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Joined 1 years ago

It is such a bizarre and creepy industry, everything about it is gross. I support you for world dictator!

I was a mod on a big sub for awhile many years ago and it was a literal horrowshow every day. It was an endless torrent that never stopped, the mod team basically ran 24/7. It was guaranteed you would see at least some fucked up bigotry every time you looked in the queue because the sub was a regular target for those people. It was really just a nonstop firehose of all the worst the internet has to offer, one reported Reddit comment at a time, forever. The tools I had access to were janky browser plugins and things like that, stuff previous mods had built themselves years before because the actual Reddit tools were inadequate. The sub involved so much moderation the team was very organized and you had to put in a certain amount of work every month, it really was like a part time job where you get to set your own hours but can be "fired" for slacking. You often feel emotionally drained afterwards just like a real job, and you start feeling anxious when you "clock in" because fuck not this same miserable bullshit yet again, just like a real job. I have so much respect for quality moderation, it is not at all easy in any way.

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I'm still on my trial period but I think I'm going to pay when it runs out, I've been really happy with it so far. I think it's saved me a good chunk of time at work I would have wasted digging through Google SEO crap so it feels like it's worth spending a few bucks on.

MSG isn't "bad" at all, it's just another ingredient really. The campaign against it was entirely bullshit that was driven by racism against Asian people because it's a common ingredient in Chinese food.

That may be what happened but Reddit management definitely knew about what was going on because they created a special "Pimp Daddy" trophy just for that one mod as a kind of public reward for his work. Reddit was complicit to some degree.

Can you share your argument with Stross? I've always enjoyed his writing.

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Same, or use the fingerprint reader.

I recently gave up on daily driving Pop OS. About 6 months ago I got a new laptop with Windows 11, which for various reasons I am not a fan of. I decided it would be a good time to try an experiment and install Linux. The biggest issue right off the bat was lack of hardware support, the fingerprint reader and the speaker amp are not supported. I spent a bunch of time researching and seeing if I could make them work but apparently it has to do with the kernel and isn't really something I can fix. This didn't seem like a big deal at first because I can get sound out of the headphone jack or via bluetooth, and while it was convenient to login via a fingerprint reader, it wasn't something I really felt like I needed. Since then I've become much more reliant on biometric authentication, it's just so much more convenient to be able to auth bitwarden with my finger instead of having to type in a password. More recently, I started using Proton VPN and the client is pretty crap in Linux. Switching over to Windows 11, I can login with my finger, all of my passwords are a finger print away, Proton VPN works natively with wireguard and is generally much more reliable and easier to use. It's just a much better user experience, there's nothing weird and janky to deal with, I don't need to mess about in the command line to do basic things. I really loved Pop, and I'm sure I'll boot back into it, but I'm daily driving Windows 11 until I can sort out the hardware issues and get Proton VPN working better, and I think both of those issues are out of my hands so all I can do is wait.

Not quite a disaster but a credit card got hacked, my Microsoft account was locked for suspicious activity, and I received a very targeted phishing attempt for my banking credentials. I'm now a paid subscriber of Bitwarden, set up a shared vault with my partner, and have 2 yubikeys arriving later this week.

I don't remember the numbers but their ads division has been showing massive growth over the past several years, they make billions selling ads these days.

It's the song that was playing when I first made the account and couldn't think of anything that wasn't already taken.

Not that I'm aware of, but this was many years ago now so things could be different. I personally wouldn't have wanted any kind of public reward because that can paint a target, you get direct messages from problem users and other issues that come with recognition. I never publicly mentioned being a mod anywhere on Reddit, it was one of the things the mod team warned new mods about because trolls and other problem users will start targeting you directly.

From what I've heard, there's thousands of applications they are working through so it may take a bit to get caught up.

I don't really have enough experience with them yet to have specific thoughts but my impression is they are very basic currently and need a lot of work. One thing that's really important is being able to do bulk actions against multiple users quickly. I remember the times when big attacks would happen and we would have a sudden flood of obvious problem users posting comments blatantly intended to cause disruptions, being able to efficiently respond in the moment to that scenario can be really important. It sucks when the mod team lacks the ability to respond quickly because in the meantime users trying to have a real conversation end up getting harassed, angered, and driven away with the impression the mods are worthless. You don't want to have to fight your tools and spend a bunch of time per individual action because by the time you get to dealing with the full swarm of trolls the conversation might have really taken a turn or be basically over so you end up cleaning things up after it doesn't make much difference for the users. Also, bots like automod are extremely useful and important so I would say the fediverse needs them ASAP. I never messed with the bots when I was mod but they were definitely like a force multiplier for the mod team.

Yes, if I didn't know any details about what specifically happened or where in the house it happened. I think I would just put it out of my mind and never think about so it wouldn't ever bother me. If I knew too much I could see it coming to mind more easily and potentially being an issue for me.

Have you updated recently? A jerboa update came out earlier today and it seems to run better now for me.

That may be a feature eventually, I think Lemmy development isn't very far along yet and the devs weren't really expecting a flood of people to suddenly show up from Reddit. I'd expect it will get a lot more polished, and additional features, now that so many people are using it and more devs are contributing to the project now.

I paid $15 or something like that in the first wave of the Kickstarter. The most recent time I tried to play was within the past few years, maybe last year. I remember I found it frustrating because I had no idea what to do so I ran around trying to find my ship, I think I rode on a subway kind of thing to a big empty spaceport. I never actually made it into space before I gave up and uninstalled it again because it was so boring and frustrating.

I actually just login to all of my different accounts regularly to keep track of things. Nearly all spending flows out of two cards so mostly I watch them and just compare to actual cash on hand to maintain a certain balance. Anything excess gets periodically transferred into investment accounts. I've never really felt the need for tracking beyond this, I tried Mint for awhile once but I think my needs are just really simple. I know roughly how much money is where at all times and I can get the exact details within a few second if I have a phone or computer, that's good enough for me.

I became a paying subscriber for kagi today. The way I justify the cost is it's saved me time digging up technical information at work and that increase in efficiency is worth money to me. Also, I hate ads and SEO crap, and $5 isn't really that much these days. I'm trying to reduce my reliance on Google so it's nice having an actual superior search experience, even if I have to spend a little money for it.

I've been really happy with Pop on my laptop. Tiling was a lot more useful than I expected, it's nice being able to flip it on and off as needed.

I've been daily driving Pop on my laptop and my biggest frustrations currently are lack of working drivers for the fingerprint reader and speakers, and the Proton VPN client is crap compared to Windows.

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All of the most popular lemmy instances have been having issues while they deal with the massive user growth. I expect it will get better over time as things get figured out and lemmy devs make improvements. I don't know what's wrong with specifically but it will probably be back online soon, I think one of the main lemmy devs runs it so it's not like they are going to abandon it now that lemmy is taking off.

That's why I overwrote all of mine today. I don't want spez to make any money selling my data for AI training.

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His inability, or unwillingness, to even put on a show of trying to finesse the community is one of the strangest things about the situation. Handling things in the most ridiculously hamfisted way he could and picking a huge fight with the people that provide him with free content and moderation, and right before the IPO... it's just so bizarre and dumb.

Thanks for the link!

As far as I know, it's not really true that those marks have to be included to protect a trademark. Definitely there's no expectation that individuals should be using them in normal communications. Unless you actually work for the company and are told to include a mark on company branding, it's really not something to ever worry about.

It was really easy with Power Delete Suite, took about 30 seconds to configure and then everything is automated after that.

I'm about halfway through season 2. I haven't really been into horror type stuff much recently but it's really good. The night people are creepy as fuck!

Apparently not by default, there's a config you can download but I haven't been able to get it working.

Potentially. They are denying it's true, and I don't think any more evidence has come out besides this one claim.

Blood Meridian is absolutely incredible. If you love literature it's worth the suffering for sure. The audiobook version is a great experience too, the narrator completely nails it and brings the dense language alive.

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Just kicked it off on my account, it's currently rewriting every Reddit comment I ever made. Feels good.

AM is more effective for true emergency situations where civilization has broken down because the section of the spectrum it uses naturally propagates further. You can hear an AM station over a much larger area than an FM station.

If you pay there's an option for chatgpt4 that can use Bing to search. There's also various plugins that can let it interact with all sorts of additional data sources. Not that you should use it like a search engine exactly, but it can be useful for search if you configure it correctly and understand that it doesn't "know" anything.

The extra weird thing is they generally support Putin and Russian government policies. It's not exactly about 'trying to achieve communism' for them I think, they seem to reflexively defend and support all kinds of right-wing BS depending on who is doing it. To me tankies don't seem to be motivated by a coherent political philosophy, I think they are almost like LaRouchites where they don't really have an actual ideology and are more like a cult.

I think that's inflation cut in half from last year's peak now, so we're definitely getting there. It really does seem like the soft landing is a likely outcome at this point, we mostly keep getting closer to it.

I have a Hiby R6, in some ways it's like having a phone that can't make calls but also it's great having a dedicated device for audio.

That allegedly happened recently with some German language subreddit, the admins had prepopulated it with badly translated comments from a bunch of bot accounts they control. I never actually verified that was true and don't know German to verify, but that's at least a recent allegation I've seen within the past several months that is supposed to be backed by evidence.

I used Power Delete Suite to overwrite my comments and posts via API, it includes an option to export everything from your account to a CSV before it takes any destructive actions, and it's super easy to use.