4 Post – 262 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Cable TV exists

Customers hate it and people start pirating

Netflix comes around, other streaming services

People happy, piracy goes down

Streaming services go back to the way cable was, increased prices, reduced content, started bundling shit you don't want.

Customers start pirating again

Surprised Pikachu face

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Why even give this a-hole the time of day? We should all just ignore him.

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Chappelle has been a hack since the end of Chappelle's show IMO. He got way too full of himself and basically thought he was the greatest shit since sliced bread. And then he resorted to being a piece of shit edgelord to try and claw back any standing he had through shock humor and it's just sad. Then of course he played the victim and said he was being cancelled. Nah Dave, you're just an unfunny piece of shit.

So you want the company that licensed the patents to the Linux kernel for open source use to have to sue Nvidia for wrongly using their code? You want the company to have to spend a bunch of money suing Nvidia and possibly lose which would open the flood gates to more closed source code leeching off the Linux kernel?

Yeah that's going to make them want to keep licensing their IP to the Linux Foundation (which they're probably doing for free).

Or the maintainers can just submit a fairly simple patch to ensure that the kernel and the patents are being respected. Do you really think the first approach is the way to go?

Nope, they'd rather scream about "not voting for the lesser of two evils" full well knowing that if they don't that the likelihood of Trump becoming president and having MUCH worse policies for the Palestinians becomes much greater.

But hey, why care about the realities of a situation when you can scream about principles or something?

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Also I guess losing the majority on SCOTUS and losing abortion rights was just a "hypothetical scenario" when people like you refused to vote for Hillary in 2016?

When will you people learn that, yes, elections have consequences.

Trying to pretend like they might not and Trump might somehow not be worse is being deliberately obtuse and sticking your head in the sand. Wake up and smell the reality.

Please tell me about your hypothetical future where you don't vote for Biden. Please explain to me what your best case scenario and outcome look like in that situation? Please tell me, what are you working towards?

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What kills me are the people whose preferred form of government is not currently the most popular form of government somehow think that after a revolution that their preferred form of government will win out. They're delusional. In most cases the government gets worse, much worse, before it gets better.

Lol could Unity have bungled this any harder??

How does this work with local laws regarding 2 party recording? If you're on a video call and this records the other party without their permission, that is AFAIU illegal in many states in the US. I'm sure in parts of Europe as well.

Git = bittorrent

GitHub = the pirate bay

Code = content

Even that's not the perfect analogy but it's better than the OP.

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The article says nothing about the sugars being refined and even references animals in hibernation which clearly don't consume refined sugars. Neither the article nor the full text from the journal even mentions the word "refined".

On the flip side, if the genders were changed in this situation and the guy only wanted the woman because of superficial reasons like she was attractive or popular, how many people would be saying "he got what he deserves"

This is definitely one of those double standard situations. While we shouldn't be victim blaming, I think there's something to be said for calling out people who are willing to throw away an existing relationship or form a new relationship just because an "influencer" came up to them and they thought they were rich. And I think that's what the poster you are responding to was getting at.

Sorry but Android != Desktop. It's literally in the name. No one is running Android as their desktop OS, except for the 7 Dex users on the planet.

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Ads on cable channels first happened in 1971. I doubt most people on here were born yet then.

Can't steal something you don't own. And people should never forget you don't own anything on these platforms.

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So far

Those are some interesting qualifiers. It's only been 2 days so maybe that's why it's not "significant" yet.

When morons like you throw around the word fascist it loses all meaning. Fucking too busy calling Biden a fascist to prevent the actual fascist from gaining office. The irony is palpable.

If you think you're going to change anything by not voting or voting third party then I have a bridge I'd love to sell you and decades of American history I'd like you to read.

Please explain to me what action you're going to take and how that's going to lead to positive change?

It was a kernel regression that caused the issue, not sure that is entirely their fault. I would think that's more on AMD and the kernel devs.

Except that's not how this works if you were ever in a position to actually verify employment. Every company ever will specifically tell their employees to just confirm whether or not the person used to work there and that's it.

Anything else opens the company up to a lawsuit for slander. The employee is already gone. No company is going to risk a lawsuit just to warn another company of a bad employee.

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RIP to everyone in a subway car with some asshole that has this phone.

principal Skinner meme "Is it me who is committing war crimes? No it's the entire world that's wrong!"

The study doesn't make any discussion about "refined fructose" AFAICT. So I don't see how that would make a difference. They even reference the fact that it happens to hibernating animals, which are obviously eating fruits and natural fructose and not refined fructose.

InB4 "If everyone returned their shopping carts it would eliminate jobs" idiots come into the thread.

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But then the company doesn't get to charge you 1500% markup on the cost of it every couple weeks/months so it'll never happen.

Hibernation into swap files backed by Btrfs are now supported.

I know Btrfs people have been waiting for this for quite a while.

It's a rule in English that "and I" is only used when it's the subject not the object of a sentence. (Subject is the thing doing the action, and the object is the thing being acted upon)

The proper way to say this would be "she's coming over me and my girlfriend's movie night" because "she" is the subject in this sentence since she is the one "coming over".

Hope that makes sense.

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Actually yes:

Tucked inside the National Defense Authorization Act (H.R. 6395), which just became law, is a new requirement for federal military and civilian law enforcement personnel involved in the federal government’s response to a “civil disturbance” to wear visible identification of themselves and the name of the government entity employing them.

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
     Because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
     Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
     Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Do tell, what overbearing regulations did Dollar Tree and Family Dollar lobby for? They don't really do anything different from any normal retail space so I don't see how that's really a feasible explanation in this scenario.

I guess my only comment is that even if being kept inside all the time is bad for cats (which is really yet to be seen, cats live much longer lives on average indoors, but I guess it depends on what you mean by "good" for cats) you still can't justify bringing an invasive species into an area where they're not meant to be and justify it by saying "it's bad for their health". Then let cats be outside where they're native. Let them be outdoors in Europe where they're not as much of a threat and prey is more adapted to them. But letting them be outside in places like the US because it might be better for their health while it's been proven to be bad for the health of hundreds of other species is silly, and I think anyone that is looking at it objectively can agree with that.

Yeah that's a lot of work. That's why I just sail the high seas and put stuff on Plex.

It's true, but the amount of plastic in the cans is pretty negligible, especially compared to plastic bottles and the aluminum can is still by far the most recyclable beverage container.

Also there are new linings that don't use plastic but natural materials called oleoresinous linings but they're not good for acidic things so they're not very wildly used.

That's not entirely true. In the early days they used wax to line the cans because steel still leaves a taste in the drink. It just didn't work very well and also caused carbonation issues as the CO2 diffused into the wax.

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Remember how Russia forced Navalny's plane to land in a different country so they could arrest him? Not that I agree with the action, but it might not be a bad idea for Europeans and Netanyahu. Just sayin'.

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Lol I'm sure they're talking all about it but it's not gonna make anyone leave. People's convenience and enjoyment will always trump any sort of morality.

This. This seems to be the argument that Nintendo is hinging on. In order for Yuzu to play the games properly you need a prod.keys file. I guess Nintendo is claiming that the keys in this file are owned by them and it's illegal to have that number much in the same way the number used to represent the C code for decoding DVD copy protection is illegal:

I am no lawyer but seems tenuous when you can run a program to get the prod.keys from your own console. Especially when that code is legal and exists on GitHub:

My understanding of "based" from years and years ago was that it was used as an exclamation when people essentially weren't afraid to speak their minds even if they're likely to get shit for said opinion.

That's why it's gotten associated with the alt-right because it was usually bigoted douchebags saying bigoted shit that other bigots would then respond "based" to. I feel like the terminology was associated with 4chan in its early usage and spread to reddit.

I believe your definition that is popular with Gen Z is a newer development.

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Unlike the rest of our legal system that presumes innocence by default, IP law does the opposite.

The criminal legal system is built on the presumption of innocence. The civil legal system, which the DMCA falls under, certainly does not put presumption of innocence first in MANY circumstances.

They're talking about packages you install, not the ISOs.