledge and the means to climb over that wall. Not all people have.

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