1 Post – 40 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Surely you mean

Because ICANN

Something something make it double

Reminds me of when I aliased 'man' to 'rtfm'

10 more...

Libretube. Get v0.19 or higher, youtube just screwed around with its code and broke v0.18. I love how it works with sponsor block to even skip those "this video is brought to you by xyz incorporated, be sure to Yada Yada Yada..." segments.

My son was premature and racked up 14 days in the NICU. The hospital (which is 'legally a charity' billed $250,000.00. We were low-income with no employer-provided medical insurance, so the state Medicare provider got to pay a reduced rate of that.

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I don't know, I've still been seeing that a lot on Lemmy, too.

Pavement princesses, brodozers with mall-wheel-drive, only used to transport Big Macs. Never done a days work in its life. And none of their drivers know (or care) how to park such a monstrosity in a standard parking space without taking up 2 or more spots. The embodiment of modern entitlement. They are the main character.

Good evening. Tonight's nightmare/night terror is brought to you by

+1 Libretube, android 14, UK (VPN) originating in California

Good human.

I noodled with my 'cutout' settings in developer options and had this sort of thing happen. Even if you don't have a punch hole camera on the pixel 4 (I honestly don't remember if it does), if your version of Android has settings for this, it can render the UI above or below the specified viewing area.

I know this is the nav bar though, but it's worth a shot.

Settings > Developer options* > Display cutout

*you may need to 'become a developer' to view these options first.

Best of luck!

"clipped" - you just reminded me of that episode of House, where the clinic patient (tw: gross) has been using his toenail clippers to trim his nose hair, and he developed a fungus.

PSA - Buy a trimmer specific for that purpose.

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You can't uninstall Chrome most likely, but maybe your stock/rom will allow you to "disable" it.

You're looking for the Python interpreter as Python does not compile (unless you want to get pedantic about .pyc files). Here's probably your best resource -

I'm subscribed to a few meme communities, a few news communities and special interest. I browse on Subscribed and if I see no fresh posts I look through All for a bit. If I see nothing of interest/new then I stop lurking for a bit and come back later.

If you're seeing too much xyz, it's because you're subscribed to too many xyz communities.

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Same thing where I am (CHP)...

Honestly though, they exhibit the worst driving 'skills'/behaviour. Definitely not leading by example.

Not to mention you get a whole year trial for free without ever entering your card number. I eventually bought the lifetime membership before the year was out (thanks to another life-changing app - YNAB which helped me budget through the year to purchase it)

And then hoodwink people into upgrading with the promise of Material You themes 🙄

I hope Chromium-based Vivaldi is still okay. I'm pretty invested in some of its features (though I have to admit it is getting more bloaty).

Press and hold? I hadn't thought about that idea to be honest, I'll have to try that next time. I use Vivaldi on both Android and desktop, which is based on Chromium (the open source project base for Google Chrome).

Edit - just tried it, didn't work for me. It's not an option in my menu. I'll try and figure out the dev console on mobile and post here if I figure it out.

Sounds like doublespeak to me. "we will grant your request except for where we won't, because of reasons affecting x y and z, but not condition a"

If it doesn't have to be FOSS, I got the paid-once version of Today Weather, you can choose multiple data sources and it works with lots of countries, includes radar,, pollen count, Sun and moon rise and set, air quality, and is very pretty.

Seems like the server side infrastructure is already there, and the clients just need to integrate it. It's not as simple as an API call though but I guess it utilizes the Don't Repeat Yourself and keep it simple (stupid) software development principles. Would be good to see this implemented

I mean yesterday I saw one use its turn signal and everything.

Same here! I checked OP's Lemmy profile and didn't see the repost yet.

Unfortunately I have tried FOSS for this too, but have only been able to get all my boxes ticked (pardon the expression) using TickTick - I love it, but it is of course premium and proprietary and

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It should be Beanz, but fine, have an upvote.

A classic.

On instances where downvoting is disabled, the button serves no purpose and will now not be displayed unless the instance permits it. The existence or absence of the downvote button is feedback on whether or not posts can be downvoted.

If the button is not displayed then < your particular Lemmy instance > is the one to be accused of going the way of Youtube.

Interestingly though, since you're posting from, I checked the list and your instance does allow downvoting. Maybe it's a bug for !

I on voyager 1.2.0 and downvote button appears for me btw.

I see that with Lexus SUVs more than the sedans though. But they definitely deserve to make the list.

Yes - I'm considering this about myself recently, that I have been undiagnosed ASD and ADHD. Try the test on the ADHD Centre's website, and cross-reference with the Aspie test perhaps. Then if you get positive results, take these to your local (or even the ADHD centre or another nearby private clinician, since the waiting times could be quite long 3-10 years in the UK).

I can definitely relate to those issues and it matches with my yet-unconfirmed, highly suspected case of AuDHD. It's quite common to have both.

Did you mean Buick? That's not my experience at all.

The least annoying reader on Android I've found is moon reader pro. It feels a lot worse to me than maple reader on iOS though.

Try Librera from F-Droid. I only wanted a pdf reader, and got that and an epub reader/ebook manager too. Apparently it's also good for music manuscript too but I haven't used it for that.

I miss the Shifty Jelly era of Pocket Casts. App updates were so much fun, reading the changelog. Who even owns it now? I still use it but I'm nostalgic fonthr old black & red days when it was still indie.

Stock android without an unlocked bootloader will not give you access to the hosts file, and there shouldn't be a firewall you don't know about. Can you run a vbox or live USB on another machine on your network to see if it will see the server?

I just saw you already answered about the same gateway and mask. Hm. I'm thinking there's probably a janky setting on your router, that's the only place I can think of that might have a poorly configured or unconfiugred firewall. Especially if it works on the cellular using the VPN.

Good luck with it, I'm sorry I don't have the exact answer!

Edit - just saw your edit. Computing is like that sometimes! Glad you got it working. 👍

No, unless you consider manual csv.

There is a Web app that runs nicely in Firefox.

A vote for the little guy, i love simply, "Tasks" by developer Pocket Brilliance Limited. It's material design is just so pleasing to use and I'm happy to support an independent developer with my annual subscription for shared lists and other premium features.

It is free otherwise, if you don't want those bells and whistles.

404 😔

You could try changing your host server's IP address and see if it still has the same issue (maybe it's added to a hosts file, or perhaps you installed no root firewall?) Can you ping from your server? Not sure if ICMP echo traffic would be blocked by Android however.

Do both your server and phone have the same gateway/subnet mask?

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That is a fact. But they can screw each other, if they're old enough. But they'r still classified as kids. "Adolescent kid" is a subjective term, and I would even suggest raising the age higher than 16: until they're legally adults.

I think the question is coming from a "why is it different in different countries" point of view.

I'm not going to Google it and put myself on a watch list, but I think I recall hearing some back-asswards country where the age of "consent" was 14, or some even lower. Culturally that doesn't make any sense to me - but then i agree with you that kids shouldn't be screwer nor screwee.

The other ages are interesting too - in the UK we wait for our teens to grow up a bit before putting them behind the wheel of a car. The driving age is 18 - and forget even getting affordable insurance until you're 25 anyway.

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Always has been