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I’m no fan of CCP policy or propaganda but the headline could also be “Non-peer reviewed institute publishes study making dubious claims by comparing one social media platform to another that likely has its own biases that are just as strong”

They should just reach out to him on Cameo and offer him $100 to read a sentence acknowledging receipt of the notice, it’s a flawless plan.

Oh awesome. Then you’re also going to charge the parents if their kid shoots up a school too, right? Right Tennessee?

“Off yourself by X date and your designated beneficiary will receive a payout equal to 5% of the expected healthcare costs of managing your condition until your inevitable agonizing death! Act now and we’ll throw in an additional funeral package at no cost!”

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As a millennial growing up I definitely remember the narrative surrounding PTSD. Even for soldiers in war it was hard for the public to understand and wrap their heads around. Even in the late 90s/early 00s, mental health was still a very poorly understood subject in the public consciousness and was just beginning to get the attention it needs, and even though we have a ways to go in that aspect, we are far far better about it as a society than we were 25 years ago.

That said, I too was relatively recently diagnosed with CPTSD resulting from regular abuse as a child which along with undiagnosed autism contributed to feeling like an outsider growing up and even to this day. I am very selective of what I share about my personal mental health struggles publicly but I always advocate that only those experiencing these struggles can understand them and they need as much empathy as we (society) can spare.

Nahhh it’s so much easier to blame the individual than to think for a moment about our culpability as members of the society that breaks people down and puts them in these situations! /s

I know I’ll get downvotes for this but I switched from Android to iPhone after years and years of using Android while knowing I wouldn’t be able to use iMessage features texting Android users. While knowing I couldn’t and would likely never be easily able to sideload apps, heck even after they had already taken the headphone jack away. I literally do not care about any of that for the purpose for which I use my phone. I just want it to work, without having to endlessly tweak and customize and modify. I like that it does what it says it does out of the box and does so smoothly and reliably.

I like that it integrates well with other apple products. I have exactly 3 contacts I use the native messaging app for. The rest have all been communicating with me through Messenger or Telegram or WhatsApp for years anyway — I’d MUCH rather see governments prioritize making those services talk to each other so I could uninstall two of them but I don’t ever see anyone talking about that even though Apple haters love to bash Apple over iMessage - while ignoring that the RCS protocol Google uses has proprietary bullshit built on top of it meaning that even if Apple adopted the protocol itself the interaction between iPhone and android messages would still be messy.

As I said I know I’ll get downvotes for this but I also know I’m far from alone and this is exactly why Apple has the power it does: it gives its users what they want, even if non-Apple users don’t see it that way. I see so many arguments against Apple that fail to take that into account.

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It’s not even about being on top or being worried about losing status - I’d be fine with giving up what little I have to see a better world. The problem is that a pivot away from capitalism isn’t going to happen without violent revolution, because it would absolutely be met with violent resistance.

I wouldn’t support something that would be guaranteed to thrust my children and grandchildren into a world of chaos, uncertainty, and tragedy that would unavoidably arise during and potentially after a revolution of that scale. And someone has to be holding the levers of power in the end, and how do we guarantee that we don’t just end up shuffling the deck around but playing the exact same game?

It’s easy to be idealistic and say “this isn’t working” but it’s a whole lot harder to convince enough people to dismantle it and deal with the consequences rather than attempt to effect incremental change over a long term.

Save WHAT? The gas station takes their bit so I can get to work. The grocery store takes their bit so I can eat to have energy to work, and so I can feed my child. The phone company takes their bit so my boss can keep in touch with me when they want to. The insurance companies take their bits so I can say that I’m insured and have the right to drive, and to put myself deeper in medical debt if anything goes wrong. The landlord takes his bit so I can have a roof over my head. Disney takes their bit so my kid can have her favorite movies and shows on demand because that’s one thing I can give her. And now my coin purse is empty until my employer gives me my bit again. Where do the savings come from, oh wise one?

I’m 33. Joined up during the APIcalypse and ensuing exodus from Reddit.

Now I feel old because my childhood was basically over before Reddit was born. Am I already old at 33? Gross!

According to the article, customers who had refunds of $10 or more that got delayed received payouts of at least $150 in addition to the fine so it seems like at least this time the customers were made whole.

Hey I didn’t say it was even a decent package!

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“If God doesn’t want me to shoot them, he’ll stop the bullet before it hits them.”

My Spotify “family” is all over the place. They just all put in my address when they join and don’t have any problems. Just fyi for yourself or anyone else experiencing the same problem.

I wonder if they’re prepared for Microsoft’s lawyers to come knocking when they find out their screen space is being highjacked by another company for profit…

I just started playing for the first time after being gifted a Steam Deck this Christmas. My brothers have been telling me about this game for years and I’ve always been intrigued. I even played a VERY basic spin on the concept on my phone called Builderment and spend probably 10 hours playing around with that over a few months.

Since Christmas I’ve spend 55 hours playing vanilla Factorio. The first hour was playing through a few tutorials. The rest has all been on one playthrough. After I researched Robotics two days ago and unlocked the additional logistics chests last night, I’ve gotten my first four nuclear reactors online and begin completely transforming my base from the ground up and expanding outward.

I haven’t been using any guides or wiki articles but I did look up the concept of the main bus around hour 30 when my spaghetti base was becoming unmanageable. This game is so freaking amazing.

I’ve only played on the Steam Deck but I found the controls to be fairly intuitive and easy to use. I’ve played over 160 hours and never once wished I had a keyboard and mouse instead.