combat_brandonism [they/them]

@combat_brandonism [they/them]
0 Post – 37 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


why would you use soulseek for chat

they were emojis before we de-forked, what you see now was how mainline lemmy maintainers wanted the custom emoji feature contributed back to their codebase

I still remember Zoƫ Keating commenting on torrents of her album on the pirate bay back in the day. Free marketing tbh.

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def a backronym

lmao like moths to a flame there's a lot of cryptofash in here begging the question that need to be banned, not merely have their comments removed

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The fact is people in Afghanistan choose not to fight for their democracy.

this you, colonizer?

keep posting please you're showing us evil authoritarians who the real champion of the people is

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that's ecofash shit but go off

hog out or log out liberal

lmao the absolute condescension

I was participating in this thread before you, finding it on my all/active feed

go back to reddit if you want to whine about brigading

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sorry let me rephrase that in a way you'll understand

"Just in case you didn't know, your reply along with your other comments are a perfect example of having no idea what the fuck you're talking about."

no, you are literally a colonial comprador

hope that clears it up

cry harder comprador

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in fairness I interpreted that reply as encouraging


The only one that has died since the end of Digg was Vine, and that was partially just because its owners didn't really care about its fate anymore.

Vine was killed by facebook & its regulatory capture. Otherwise it would've killed facebook and we never would've gotten tik tok (for better or worse).

FB, the gram and now twitter are dying. Just because they still exist doesn't mean they're not on their way out. Anyone with accounts on the first two can tell you that the number of active users on their feeds has been the same people for 5-10 years and are dwindling (and the feed of the third is lmao since boosting paid user content). Their traffic numbers might look fine but that's because they lie about those numbers and they make it impossible to delete accounts.

Most importantly, it's been 15 years since any of these companies couldn't get free financing. Often a focus on profitability results in misplaced user-hostility over short-sighted moves, which is what killed a lot of companies in 99 and again in 2007. We just haven't had a financial climate that requires it since. Hilariously this climate would make it a perfect time to take twitter private to push it past the other two and tik tok but it got bought by the worst failson the world has ever seen.

Don't mistake still existing for not being dead. still employs dozens of people, that doesn't mean its been a useful link aggregator for the last 12 years.

they're a so-called taiwanese comprador you can pay them no mind

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Further down the thread they were calling for mods. I'm calling for admin action.

applied to Unix desktop customization it was popularized on reddit

but yeah that's the whole point, before that it was an obviously racist term

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this is anglophone forum and the origins of the word are rooted in racism

but by all means keep outing yourself

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at that same time & earlier it was predominantly used to refer to either car enthusiasts themselves or their asian-manufactured, cheap and easy to customize cars. as has been endlessly pointed out in this thread.


also strong gusano is a slur energy

because brigades are a reddit thing but go off get in here

wasn't super impressed with UO but I haven't gotten that far in it yet.


countdown <- this many more posts until you say the gamer word

oh cool I didn't realize they've got an AMD model now

most of us enjoy driving


just put "They" in triple parens you coward we all know what you mean

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love to read fellow* people in the unix world discovering what made powershell great 10+ years ago as though it's a paradigm shift. and the top comment of the thread is still nitpicking the points in the post while missing the forest for the trees. I mean ifconfig as an example is lol but still.

like powershell's got such bizarre warts and design choices and it's more ergonomic than unstructured text pipelines despite that

i know it's not that simple but still, lol

*linux has been my primary os for 9+ years, not throwing stones here

it's sometimes hard to distinguish between hating the great reset for anticapitalism and hating it for deranged fascism. sorry if that was a false positive the enjoy driving part got my hackles up

windows hasn't overwritten my uefi settings on major update in 3ish years

I guess my method is a bit less robust.

ime they just break in different ways. pacman's easier to hack around but nix is more portable

I would not be surprised if more than 50% of that is on Linux.

Depending how you count "on Linux" the over/under is closer to 90%.
