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That's it, for Apple the mere mention is already too much. Why would anyone want compatibility if they also just could buy an Apple product?

Also the reason why ipads and Vision don't support multiple users: not only should you buy an Apple product, but so do your partner, parents, kids, etc.

No, too easy. I'd only accept bets on how much of what material is found - like "31 Terabytes of furry porn" or "452 illegal WW1 weapons".

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Depends. Where I live even signed contracts can be deemed illegal in parts if a clause is still seen as unexpected or surprising for the customer.

If Google included a clause that states the customer loses a kidney to them, wouldn't make it legal just because it's written there.

M83. "Hurry up we're dreaming" may not be perfect but it's a great album all their other stuff pales in comparison to.

"Wolfmother" by Wolfmother. Period.

"Cruelty and the beast" by Cradle of Filth, although they had a good run around that time.

"Origin of symmetry" by Muse. It is the almost perfect sweet spot between too rough and too polished in their discography.

"Seeds" by TV on the radio.

"Boy King" by Wild Beasts.

"Passage" by Samael was peak song writing and composing. A text book concept album. Brilliant.

"The Four Seasons" by Antonio Vivaldi. Absolute banger, not an album though.

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Self-checkout and self-scanning are great when done right.

I only need to pack my groceries into my shopping crate once with the hand scanner. Or when buying only a few items, I skip the lines and scan them myself, pay with my phone, done.

Why not make it public domain? They're millionaires or even billionaires already anyway. And Queen also had essentially no new musical output since exactly the day Mercury died. All they did was grabbing every tape with Freddie's voice on it and sell it.

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Came here to say the same-sung.

They compare platforms from time to time, mostly indirectly. Android gets a mention concerning OS version fragmentation.

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Because they don't know the difference. People don't tend to use expressions or sayings wrong on purpose. Most never investigate the meanings or etymology, they're using them and are understood by the like-minded.

I died three times in a row directly before reaching the first shelter and Alt-F4'ed out.

Until then the game just couldn't pull me in. The dialogue and characters were just bland, foreseeable, two-dimensional.

Some of the puzzles are fun though and the tutorials are disguised well.

You *have * to try Blood and Wine. Simply put, it makes up for everything before it. The bright, warm, Southern France -inspired map, great quests, and finally a homestead.

Try Witcher with some QoL mods, like easier fast travel, auto harvesting, auto-applying of oils. Everything that lets you play the game instead of plucking flowers all day.

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I'm conservative on this one. I like the versions with Anne-Sophie Mutter and the one by Europa Galante the most. Interpretations can be so different, I'm content with that.

I think it's one of the albums that "just click" and then you try to discover more of that great stuff and it doesn't work. There's this mood and vibe in the album I couldn't find in the others.

BOTW is a beautiful game. But the complex controls and the fact that all weapons simply break would have had me sinking hours over hours into the game.

Often my cats get more expensive food than me.

When you say that it sounds like a bad thing. I'm hopping from service to service too.

I don't get why people think they can have 15 streaming services for the price of one, and get served the $100 million movie of the day.

And the icing on the cake is that many use this as an excuse to pirate that stuff as if they were entitled to being entertained.

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