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Joined 1 years ago

It’s wild how unhinged our society has become in such a short time

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It would be cool if these YouTubers could wait til the paper was peer reviewed and its results replicated before shooting their mouth off

Yeah that’s not just exclusive to white people

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If you aren’t going to shows and buying from the merch table, or buying directly from bancamp etc you aren’t supporting artists.That’s where the majority of their money comes from.

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She didn’t even convert to Islam until 2018, I doubt Trumps election has anything to do with it considering she’s not even American.

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I’ve probably only heard 1 of her songs the entire time I’ve been alive

Get outta here with your parasocial dynamics

What about comparing it to the UK which has similar problems to the US? barring medical but then again the Tory party are trying to privatize the NHS so not far off

Despite the point you are trying to makes, the kind of events you are describing make up a very small portion of gun violence. The majority of it is crime/gang related, or suicide. Not that that’s really any better, but schools and malls aren’t being shot up every week.

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Changed her name but kept Sinead as her stage/performing name. It’s not dead naming.

Sure, not because of Chernobyl, the national embarrassment of the failed soviet afghan war, the coup attempt on Gorbachov and the following turmoil causing Moscow to lose influence, followed by many republics declaring independence. but sure, just the profit/market economy

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Xubuntu or Fedora will do you fine

I mean, sure they are running for backend/infra, but its Ubuntu or RHEL with an enterprise subscription. Not RockyLinux or any community driven distro

Out of all the listed shootings this year on that site, only one was a “mass shooter in a school”, the rest occurred outside school, in a parking lot or off campus at an affiliated program because of disputes or other gang/criminal activity as violence between individuals

If you primarily consume content through Spotify or streaming you are supporting office with fractions of a penny per stream.

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That’s fine, just know that this has already been looked in to and reported on with rough numbers on what artists earn and artists themselves talking about it, and you have extremely rose tinted glasses on how all of that actually plays out and the amount of money musicians earn from streaming.

I too can go online and become ordained

Could easily argue that the winner of the Cold War was the US, considering the USSR collapsed through internal strife and balkanization.

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It has to be

All if the data is way more nuanced than you are willing to admit. You are very unlikely to get shot going about your daily life in america, or visiting. Just because the media hypes it up doesn't mean Americans fear for their lives everyday. You would be way more likely to get shot in Brazil, Guatemala, Mexico, Columbia, or by suicide by firearm in Canada, Australia or Germany

Now filter that by suicide and crime/gang related, and you will realize that the type of Maas shootings the public concerns itself about (school shootings, mall shootings etc) are a very small portion of gun violence and not as common as the media portrays them.

That measurement is ANY instance where 3 or more people are killed or injured, the motivation or background is completely removed from the data.

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Yeah but, america bad right? How dare you point out that other countries do fucked up shit as well

Yeah but, america bad right? How dare you point out that other countries do fucked up shit as well