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Joined 11 months ago

There are no answers here. The truth is you, and the entirety of the Czech Republic were grievously injured in your collective soul. Whatever the motives of the shooter was, it is a senseless crime whose goal was to paralyze your heart.

Grieve first. It's necessary. However, don't let this cruel, twisted soul poison you. They win if you let it happen. Use your pain. Start by being with friends, classmates and family. Offer little kindnesses. A cooked meal or a timely errand, even pausing to listen to another person who is working through the same pain you are. It's doesn't seem like much, but it is your humanity that will get you through this.

When you finally begin to not feel so frozen, maybe invest time into social action to prevent this from happening in your country again. Work to be sure our American disease doesn't get a hold of your body. My country is broken here and the lesson you need from us is not let it infect you. Fight for it if you can.

Again, my condolences for all of your losses. They're probably inadequate, but know you are not alone.

Take care, stranger.

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Moms for Liberty will go away, however some other AstroTurf group will find a way to fleece the flock with manufactured outrage.

Back in my reddit days, there was a guy who did AMAs about vacuum cleaners that was actually incredibly informative. After talking and analyzing many machines, he suggested s couple vacuums. For my needs we got a Miele canister C1. It wasn't cheap, but 8 years later it is doing very well. No fancy circuit board, straightforward, solid manufacturing, 8 year warranty, a dial controller for the suction. No problems at all. Probably will last another 20 years. It's a great machine and has paid for it by not needing replacements. The closest thing to a complaint is that I wish the cord was about 1.5 -2m longer so I didn't need to unplug it to change outlets 2/3 of the way through, mostly because I'm lazy.

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Is this why he stands like a toddler about to make poopie pants?

Trans-exclusionary radical feminist.

They deny the validity of trans people in general and trans women in particular. J. K. Rowling lines up in this camp.

Small edit for typo.

Yup. I also groan when I sit down. You just had to call me out, didn't you?

To add to others here, anger is neither good or bad. It is an emotion. It is okay to be angry at people causing pain and suffering. It's how you deal and use anger that matters. As others said, let it be energy to create positive change and don't allow it to burn you out from the inside.

So allow yourself to be angry, to feel the hurt and to be sad. Then do the work to make the necessary changes to make the world better.


Making a nice meal for friends and family.

Which reminds me I haven't made buttermilk fried chicken in a while..

Clothes in general. Sure, you can get and Old Navy T-shirt for ~$3-4, but they break down quickly. However, even a mid-level shirt from someplace like Land's End or Eddie Bauer on sale can last year after year. Same with pants, jeans, coats, jackets, belts and other clothing. It's also why it sucks to be poor. Needs need to be met immediately, but since you're needing to keep food on the table and a roof over your head, so you buy what you can afford, even knowing that it's more expensive in the long term.

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Bill Gates and the Rothschilds, of course. Duh...

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Sour Times -Portishead.

Low Key Suicidal.

Frankly, most of music sung by Beth Gibbons is borderline suicidal. Even the "happy" songs.

I know you are joking, but I suspect that many people would swallow this idea while without any thought whatsoever.

Yes, we live in an age of uncritical thought.

Feels like a Silent Hill monster. Long arms reaching from the mist reaching out to strangle me...

I was just thinking that!

Why is it the ones you most expect?

"Hand daddy his washing rag!"

Corralary would be "It's fine to admit I don't know". Being open to my ignorance and blind spots allows me to learn. This is good advice to everyone, but especially to those who are used to having a lot of knowledge, or at least think they do.

The opening starts with D-Day and it destroyed my emotions. I was ricocheting from terror to grief back to terror and being drowned in sensory overload. Twenty minutes of cinema around the horror of war and the mass infliction of death was unbearable. I cried for an hour afterwards and I can never bring myself to watch it again. The movie was definitely a masterpiece, and it's a story that should be told, but it is brutal.

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That was also realistically powerful. I am glad I made it through the picture, if only to be reminded of the horror of sending young men to kill each other. Saving Private Brian is a masterpiece, but most of us aren't capable of more than a single viewing.

The depth of your grief is an expression of the deepness of your love. I promise the pain will subside, but it will take time. You will get through this. And your memories will give you a bittersweet comfort.

Microwaves are going for making ganache...

There is so much music they moves us, so it's hard to pick one, especially for me. Because of that, I'll choose one that I haven't seen yet but deeply hits me hard: John Coltrrane's "A Love Supreme". It came at the peak of his career. The first three parts were supple, mysterious, joyful sparkles of light, like dragonflies and butterflies dashing and fluttering on a beautiful summer day. Pure smiles, floating heart stuff. Then the final act hits. It's a prayer of gratitude and reverence, a reflection of the magesty of existence. It gripped my head and heart, leaving me vulnerable and open, crying in awe.

I love this album with all my heart. And yes, it makes me weep in rapture every time I hear it.

Acknowledgement Resolution Pursuance Psalm