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Our new flagship distro: Fedora Asahi Remix - Asahi Linux 8–10 minutes

You’ve all been waiting for it, many of you have guessed, and now, as announced at Flock To Fedora, it’s time to make it official:

The new Asahi Linux flagship distribution will be Fedora Asahi Remix!

We’re confident that this new flagship will get us much closer to our goal of a polished Linux experience on Apple Silicon, and we hope you will enjoy using it as much as we’re enjoying working on it.

We’re still working out the kinks and making things even better, so we are not quite ready to call this a release yet. We aim to officially release the Fedora Asahi Remix by the end of August 2023. Look forward to many new features, machine support, and more! In the Beginning

From the start of the Asahi Linux project, our goal has been to bring full Linux support to Apple Silicon machines, across all distributions. Supporting new hardware like this, especially hardware this special in the relatively young embedded ARM64 desktop Linux space is no easy task, and involves a huge amount of reverse engineering, development, and integration work, spanning all the way from bootloaders to desktop audio servers!

Much of our initial work focused on the kernel and bootloaders, which can be shared between distros. But as we started reaching the point where kernel support was enough for a (bare-bones) usable system, we still had a lot of distro integration work left. Making hardware work out of the box requires a bunch of subtle integration engineering, as well as working together with userspace-level projects to improve them and add the features we need for these systems.

Our goal is for all distros to eventually integrate all this work, so that users can use their choice of distro and be confident that it will work well on their machine. But, in order to kick off this process, we had to prototype what this integration looks like, which meant we had to create our own distro.

And so, the Asahi Linux Arch Linux ARM remix was born. We took Arch Linux ARM, added our own overlay package repository, and packaged all of our integration work there. Notably, this is a fully downstream project: we have no significant involvement with upstream Arch Linux ARM or Arch Linux, and we directly use the Arch Linux ARM package repositories for the core distro. Our overlay just adds integration scripts, bootloader components, extra userspace support packages (for things like audio), and our forked kernel and Mesa packages.

This worked well to bring Asahi Linux out into the world and the hands of eager users, but it was but a step along the way to our ultimate goal. After all, maintaining bespoke downstream distro remixes is a chore, and we can’t rely on unofficial third-party support to bring our work to every other distro. We’ve always had our sights on deeper cooperation with upstream distros to bring Apple Silicon support directly to them as an officially supported platform, and the Arch ARM integration was mainly intended to serve as a reference for this.

It didn’t take long for some people to come knocking on our door… Fedora Reaches Out

Very soon after Asahi Linux started (well before our Arch ARM-based release), Neal Gompa joined our IRC channels and we started talking about working towards integrating our work into Fedora. This was the very first offer to officially collaborate with a major upstream distro, and we were very excited! The Fedora Asahi project started in late 2021, and work began in 2022 alongside the Arch ARM release.

Over the following year, we worked closely with the Fedora folks to fully integrate Apple Silicon support into Fedora, including all our custom packages, kernel and mesa forks, and special image packaging requirements, and now we’re finally on the final stretch before release. Upstream-First

The Fedora Asahi effort is upstream-first, just like all of our kernel and Mesa work. Our bespoke tools, like the m1n1 low-level bootloader and our asahi-scripts tools, are already in upstream Fedora repositories and available directly to all Fedora users (though they won’t do much if you install them on a non-Apple machine!). Meanwhile, our hardware enablement package forks are kept in COPRs maintained by the Fedora Asahi SIG, built and served from Fedora infra.

Collaborating with distro integration experts and using distro infra like this frees us up to continue focusing on what we do best: reverse engineer hardware and develop bespoke drivers and software. But not only that, it also means we can offer an even better experience for Linux on Apple Silicon users!

Working directly with upstream means not only can we integrate more closely with the core distribution, but we can also get issues in other packages fixed quickly and smoothly. This is particularly important for platforms like desktop ARM64, where we still run into random app and package bugs quite often. ARM64 desktop Linux has been a niche platform (until now!), and with much less testing comes a higher propensity for bugs, so it’s very important that we can address these issues quickly. Fedora already has a very solid, fully supported ARM64 port with a large userbase in the server/headless segment, so it is an excellent base to build upon and help improve the state of desktop Linux on ARM64 for everyone.

We’re very happy to have this level of collaboration with Fedora, and the Fedora folks have been an absolutely amazing team throughout this whole effort. We want to thank Davide Cavalca, Eric Curtin, Leif Liddy, Neal Gompa, and Michel Alexandre Salim for kicking off the Asahi SIG and making this all possible. Racing to the Finish Line

We still have a lot of work to do, including integrating even more packages for new hardware support and more. Adventurous users can try out the Fedora Asahi Remix today, but please expect rough spots (or even complete breakage). We’re still very much in the process of integrating everything and a bunch of new features are coming, and things are expected to break while we get everything in shape. Please keep that in mind if you choose to try it ahead of time. We ask that reporters and bloggers wait for the official release before evaluating our work.

We hope you enjoy our efforts when the time for our first official Fedora Asahi Remix release comes. You may be wondering what new features are coming, but we’ll have to keep that a secret until release time (stuff isn’t even integrated yet, you’re not going to get a sneak peek even if you install early). Until then, please hang tight and look forward to the release!

marcan · 2023-08-02 Hi! It looks like you might have come from Hacker News. We've consistently found large numbers of comments containing blatant harassment, abuse, and bigotry directed at multiple Asahi Linux developers in HN comment sections, which go unmoderated for long periods of time or indefinitely. These abusive comments rank highly in search results for our project and the names of our developers, and continue to do so to this day.

In addition, we find that only a tiny fraction of HN comments (often less than 1%) actually engage with the substance of our articles, with the majority being off-topic, misinformative, repetitive, or otherwise of low quality, making the overall value of HN exposure overwhelmingly negative for our project.

We have tried to raise the issue of rampant abuse and low-quality discussion with HN mods, but instead of replying they added rel="noreferrer" to links to our site (specifically), to make it harder for us to block HN traffic. We sent a further email and explicitly pointed out a thread with multiple severe instances of directed, explicit harassment at one of our developers (including multiple allegations of mental illness, direct insults, misgendering, and transphobic dog whistles, all unmoderated and publicly visible and indexed). Some of these were removed weeks later (after being up for months), but they stopped responding after we pointed out even more instances of abuse.

At this point, we are forced to conclude that Y Combinator and Daniel Gackle are actively choosing to platform hate and harassment against open source developers, and further are actively working to evade blocking of this harassment by those targeted. For this reason, we are not interested in traffic or commentary from HN. Please move on to the next story.

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As an old fart it pretty cool to see some moving back to how things were. Smaller more personal spaces run by people instead of corporations.

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Im almost 60. So not just a teenage thing. Arrrr!

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14 years here and did the same. Deleted it all. And have not been back on reddit since jul 1. Im pretty happy with lemmy so far. And yea it feels like old reddit. Time will tell

They started cracking down on various way people got unlimited storage for free. Aome team drive changes i think.

Also pretty much killed the one user unlimited paid accounts. I had alot there and prices were going to be 500 mo. So i bought a bunch of hard drives and another synology. All local now.

this includes the hn drama.

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pivpn is glutun free.

Youre good. Self hosting is what you define it as. No one elses opinion of it matters.

I run a combo of homelab apps and vps apps.

All that matters is if it works for you

30 is just a baby. My son is 30. Im late 50’s.

I think older techies are just sick of all the bullshit regarding corporate aocial/web etc. A lot of us went to linux to escape windows hell for same reasons. Tech is abused to unfathomable levels so we do what we can to limit it.

If you are already a subscriber it stays at 14.99. Its a glitch. You’re grandfathered to existing cost

But. If you are a new subscriber then yea you’re screwed.

My first thought is the latest ai bots will destroy first level customer support jobs.

Xournal++ works well on desktop. Might give it a try

Its not like they have been communicating much in the last couple years

I really like remmina use it daily for work. Tabby is interesting but too heavy imho

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I went from rolling my own (proxmox then unraid) to synology 1019(2). I dont have the time to manage and tweak boxes anymore and the synos just work. 200 tb total and happy as a clam

you dont even need big old iron. I run all my containers etc on old business sff pcs and storage on synology. works great

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its really turning into a very good app. i love it

Its a very narrow view. And imho very wrong. There is no engagement on a blog post.

A forum or subreddit offers more than a blog post. I have friends still from the bbs days. Ive known 2 couples that met on reddit and are married. Cant do that with a blog post and comments

Dave the diver is main game right now. Just started chapter 2.

I never played botw as i went pc gaming back then. So i got botw and totk setup on my deck. They are next

This is why im on the hunt for a new distro. Looking at pop and fedora right now. Kinda prefer deb cause thats been my env for 15 yrs

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There is a steamdeck discord. Also search for games you like to play on discord. Theres likely a community for it and they usually have lfg

Second this best way to get started

Turn on captchas too.

I think the easiest is login to the docker and run the postgres client to run sql to delete users. I dont know how to differentiate between your bot and normal

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It really depends on the game. Some you wouldnt expect to be able to you can others the opposite.

Look at vacumn command. Also dbeaver is a teally good gui tool. Right now there is one table thats the main cause (i think its called activity but dont quote me on that there was a post about it)

That table is mainly for debugging as it logs every action in activitypub your instance does. I truncate it once a week and vacumn it (shrinks the disk space used). Caution. You must shut down lemmy before doing so. I run containers so i stop all except postgres and clean it up.

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Quest2 has issues in linux too. I cant get it to work. Im selling mine and getting a set of nreal glasses instead. Way more useful to me until linux vr support is solid in some headset

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Yea I ran a c64 bbs the went wwiv multiline. god the upgrade from 300baud to 14.4k or 19.2 felt like lightspeed..God im old

I went down that rabbit hole and really had no options that were satisfactory. I average almost a book every 10 days so it needs to just work. I got a kobo libra and love it. Supports all my formats and i sync over wifi with calibre-web

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Love the feed idea. Sorely needed

agreed 100%

What I wish would come back is really good COOP PVE. I ran a hugely popular ut2004 Invasion server that we wrote a custom mutator for (Sudvasion). I had a T1 line to my house that just ran the servers. We had a solid dedicated group of people from all over the world playing that 24/7. Was the pinnacle of gaming for me. 18 years later I still chat with some of the community via steam disc etc.

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What is it. Hate just links touting something without even a simple summary

that should be easily enough. My instance after a month and subbed to 120 communities is using about 1-2gb of disk space. 18.3 did a ton of work in performance.

look on github for ytdl-sub. awesome app

.to does not

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One of the big benefits is there are plugins for the app stores on various distros. So it makes it just simpler. For me there are flatpaks for what i use and easy to find.

Imho flatpaks have better integrations with menus etc

I use this for local news

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FOSS by default. Proprietary if an absolute must

And thats the problem. There is so much distrust in whats reported (we are all gonna die tomorrow) that people are just desensitized and ignore it. The point about telling it straight would go a long way but personally i have a hard time believing any of it is truly accurate and unbiased from any angle meaning the super alarmists vs super deniers.

Its an incredibly technical subject thats hard to make it into an understandable pure facts based position.

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