1 Post – 24 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Vietnamese grad student, free software enthusiast and hydro homie

  • Flare: best hack and slash RPG
  • Hedgewars: best coffee break
  • Neverputt (from Neverball): also coffee break but peaceful
  • SuperTuxKart: fun racing game if you have a controller
  • Extreme Tux Racer: relaxing skiing
  • Xonotic: most popular fast-paced FPS
  • Red Eclipse: similar, but parkour!

Pleroma and Akkoma FE can also display conversations as trees.

I think group is to be implemented in Mastodon soon™. Qoto's fork already did, and some other microblogging implementations like GNU Social and Frendica had supported such feature since before Mastodon (the software) even existed.

I use mpv with yt-dlp.

I subscribe to:

  • Blogs I find interesting
  • Blogs of personal friends
  • Projects' blogs and announcements
  • Changes to codebase I need to closely monitor (e.g. things I host)
  • Videos, mostly on YouTube, but also my PeerTube feed
  • Web comics

My taste is mainstream enough that I just go with Wikipedia from artists I already know, and once a year, the Grammys.

if I sent you a private message, is that viewable in plain text by not just the instance owner we’re both on


other federated instances too?

Not by design, but instances can misbehave.

private messaging over AP

Private is misleading here: for messaging to be private, no third party should be able to read the messages. In practice, this usually requires end-to-end encryption.

I use Liferea, which

  • Discovers web feeds from web page's alternate link
  • Embeds WebKit to render HTML in full
  • Supports RSS comments
  • Has configurable enclosure handler, so I can open YouTube in mpv
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I've been using for a few years and it does what I expect. Recently I started a server on a VPS and it's easier than I thought.

doesn’t collect my data and its [sic] secure as well

To quote,

How can I trust you?

You can't. doesn't parse your E-mail to provide you with targeted ads, nor does read E-mail contents unless it's for a legal court order. However, it is 100% possible for me to read E-mail, and IMAP/SMTP doesn't provide user-side/client-side encryption, so you're just going to have to take my word for it. Any encryption implementation would still technically allow me to read E-mail, too. This was true for Lavabit as well -- while your E-mail was stored encrypted (only if you were a paid member, which most people forget), E-mail could still technically be intercepted while being received / sent (SMTP), or while being read by your mail client (IMAP). For privacy, we recommend encrypting your E-mails using PGP using a mail client add-on like Enigmail, or downloading your mail locally with POP and regularly deleting your mail from our server.

I use a web feed reader (Liferea) and open videos in mpv. Actually I usually open PeerTube videos in the browser to give it a thumb up and possibly help with delivery, but mpv can play them too.

The separation is pedantic, but you can have dynamic websites without JS or with free ones. The argument is basically the server-side software only see the data you input, but client-side malware can extract information or do other nasty things you can't observe or prevent.

isync can be used for archiving IMAP into maildir format, which is readable by all MUAs.

We use Maddy, which is pretty easy to set up.

static sites [are] not suitable for any business or professional use

I wouldn't agree with this statement, there are plenty of businesses and professionals who are only on the interwebs to share their contact, biography or product knowledge base.

That being said, there are VPS providers running on libre software like which I use and can recommend. There should be more out there but I don't keep track them, sorry.

There's much thinner chance there exists a registrar caring about thee or thy software freedom though. People at, LLC talks about setting up one but so far it's just talks.

OpenNIC registrar (only be.libre seems to be functional) work without JS and thou can prolly ask them to license the site freely but non-ICANN domains are not practical for business or professional use due to the low adoption.

The question wasn't about avoiding installing but running proprietary software.

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[implementations] are only either partially compatible: pixelfed posts can be viewed and boosted on mastodon but won't display past the first four images

To be precise, this happens for posts between Mastodon and Pleroma too, and it's how improbability or standards simply is. Take W3C for example, some web sites work on Chromium, some on Firefox, and most on both. Or ProtonMail has its own E2EE scheme but still can communicate with other providers. Or a cars and horses both runs on asphalt and dirt roads, but some configurations do better than the others.

not compatible at all: afaict, despite kbin being activitypub based, there is no connection between it and any other activitypub software

Not sure about Kbin, perhaps due to its immaturity, but group are known to work across implementations specialized for it (count Lemmy in as well), and those focus on microblogging, or both, e.g. Frendica.

some of this can be easily chalked up to very different modes of interaction but if that's the case, why advertise as being part of the fediverse when that's only somewhat true? is it just for Buzzword points?

The ability to access to the same infrastructure (i.e. fedi or all interconnected roads) even if less efficiently regardless of what one has is important for a society where people are truly free to choose where to live and who to do business with.

even some sort of shared identity system (hold on while i reinvent openid) would do a lot to mitigate this! but if i want to use pixelfed, i need a pixelfed account in addition to my mastodon account.

Seconded, it would be ideal if implementations are views of the network from the same endpoint. It would require an overspecifying protocol like Matrix instead of underspecifying like ActivityPub or XMPP for a backend to get hold of all necessary data, but that comes with the cost of making optimizations (which require context) incredibly difficult, e.g. in case of PeerTube. IMHO it's not something reasonably achievable, but technology is just part of the equation:

if anything, it's maybe kinda worse because twitter and instagram at least don't pretend that they're compatible, and i don't have to pick a Twitter or an Instagram, there's just one and i know that it'll be the same one my friends are on.

(As an outsider I don't see any functional difference between Twitter and Instagram, but let's say it's Facebook vs Spotify), as stated you won't have to choose between the N friends on X and M friends on Y. Though it might be harder to communicate with those on Y if you're on X, it's better than abandoning them. It's better, yet entirely optional, to be on both.

why the fediverse is better than centralized solutions

More importantly, improbability is future proof. New and presumably doper shits come along and share the same large user base. Old shits can stick around and people their can still connect. No more reliance on network effect and oligopolistic power to force feed ads, mass surveil, manipulate or roll out predatory pricing. Sure, not everyone can make use of the same features, even if that has any significance, socializing ranks higher in the priority list.

many of the problems that exist on centralized platforms (content can disappear at any moment, you are at the whims of the admins, etc etc) exist on the fediverse too, and there aren't a ton of benefits beyond "you can host your own."

Ditto, although it's beneficial to view it in a different angle. Self-hostable isn't just about everyone can just spawn up a server. That's just P2P communication when it comes to social networking. Federation is more than that: though fediblock is a thing, being able to choose your alliance means you can have an admin respecting you and being able to connect with people with different associations, all while minimizing maintenance effort.

Decentralized system also means socially decentralized redundancy, which allows for data preservation even when intentionally removed (by a third party; right to be forgotten is another issue which requires cooperation on data handling;-)

"you can export your follower list and force everyone to follow you on a new account" is not account migration. until there is any story for migrating content, claiming that account migration exists is misguided at best and actively deceitful at worst.

Agreed. Just let's not make perfect be the enemy of good. Not saying there'll every be practical data migration across service providers, given the immense amount of moderation backlog when lack of personal trust from the admin; only wanna point out no centralized service even allow migrating one's network.

Is it an aggregator? How about directly subscribing to web feeds?

there is an easy way to give each container it’s own IP so you don’t have to worry about port conflicts

I solve this by running services on the same OS and give them Unix sockets but I'm probably unhinged.

If you have a static IPv6 address you can host your own authoritative DNS locally and use it for IPv4.

Its market share defeats the point of self-hosting.

guess which type of person prefers which rhetoric

The answer would surprise you, see The Righteous Mind for elaborations, but TL;DR while the US Republicans succeed at capturing morally more diverse population, especially (and ironically) the rural and working-class, the US Democrats still fail to cater to or even acknowledge foundations other than care, liberty and fairness.

Gandy or namecheap

I'm pretty sure they require proprietary client-side scripts to function as well.

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I get thy stand on this, personally I also have to compromise my software freedom to register my domains, but again OP asked to avoid X and saying after doing X you won't have to is not answering the question.

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Ah yes, I bet thou canst also skip the booting part when thou runst software on thy compooter. And Jehovah (or an idol of thy choice) forbids any configuration or upgrade requiring a reboot.

Any domain registrar/hosting provider that does not require propietary software to run?

If thou dissectst this even more clearly thou wouldof noticed OP asked about running a domain registrar or hosting provider, not using their service. Also the word was propietary.

Now, if thou excuse OP's imperfect English thou can find a clearer description below:

one that can be used without running nonfree programs

Like virginity, it's either with or without innit, or doth thou prefer thy olive oil lightly fucked?