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Joined 13 months ago

Looks like others have already mentioned most of my favourites, but one I feel deserves special mention: Newpipe.

Haven't used the main YouTube app or website in years!

Not sure if creepy or flirty, but once when nursing my too many-th beer for the night at my local, a lady walked up, stroked my face and said "you're so cute and alone" then disappeared into the strobe-lit night.

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Settings records for most 'once in a lifetime' events. We #1!

To this day, still not really sure how I felt. Confused maybe?

Smirnoff Double Blacks for me. Was the poison of choice for many as it was one of the first alchopops with 1.8+ standard drinks in a bottle. The mere sight of them makes me shudder.

Right? Glad it wasn't just me.

Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time. Super Mario 64 was my first "3D" so to speak, but OoT took that to the next level. The feeling of wonder when I first left the Lost Woods and came out into the field will never be topped.

Agree on fast travel if immersion is your thing.

In the same vein as cloaks, bring back robes. Hell yes I want people to think I'm a wizard.

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Bit of FUD surrounding it, but Nova Launcher was acquired by an analytics company called Branch a year or so ago.

Bit of an odd one, but after the Nova Launcher fiasco I tried several launchers also listen in this thread but landed on Hyperion Launcher in the end. Simple, clean and supports icon themes. Did the trick for me.

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$90 for 100/20 in Sydney, Australia. I have FttP, but can't come up with a legitimate need for >100mbs at the moment

Or a 'Lad Bag' in the local dialect.