5 Post – 39 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

In case anyone wondered how to potentially get around this...

  • Pay for a server in another country that gives you SSH access
  • Create SSH SOCKS tunnel: ssh -N -D 8008 your-server-ip
  • Open your browser and set the SOCKS server to localhost:8008 (in Chromium/Firefox you can search for this in Settings)
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I know it's not 100% the same, but there's a website that gives you access to insecure webcams and has been for ages!

Obviously these aren't hacked as per the article

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I would really recommend the documentary Navalny:

I knew almost nothing about the guy prior to watching it, and what happens to him is fascinating. He's not perfect but I do believe what he says and he really wanted a better Russia. The balls on this guy!!

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From the article / post: " The soldier who fired the shots describes entering the home and encountering only one unarmed Palestinian, gesturing and saying, 'No, no.' "

He openly admits to shooting an unarmed Palestinian man.

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All this hysteria in the news about the protest has motivated me even MORE to join on Saturday!

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new funding for a confidential service to provide prevention therapy to potential offenders before they commit that horrid act against a child.


I would recommend watching "Louis Theroux - Among the sex offenders" to get a better understanding of the lack of treatment available for people who don't want to offend but feel compelled. Some of them are crying out for treatment!

The internet has come full circle!

There used to be a game in the 90's where you punch Bill Gates in the face.

Like this:

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I used to find these kind of stories funny, but these days I just wonder how desperate must someone be to do this.
What's going on in their life that they've ended up doing this and their next stop is prison?

The third link is to an Amnesty article from 2015

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Honest question: can you send over a source or sources for that?

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What kind of researcher posts a five-question-questionnaire on Lemmy?

I'm not a professional researcher or anything, just someone looking to do research in this area. I thought there might be people on Lemmy who wanted to share their story or experiences.

Who are you and who employs you? What is your agenda?

I am cman6. I'm not comfortable disclosing person information about my employer. I stated my agenda... "The research project we are working on is looking into all aspects of food banks from someone deciding to donate, to storing the donations, to people receiving them, and seeing if there is some way to improve what is being donated and/or the quantities."

Is this an undergraduate thesis?


Where else did you post your questionnaire? Are you accounting for selection bias?

This is the only place I've posted it so far. I'm not concerned about selection bias to be honest, although I am aware of it. I'm just looking for anecdotal information.

Why do you not use a questionnaire service like survey monkey?

I just thought this would be faster. Plus I wanted to keep things informal.

These are all yes/no questions and no questions regarding background, sex, age, income, etc. What kind of conclusions do you think you will be able to draw from that?

Well I don't have any experience going to a food bank so I was hoping to gather a general idea of what that might be like.


Maybe... I mean that would be great! Sunak/Braverman come out with some faux rage about the protests and accidentally increase support for them!

Probably this guy on the TV programme Take Me Out:

Nice to hear a balanced view - thank you!

No Stupid Questions... I'll update the post :)

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Or there's ReactOS:

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Which is illegal! If you tip a waiter/waitress then the money must go to them:

I mean I'm not sure what you can do other than name and shame the restaurant, and/or boycott it

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Ha, I never knew this had an actual name.

I thought it was known as talking to a brick wall, ie. if you have a issue talk to a brick wall and you'll get the answer

One thing I would add is that the Russian people do want change but any attempt at changing the leadership is met with poisoning and/or long prison sentences. I would highly recommend reading about Alexei Navalny or watching the fascinating documentary

So just to help a little bit without getting too technical...

df -h is your friend to find out which physical drive or partition relates to which directory (called the "mount point")

If you want, you can set up each drive/partition to be mounted a bit Windows-esque.

For example:

  • Drive 1, partition 1 will almost certainly be root /
  • But drive 1, partition 2 can be mounted to: /mnt/d/
  • And then drive 1, partition 3 can be mounted to: /mnt/e/

And so on.

You'll need to look up fstab to understand how to do that.

I understand it's tricky to get your head around initially as I felt exactly the same coming from Windows to Linux.

Once you get your head around partitions being able to be mounted anywhere, it actually becomes really handy

Wow! Thank you so much for taking the time to reply! And thanks for offering to answer more questions.

I'm working with two other people doing research, so I'll pass this on to them and let you know what they think.

Massive thanks again!

Honest question: what happened to Stack Overflow? I still get answers from it. Have I missed some incident??

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Ohh, I see! Thanks for replying. I often forget about ChatGPT as an alternative

You get a phone call from someone claiming to be from 23andme but they're not...

Hi it's Jim from 23andme.
Just going through security with you. You did a test with us on the 5th Dec, your mother is X and your father is Y.
Ok that confirms who I am.
So as I said it's Jim and in your results we see you have a genetic condition which means you will have early onset dementia.
We offer a preventative treatment. Want to enrol in the trial? It's $200.

Not the best example I admit but an example of how that data could be misused and you've just paid "Jim" $200

I would argue this is still genocide, just not at a rapid rate:

2.2 million people are unable to access a consistent supply of food!

For some reason you can't have a reasonable discussion in this thread. I agree with everything you've said above.

I've had a Nokia 3.1 and 5.1 and I would advise everyone to steer clear! I won't be buying a Nokia phone again

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The 3.1 started to become incredibly slow once I installed at the latest updates. If it's factory reset then it runs fine. The worst offender on that phone was turning the Wifi on and off. Turning it on (after all updates are installed) causes the phone to freeze for 10-20 seconds.

On the 5.1 the keyboard stops responding to every other key press at times. That's been my only gripe so far to be honest but it's incredibly frustrating.

I didn't study the article but it sounds like the idea is that the AM amplifier will cause an induced current in the speaker. No idea if that's true or not though

Come on. There's quite a difference between the police following the law, and people being lead to their death.

If you disagree with the police following the law, what alternative would you suggest?

While I agree with all of those things, I can only choose one thing. The protest is to call for a ceasefire on Gaza, so my sign will reflect that.

Out of interest, do you think Israel's response to the attack by Hamas is disproportionate?

As of today:

  • approximately 10,000 fatalities in Palestine
  • approximately 1,200 fatalities in Israel


Israelis deserve peace, and Palestinians definitely deserve better

Absolutely with you!

But it is their responsibility as a people to make their situation better.

Ok, hang on...

What do you mean by this? Whose responsibility? Palestinians? They have a responsibility to improve their situation....

Israel is an occupying force. Surely Israeli forces and settlers should leave occupied West Bank to start with. Then there can be a discussion about how Palestinians can improve their situation.

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Or Tuta(nota) are good!

Thanks for sending these over.

I completely agree by the way that we should not condemn an entire population because of their government!

/s right? ... right??

Not yet! But you can make a difference to that...

Pure Browser, and then I disable Javascript.
Give it a try! Browsing the internet is lightning fast, and for pages that need Javascript I just load them in my other browser (Ecosia)

Some great answers above/below:

  • ACAB - of course! ALL cops!
  • Cops work for the billionaire class. They do the bidding of their masters - yep, sure
  • Police protect property, not people - so true


The police are there to enforce the law. Are all police officers perfect, no. Is anyone perfect, no.

My point being, you should want the police to follow the law and enforce it. From the article, they were enforcing a law around the Public Order Act.

So doesn't the problem really exist with those who make the law, not those who enforce it?

(Ok, I'll get off my high horse now)

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