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Joined 1 years ago

The codebase is irrelevant, I’ve already rated it, it’s another blink clone. As a product, on the other hand, you should definitely practice responsible consumerism. Aligning your values with your consumption is a good thing.

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That’s why we’re all here instead of adding to Spez’s IPO.

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Humans do not like the same thing over and over every day.

Speak for yourself, I like routine and being rewarded for working hard.

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API might cost a lot of money for the amount of requests you want to send. API may not include some fields in the data you want. API is rate limited, scraping might not be. API requires agreement to usage terms, scraping does not (though the recent LinkedIn scraping case might weaken that argument.)

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Just make it part of reddit premium! Ugh, why wasn’t that the solution.

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Simply “web design” has been a dying profession in the US too. I’d argue website building platforms (SquareSpace and the like) have more to do with this market drying up then AI does.

Rewriting content is Spez’s specialty.

I love it when my connected and likely not security hardened devices needlessly include components that would be valuable to compromise.

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C++, I am a library developer with some embedded experience. I can easily interface with c libs and expose my lib with a c interface. With clang, static analysis catches most bugs before runtime. Everything I write can be compiled nearly anywhere with very little dependencies required. Excellent IDE and LSP support with a ton of documentation on the language features available (admittedly, there are a lot). The standard library is gigantic, useful, and well documented. It is used everywhere, so resources and example source code in C++ are very easy to come by. Project configuration (via CMake) is extremely powerful and expressive (though not technically C++).

Some languages have some of the elements I listed, but no other language has them all.

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A lot of the criticisms at specific languages are really directed at people. Especially those that have “{language} brain”. These people are of the opinion that everything looks solvable by said language even if it isn’t the best tool for the job.

If you pick the best tool for the job, no one has standing to rightly criticize you. What’s the right tool? One that you know (or have the ability to learn) and has proven itself in its ability to solve problems you’re seeking to solve.

In particular, it was his view that he can impose himself on the community in such a way that takes us steps closer to a walled garden.

A natural monopoly is when an industry is difficult to break into, making competition difficult or impossible. This favors incumbents, in fact, a lot of industries are natural monopolies (pharma, aerospace, chip production).

The difficulty of breaking into an industry may be because:

  • new players cannot compete with established scale
  • start up costs require a nearly all-or-nothing approach, high risk
  • regulations tie the hand of new innovators

Sometimes it’s easier to DIY than try to figure out the mess of a build system of a dependency! :P

There is surveillance everywhere outside, even having your own car doesn’t protect you from having your privacy encroached. That’s why I never go outside.

You’re acting like this is a right wing play, but the tactic of using fascism as an insult toward left wing parties actually has precedent even within left wing politics. [Before world war 2, even.](,dictatorship%20of%20the%20proletariat%20and)

If you’re supporting windows anyway you should use their tooling. This isn’t controversial, MSVC is a good compiler supported by good developers. I find MSVC more reliable than MinGW on windows as well. I recommend maintaining a single CMake project so that you can switch between compilers and build tools.

This is all software, companies keep finding excuses to tack on “features” that increase development cost which eventually lead to necessary price increases.

In the professional world you will rarely ever hear project managers and leaders ask the question “would our customers rather pay extra for feature X or save money by sticking to their simpler feature set?” This is because development is nearly always started with the long term goal of incorporating a feature into the product to increase the overall “value” of the product. This increased “value” of the product then means that the company should charge more for it.

I am ranting now.

It’s honestly not that hard, the language was made to be simple. The complexity associated with the language largely has to do with the legacy applications the language supports. If you look at a greenfield project (eg CHADstack (it’s a joke project, but pretty fun to get exposure to some esoteric stuff for a couple hours)) you’ll actually pick the language features up pretty quickly.

I’m a developer, so I find it easier because dependency management is easier (especially if you have a good package manager, arch btw). WSL is improving but is still not enough for my needs (big projects that use usb are not well supported).

GustavoM your name sounds familiar, did you play Planetside? I was (technically still am) in one of the leetfits and we would have some of the aim gods try to share their knowledge and it boiled down to something similar. Don’t tense your hand (click to fire naturally tenses your hand so you have to learn to reduce that), prioritize a relaxed posture, and learn your mouse grip (try them all out!). I’ve heard OSU is very good for those that want to improve their hand eye coordination (and get comfortable with their mouse). I’ve also heard of using spacebar to shoot but only when you want to isolate aim from shooting. But you should train both together as well.

I am pro-shutdown, but two subreddits that come to mind that revolted against their mods participating in the protest are r/nba and r/eggs_irl.

I work on hard problems all day, when I come home I just want to shoot mans. Why the hate?

This is no different than shaving my body hair on the train. I’m forced to leave my trimmings on the train too because my boss wants me in the office 8:00 on the dot!

I don’t know what you mean by WASM being a subset of javascript (maybe you mean AssemblyScript?) You can still program in higher level languages like C and have it compile into WASM as one would compile C to assembly.

I believe algorithm focused technical tests are useful. However, if the interviewing team hasn’t taken the time to understand both the problem and the answer, then they are completely pointless. So you’re exactly right here to challenge their bullshit.

Imgui, because it makes dev/debug guis ridiculously straightforward and easy to create.

Got stuck at MCI during this storm! The storm looked absolutely devastating from the terminal.

yes I am chronically unemployed and I blame the “hidden” requirements boogeyman for my troubles

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No, I’m skeptical because it sounds more like disillusionment.

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I’m in the same boat as the commentator. Moved from Phoenix to Chicago. I like seasons.

That sounds like an entirely different issue. For a service that provides free online play, Steam is superior to the alternatives on PC. It has built in community forums, a group and chat service that rivals Discord, a large user base, and an easy to use storefront. Whether or not it’s a closed system is tangential to the argument that it is a free platform.

I majored in math and have so far a great career in software. I don’t think knowing math separates me out from CS grads generally. However, math majors largely chose to major in Math because we like problem solving. Plenty of CS grads major in CS because they are expected to. Being a passionate problem solver gets you pretty far.

You must have me confused for someone else, I am not on any other reply chain except this one.

One of my two only used commands. The other being yay.

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That sounds salty.

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I’ve left jobs when I don’t get rewarded for hard work. Thankfully we live in a free market that allows me to also freely choose my employer and occupation.

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