10 Post – 103 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The cod was believed to be the king of the fish. I hope to live up to the name šŸŸ

Shameless plug for my community ! which I think is quite neat. Best gaming community imo

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My girlfriend finds showering and bathing extremely painful due to several very severe skin conditions. Sheā€™s also allergic to almost every deodorant that doesnā€™t cost a ridiculous amount. She doesnā€™t sweat a whole lot so itā€™s usually not an issue, and can get away with only one shower a week usually. Her conditions are pretty rare so Iā€™m not saying everyone who doesnā€™t shower regularly has what she has, but there might be factors at play for some that give them legitimate reason not to shower. Or it could just be laziness

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Well in this case itā€™s quite clever since heā€™s literally surfing the web

Mechanical watches. Most people donā€™t understand just how expensive they can get, outside of the ones with diamonds all over them, nor why theyā€™re so expensive. Most people also donā€™t understand how expensive it is to be allowed to buy certain models, depending on the model and the dealer youā€™re buying from. Also, watch repairs and regular servicing of mechanical watches is something most people donā€™t consider, and the price of tools if you want to do it yourself can be very expensive and require a lot of skill.

I collect wrist watches and intend on learning watch repair soon ish

Personally Iā€™d like to see more content over at ! . Full disclosure, Iā€™m a mod there, but I do think itā€™s the best gaming community here

One of the advantages of being a patient gamer for sure. Shoutout to !

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Wait you guys get internet for ā‚¬13/month? cries in Canadian

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Not sure if youā€™d call it a hobby or more of a collection but I collect mechanical wrist watches and that can get expensive fast.

I started with a mechanical under $100, with a decent movement and a display back case so I could see the gears and rotor inside, and that couldā€™ve been it. But once you get the bug, you want to get different types of movements, different case sizes, maybe some complications, sooner or later youā€™re going to start wanting some hand finishing, and then it gets really expensive. I wanna get into mechanical watch repair too but that gets really expensive and takes a lot of skill and time so Iā€™m going to hold off a few years I think. Plus once I go there, thereā€™s no coming back. Iā€™ll be buying broken stuff on eBay constantly and there goes all my paycheques

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Or donate them to those in need

My first thought was r/USDefaultism. I wonder if thereā€™s a community here with the same premise?

Edit: There is now.

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My girlfriend loves to watch me play games. She likes to do ā€œcommsā€ as she says, where she researches tough boss guides, cool weapon locations, etc while I play. Itā€™s interactive for her, and she doesnā€™t have to learn how to play the game (she doesnā€™t enjoy most video games and finds them frustrating). One of her favourites was Elden Ring, but really any RPG is a ton of fun for her. My dad used to watch me play video games sometimes too when I was younger, and he liked the Fallout games specifically.

Very logical answer. What are some of your old favourites you like to emulate?

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Hey, mod here. Guilty as charged, I honestly havenā€™t played much in months so itā€™s been hard to come up with good posts. I do read everyone elseā€™s posts though, but not every day. Iā€™ll try to comment more frequently and check in more often too.

As for the monthly games thread, thatā€™s been the other mod, Iā€™ve been patiently waiting for a new post for a while but havenā€™t seen one from him. I might take over that duty if the most recent post hits 3 months without update.

If thereā€™s anything youā€™d like from this sub Iā€™d love to hear it!

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Thereā€™s lots of late 90ā€™s-early 2000ā€™s answers here. Youā€™re definitely not alone in that thought

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Time for crab

I havenā€™t had much time for games lately unfortunately but when I have found a few minutes here or there, I finally started Morrowind. Iā€™m thinking of making a post about it soon, but itā€™s still an awesome game 21 years later

Micro-transactions and pay-to-win are reason enough, those are some of the worst things to come to video games

Iā€™ve only played Black Mesa, and did so just last year. I havenā€™t played the original but had a ton of fun with the remake. I gotta try the second one soon

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By the time I get to playing a series usually several games in that series have come out. I usually play games that are 5+ years old, I donā€™t have time to keep up with current releases and thatā€™s more expensive anyway. Playing on a multi-year delay keeps me away from over-hype of game releases and by the time I play them theyā€™re patched, have all dlc, whatever else is applicable. I donā€™t do it for every game obviously but itā€™s my typical way of buying games

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I get half and pay double, and thought that was quite reasonable

What are your cellular plans like?

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Thereā€™s some great games for that. My friendā€™s dad had one we used to play on as kids, and always had a great time. Got any favourite games?

ā‚¬20 per year? Thatā€™s crazy. My girlfriend and I share a plan and combined pay almost $150 (about ā‚¬100) per month (so $75 = ā‚¬50 per month each)

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During the summer it can get up to 30, during the winter down to -20 ish. -5 up to 20 is the normal range though. Not sure how but she rarely sweats. Sheā€™s always freezing cold. Her sweat also doesnā€™t really smell much, not sure if thatā€™s a pH balance or what, idk much about that.

I keep starting a playthrough but have never gone through it all. Same with NV. I really enjoy the couple of hours Iā€™ve put in but canā€™t seem to get around to finishing a playthrough. I enjoy it but never get hooked. Not sure why. Theyā€™re definitely very well made games though and Iā€™m jealous of everyone who has it as one of their favourite games

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Oh man that mustā€™ve been a great time. Very jealous you got to experience that being brand new!

Same here. ā€œBless your heartā€ usually means thank you

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Honestly PC white cheddar is very good

Great choices! Some classics there for sure

Iā€™ve got 5 days off work for Christmas so maybe Iā€™ll start up a new playthrough and try to push through the initial stages. Got any advice?

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Listening to my Christmas playlist. The current song is The Offspringā€™s cover of ā€œBaby (Please Come Home)ā€

Edit: Next song to come on is Dexter Gordonā€™s cover of ā€œThe Christmas Songā€ which is totally underrated. Itā€™s a very good instrumental cover of the classic Christmas tune if you ask me

I definitely prefer Mirrorā€™s Edge 1, and Catalyst was my first so itā€™s not because of nostalgia. I just think 1 was done much better. But Catalyst is still a really fun game, and definitely worth it on sale. Just donā€™t expect it to be as good

That was a great read. As someone born within that timeframe I didnā€™t really live through it much, so I donā€™t have much experience with it, but I like to get a glimpse at what it was like through comments like yours!

I feel like once good Lemmy apps exit betas and go to the App Store itā€™ll be bigger. Memmy is great, super user friendly. Once people can get access to it without jumping through hoops (TestFlight, not that complicated but maybe more than what the average user is willing to do), and once the app is ironed out (already most of the way there), itā€™ll be a much easier shift for a lot of people

Hey thanks! Glad you like it :)

Appreciate the tips, thanks! Iā€™ll be on the lookout for acid damage weapons or ammo, or whatever affects it.

About $40/mo. for 100mbps for wifi. Cellular, I share with my girlfriend who gets a discount through work, we share 200GB for about $150/mo.

Duly noted. Appreciate it

Does anyone know of any apps for Lemmy on iOS? Iā€™m using Mlem and Memmy through Test Flight, as well as the Lemmy web app as explained in the post, but Iā€™d like to know if thereā€™s any more I could test out as well

I do in fact own the dlc. I donā€™t know anything about it though, but Iā€™ll definitely be giving it a try