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Joined 3 months ago

MGS3 is such a masterpiece

But historically if an incumbent decides to run for another Term. No party ever Has primaried them.

And this lack of pragmatism and adherence to "tradition" when the republicans openly don't stick by those rules will cause the Dems to contribute to the coming of fascist amerika

Just writing to say that I admire your tenacity

Tough situation for banks and people working inside them. For those clamoring that it is 2008 all over again, it is, because the way markets and companies work has not changed (and a bank is just another type of company).

Suppose you are a chief risk officer of one of those banks before Covid hit. You have been hired by the CEO so you need to play with the CEO to advance his/her agenda. Other banks are lending more and more to commercial real estate developers as there is demand and they are paying their loans on time. Your own bank's board of directors and CEO are putting pressure to join the market and lend more to those property developers otherwise you own bank's profit will look lower than the competition. You know that, by doing so, the concentration of loans in that sector will become quite high but, if you keep resisting, the CEO and/or the board will find someone more amenable who doesn't seem to panic when every other bank is making money. Then you cave in. You decide to approve more business going to those loans although you caveat that this might exceed risk appetite and gets the board and CEO to formally approve it as well.

Now the bank is proudly going with the flow and investors are not complaining anymore.

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this is true. but regulators still hold CROs accountable for that .

PowerShell is an objectively ugly language to read

using systemd instead of rm -Rf is not the Unix way!

And yet nothing happens becuz he's running fah office

5% of GDP is just absolutely insane

Excellent point. And pardons are only given after the legal system concluded someone is guilty. Mitt is advocating for executive interference over judicial processes.

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If pork and lotus root lead to (DEAD), China wouldn't exist... Ground lotus root is mixed to minced pork meat acting as a binder in pork patties

Sure, Melania's friend, sure.

Hopefully his continued complaints and stalling would result in perjury?

Amazing how Google doesn't get product management right

And steam reviews prioritize reviews over the last 30 calendar days...

The endowment management side does actually run like an investment bank, private equity, and asset management firm and is staffed by people who worked on those.

Is there a similar limitation placed on the judiciary?

Has always been, even without the graphics. The adversarial system makes it a competition with a scoreboard

She is tought to be held at same standard but unfortunately there seems to be no institutional mechanism that reviews her performance and decisions...

You forgot:

  • Has shot a dog or other pet to death?

UK seems to have a comparatively large number of people dying during peace time within its borders due to foreign countries' actions

Ya, it's the good ol' "voting with your wallet" that can bring companies to their knees

He just replaces the established swamp with a swamp of his own family

China does force large corporations to have party members as board members. Except that these party members might not know enough of business and finance to materially influence anything. Plus, when things are going well, why spoil the feast by bringing up risks and required controls? Better ride the wave and try to get promoted for business leadership excellence!

I can relate to them more than to Bruce Wayne

Yes. I guess Mitt's medication has changed or he recently took up on pot

In this case, regulation is the only way to slow down something that is otherwise quite profitable, as the money is not "given" but those that are being repaid. But then regulation is not perfect since regulatory bodies are staffed by former bank executives.

Lemon pies

These days the unique use case X was designed for is very, very niche. For everyone else, Wayland is the way to go.

And yet those students don't vote