Coffee Junky ❤️

@Coffee Junky ❤️
0 Post – 52 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Wait YouTube had ads? 😉

Replacing TCP with something else isn't going to change anything to being tracked.

IP adresses aren't fixed (for most people), just disconnect your modem for a few hours and you'll probably get a new one.

You are being tracked by cookies, browser fingerprints, only being able to use a website after logging in, etc.

So this might solve some problems, it's not going to just give you privacy or make you untraceable.

Not so long ago a local news site was being DDOSed. The kid that did it thought he was so smart using a VPN. He bragged online how he could bring any website down (sending those messages from his VPN). Until he was dumb enough to keep his VPN open and open this news site in his browser, because he never logged out he was logged in automatically. So the website admin saw his (known) VPN IP and now knew his account. The account he used before from his actual IP.

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I'm not sure that has to be true. Like you can ask an AI to give you a picture of a sailboat on the moon, while it has not ever seen a sailboat on the moon.

It could be trained on photos that are not pornografic containing kids and images that are pornografic containing adults.

I actually had it the other way around, I wanted to learn to understand and speak Spanish a lot better. My wife is half Spanish and her family speaks zero English. Anyway started to learn with Duolingo and my Spanish did improve. But after a while I got to a point where most of the mistakes I made where spelling errors. I don't care how to spell in Spanish, I'm not going to write them, I just want to understand it and be able to respond. There is no option (afaik) to just learn the meaning of the words.

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Yeah, Opera tried but eventually just gave up and now uses Blink, Microsoft tried with Edge (Spartan) but gave up and now also uses Blink.

Blink is the render engine made for Chrome

Yeah exactly, I don't want to see it but the same goes for a lot of weird fetishes.

As long as no one is getting hurt I don't really see the problem.

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Same, sometimes Google sends me to Reddit, it's the only visits they get from me

Yeah I'm not surprised or angry about it, isn't this basically what has always happened? Like at some point we had elevator operators, some company automated the elevator and now there are basically zero elevator operators.

This is just happening all the time, like when I was a kid every gas station had people working at the station. Nowdays most stations around me are completely without workers, it's all self checkout (like supermarkets, McDonalds, etc).

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That one night where you do get a decent sleep , you'll wake up with a headache. Yay parenthood!

For me it's more the other way around, had a Twitter account for years. Didn't really use it much, a bit more in the last 2 years. Deleted my account after Elon took over.

Thanks the clickbait title really threw me off.

Have been using Firefox on Android for years, it's pretty good with a decent adblocker.

I don't have the answer, but this seems like yet another case why we need a difference between nsfw and porn. I think that is the real fix, porn and other stuff like swearwords aren't the same.

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Even before mobile phones, there where paid phone services, some about sex but some just to talk to people, that got people addicted.

I remember something called "the party line" where you would dial a paid number and you would be connected to sort of a group chat with some other people.

Some people even got in debt because of massive phone bills.

Don't we need a validator of some sort? To teach the ai when it's doing something right? I wonder how you train an AI on something you can't do yourself.

There is a reason I only watch YouTube on my phone or laptop and not my smart TV. Because we went from one ad every few videos to multiple unskippable ads per video. It has become worse than old cable TV.

That was a pretty poor tldr

Real tldr, lawyer gets angry at IT worker for asking if it's plugged in. IT worker goes to his office, plug wasn't in.

Who the hell fucking cares but even more bizarre, who the hell thinks this is worthy of being in a news paper (even if it's only online).

I really really liked this guy's video on note taking apps

It slowly spirals completely off the rails, in a great way

Electric, not really sure if this is a real question or sarcasm.

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Teams would possibly suck less, oh dear God how I hate teams with a passion, teams in Linux just fucking sucks.

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I work in software development, not sure why but most of the sysadmins and DevOps guys I know use Apple (phone and laptop). Most developers use Android (and usually Linux). Most testers use Android and Windows. This is purely from personal experience from the last few teams I worked in.

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Take CPUs for example, ARM CPUs where kind of a joke 20 years ago, but now they are taking over X86. So its actually not bad working on competing technologies. Even about cars there is an example like that, also maybe 20 years ago battery cars where kind of a joke, while hydrogen fuelcells where all the hype back in the day. While now it seems battery is definitely winning. Although maybe in the next 20 years this turned out to be completely wrong again.

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I have been using revanved for years, never really had major issues.

Also just not using the service isn't going to change anything. I think Reddit was a good example of how companies really don't listen to their users.

So I'll just keep using it without ads, once it doesn't work anymore I'll just switch to the next solution or stop using YouTube. I do have Nebula so maybe I'll just, only use that at some point.

Let me guess American? In Europe basically everyone uses Whatsapp, lots of people use Telegram some use signal. I use all of them.

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Not only that, taking action against open source for "national security" is definitely a road we should not go on! It's not that far away from Microsoft claiming Linux is going to give China an unfair advantage.

We also don't have the grid support for everyone to start charging at home. At least not where I live. At the moment even solar panels are becoming a problem, major peaks during sunny days, where energy prices even go negative and people with dynamic energy contracts turn panels off.

Is there something similar for java? Could use that

That's pretty cool, I was thinking about building my own thermostat a few years ago.

My previous one died and the company stopped making them. But what I really liked is that it was a "smart" thermostat that was made before the IoT age.

It was "smart" in a way that it had a motion sensor and basically just turned on the heating for 1 to 3 hours after it saw motion. The duration was something you could set yourself.

I really liked that concept, because I never had to change anything during a holiday or even a night in a hotel. If you aren't at home, no motion, no unnecessary heating.

The thermostat was in a pretty central place in our house so you would definitely trigger it every 2 hours when getting a drink or using the toilet.

I feel it's somewhere in the middle. Like your book example only works if you already have the book. If this is a model that is a few gigabytes of data, but it works for every movie or audio file it can still be useable. In that case it's not that you have to send the book first, but you do need to have the same dictionary.

Not sure how helpful this is but in the past I used a Firefox addon called check 4 change

You can let Firefox monitor a website in the background for change.

A con of this solution is that it only works when Firefox is running.

You could also try to maybe automate it with

Or something like this

I think it's almost 30 years ago I used that code and I still recognize it!

Getting things done is a method from David Allen, he wrote a book on it. It has been around forever and lots of people really like it. I listen to his audiobook every few years. Not really to fully adopt his method, but it will always inspire me to reset my chaos and find stricture again.

The audiobook is pretty easy to find if you want to buy it or torrent it.

It sucks that better alternatives like slack went from the big player to a small player only because of Microsofts power over businesses. If teams would win because it was actually a better product I'd be fine with that. But teams is just a pile of shit we are forced to use.

Yeah when I got my first smartphone and whatsapp wasn't around yet I had to pay like 10 or 15 cents per sms. So when WhatsApp became an option everybody and their mother jumped ship and joined. For a while sending an sms and getting back I'm on WhatsApp was a thing.

Nowadays I think sms is basically part of your plan an for most plans unlimited. But they milked it way too hard back in the day. So most people just don't use it at all.

Did you read the article? Because there is zero infighting and it's not about cars vs bikes. The article is basically just saying that everyone is looking at electric cars, but electric bikes and mopeds actually have much more impact at the moment. That is because in a lot of Asian countries these are the default mode of transport. It's way cheaper to replace fossil mopeds with ebikes and emopeds.

Also what do you mean not as many people can use them at the same time? These things have pretty small battery packs, you can just charge them at a regular socket in your house.

Also an ebike is way lighter than a car so the amount of microplastics is way less.

Your whole point about distance? The article starts that 60% of trips in the US are less than 10KM, easily done on an ebike or emoped.

Yeah, I use the unofficial cliënt that is just a webbrowser to make it seem like an actual app.

I can open teams in Chrome, but half of the features are missing and I'm not going to install Edge!

Did you see that John Oliver piece on Musk?

I tried obsidian, but the Android app is pretty terrible. So in the end I still use Google keep. I would definitely like a more open Foss option, but haven't found one that works on Linux and Android that I like.

I totally agree

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Not great bot, sorry...

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