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Joined 7 months ago

And yet 2023 was the new all time high for carbon emissions, at least until 2024 is in the book. We will not cut emissions until we run out of easily extractable carbon to emit. We'll be building solar powered pumps for oil wells at some point for the otherwise negative EROI. As a species, we deserve the consequences of our behavior. Too bad they will be most severe for some of the least responsible first.

Gee, I wonder why Justice Thomas might be friendly towards the accused in a public corruption case. Maybe Harlan Crow encouraged him.

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When Barrett was nominated, my comment was, "she is the kind of woman that would vote to make herself chattel." Anything even remotely rational from her is a win. Historically, the Court has had a tendency to make justices more liberal. They're generally smart people and exposure to well argued positions does tend to make you think.

Of course Thomas is out there besmirching the entire legal profession with his shameless acceptance of graft. I wonder if he lets Harlan refer to him as "boy."

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The critical question, apparently.

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Separate apps for various retail stores. I don't want a home depot app. I don't want a kroger app. We have a generic app for this category called a web browser. If you want me to download a specialized app for your store, I assume that means that my browser does not sufficiently breach my privacy for your "business purposes."

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"I said, I said, Boy, don't go forgetting who lines your pockets. "

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One of my cats has a much bigger murder section than the other. Her brain is probably about 30% murder and 30% food. Oddly, she is substantially thinner than the other one who is not very food or murder oriented. The porky one is mostly nap - probably 60%.

Saving them for my retirement. (I will probably only retire when my health is so poor that it is clear that I won't outlive my retirement resources.)

Looks like typical DJT operating procedures. Hire incompetence and then blame the system for their incompetence. I used to do high stakes litigation. We would have an attorney on our trial team whose only responsibility was preserving error. I wonder if DJT will sue her for malpractice. That would probably make her extra sad for servicing his tiny mushroom.

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This Texan checked into it, and unfortunately we have no procedure for recalling our treasonous governor. At a minimum, he should be held in contempt of court and jailed. I would like to see a treason indictment.

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Really it has no impact on most of us. I have never used a partnership tax basis shift and almost certainly never would have. It is going to cost a bunch of obscenely wealthy jerks some money and cost the rest of us nothing. Win-win.

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Best play is to pretend you supported the other king the whole time. Save your own skin.

I would say we start the rumor that his Bible literally doesn't match any others and contains Satanic verses, but that would probably increase sales. I wonder whose Bible he plagiarized.

I wish he would die of sepsis from an infected hemorrhoid already.

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What I hear: "The evidence before the court is incontrovertible, I clearly committed the crimes alleged. "

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Patents literally are a government granted time-limited monopoly. There are a number of reasons why the government grants these monopolies. Perhaps, the ethics of medical patents should be debated, but if we collectively don't grant patents on vital medical technologies, then I think it is unlikely that corporations are going to invest billions developing and testing life saving drugs. (Another debate: are private corporations the best stewards of developing this technology.)

For now, this is the system we've engineered ourselves into a corner with.

I don't really care about some blood oxygen monitor in a smart watch, but inadvertently destroying the pharmaceutical industry over it probably ought to be carefully considered.

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When you buy your first model. That event represents your transition from "I'm interested in Warhammer" to "I collect Warhammer."

I think the headline writers need some lessons in political antagonism. This should be "New GOP bill legalizes murder of vulnerable people such as disabled American veterans." "Pro-military" party? Patriotic party? Thank you for your service, lol. We're really pro-imperialism. Now that we have destroyed you, we just want you to go away.

And they expect you to hold their beliefs or stay silent. If you express a contrary opinion, you are the one bringing politics into the discussion. It's like playing chess with a pigeon.

I had a high karma account that they permabanned. I imagine they probably want to send me an invite, but I never gave them my email.

The Republicans will go the way of the Whigs and Federalists without Texas 40 electoral votes. They're headed that way already, but losing every national election would accelerate the process.

I strongly doubt that most Texans want to secede. The cities are strongly democratic and not all Republicans are traitors. Hell, most of them wrap themselves in the U.S. flag at the slightest encouragement.

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"Our newspaper is in such dire financial straits that we can't afford to turn down any adveriser." does bad things to employee morale and shareholder enthusiasm (which we all know is what really matters). When the truth is too damning, you cannot run with it.

But if I were to say that about him and his family, he would want me prosecuted.

I am in this picture, and it hurts.

I googled gibbons and the Ai paragraph at the beginning started with "Gibbons are non-flying apes with long arms..." Way to wreck your credibility with the third word.

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I do dumb things like edit my network configuration do some stuff and log out. Then I can't login the next weekend because the IP address is wrong. Also:

Ifconfig eth0 down

And I am booted from ssh.

Even if they were disinterested, gifts in excess of a certain value are taxable. Last I checked, the threshold was $12,000. The gifts Thomas received seem likely to have exceed that threshold. If he didn't report them on his taxes, he is committing tax fraud.

This is why ancient humans invented mob justice. When the laws don't work, order still needs to be imposed.

No. In a criminal case, but not in a civil lawsuit.

I just want to know if the embryo is frozen for a number of years (is there a limit after which viability stops?) and then implanted, does that shorten the time before the resulting person can vote? I.e., if the embryo is frozen for fourteen years, can the resulting child vote at four?

Is letting the eggs get freezer burned past viability, murder?

When everything is Onion-y, nothing is. I see a lot of headlines these days that I wish were fiction/satire.

I am probably the target audience for the traditional Cracker Barrel customer (50+ white male). I have not been in years. The experience was wholly unremarkable. I can't hear the name without thinking of Chef from Southpark asking the children, "How are my little crackers?" If I wanted to catch covid, Cracker Barrel seems like a good place to look. Other than that, CB seems like the restaurant most likely to have a Stars and Bars flag available for purchase.

Just in time for hurricane season. Supposed to be a doozy this year. Will anyone rescue their poor sailors when the inevitable happens? Will we see an entire ship defect?

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I have graduated to the stage of my career where I believe "I have to teach these kids how to do things correctly before my coworkers corrupt them, or they learn bad behaviors on their own." I was thrown in the fire early in my career and am trying to be the mentor I wish I had. I know where my knowledge gaps are, but generally know who to rely on. I definitely generate the most value when I stick to my expertise, but I still try to learn more whenever possible.

I should remember this crap for my next self-evaluation (I hate that crap).

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Cell carriers in the US releasing 3G+ technologies branded as 4Gs should have gotten the FTC on a crackdown, but regulatory capture and it is all just marketing fluff. The sales flacks selling it can't even answer questions like "what kinds of bandwidth can I expect to see? Do I get a minimum QoS?"

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There is a reason the Geneva Convention (and the Hague protocols before it) prohibit assassination. That reason is that the Glorious Leader and the Wicked Despot have more in common with each other than they do with us peons. Don't anyone get too excited during our "war" (population reduction, economic stimulus package, domestic troubles distraction). Invest in defense contractors, the elite will keep them fed.

Remember the average dude in China, Iran, Russia, etc is no more interested in dying to aggrandize his rich owners than you are.

So only the one side should abuse their power? They are not going to stop abusing it just because their opponents took the high ground.

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I had multiple iterations of those.

If I feed my cat salami, that per se makes the salami cat food.

You spent 2 billion dollars developing a cure for x? I reverse engineered your cure for $30k (or just looked up your formula in your regulatory filings for free), so I can sell the same product for much cheaper than you since I don't have any development costs to recoup. If you can't protect your investment, you won't make the investment.

The problem here is not the patent system. The problem is relying on private for-profit industry to develop drugs. Not enough people get your ailment for a cure to be profitable? Sorry, you are SOL. Also, the current system incentivises developing maintenance drugs over cures. That's one of the big reasons Type 2 diabetes has met metformin, janumet, glipizide, farxiga, ozempic, etc. All of those drugs are symptom management rather than treatments. A treatment would be a financial disaster for big pharma.

The Joycons were an absolute disaster and ruined the portable experience. I got 4 of them repaired. When they inevitably broke again, I gave up and bought a pro controller. Precariously balancing the Switch on your lap or setting it on furniture so you can use a pro controller is not a handheld. Still had lots of fun with the games on it, but the experience should have been better. Nintendo has building controllers for decades, you would think they could at least begin to approach competency.