6 Post – 89 Comments
Joined 3 months ago

I don't think there is a "dead giveaway". Plenty of kids can pass as adults online and plenty of adults seem like kids online. And sometimes with stuff like word usage/grammar/etc you can't tell if it's a child or someone who doesn't speak English very well or maybe an English-speaking adult who happens to type like that. There's a lot of different people in the world.

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I agree with that assessment, I'm not accusing Collin of anything. If it is what it seems to be then I feel very bad for him. Just being cautious with wording until things are more settled/until we know more is all.

Ok firstly that's hilarious. Secondly I'm pretty sure && means "execute the second thing if the first thing exits with code 0" so if waybar is segfaulting it shouldn't execute any of the other waybars; if you were to do it this way (while true or a systemd service as suggested in the comments makes more sense) a semicolon would probably make sense?

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I think the vast majority of people who, even if they have some discomfort around the idea, would not care enough to opt out. The only effect of not allowing opt out, I think, would be to cause considerable distress to those who do care a lot about not donating. I don't agree with their stance but I don't think they should be forced to donate, especially if we can get enough organs just from making it opt out instead of opt in

Open source file formats in general. I've personally known friends who have lost access to their old works because it was using some proprietary file format that only one abandoned proprietary software they don't have access to anymore can read.

I agree with the people who say you should go back to Windows.

Apps install like I expect from a Windows machine and uninstall the same way.

Different operating systems work differently. There are several projects to get (GNU/)Linux to work more like Windows, but if your goal is to be like Windows, you won't get any better than, well, Windows. I, like most Linux users, think the way Windows does things is terrible, and I'm on Linux precisely because of the differences with proprietary OSes like Windows. But if the differences are a negative for you, I suggest you use the OS that works the way you like it.

Your problems likely can be diagnosed and troubleshooted if you have the patience—some bugs I was experiencing took me like 6 years to diagnose what the problem was—but fixing your bugs will not change the fact that (GNU/)Linux is intended to work differently from Windows, i.e. it's not a bug. So it sounds like it won't solve the underlying problem.

I'll echo what someone else said in another comment and ask why you chose to switch to Linux in the first place. Out of curiosity? In which case, it sounds like your curiosity has been satisfied and you've discovered that Linux does not meet your personal requirements. But I think the reasons why most people switch, ie privacy and customisability, and more generally what comes with free software ie the freedom to do whatever you like with your system, are reasons which motivate people to either overcome learning curves (to learn the better way to use your computer, the way you are supposed to use GNU/Linux distros) or to dedicate the time and effort to troubleshooting problems with their system. If you don't have those motivations, you probably want to just go back to Windows.

Just say personal reasons. Even if they're nosy and keep pushing, in that case they're clearly in the wrong to any sane person looking on, because it's normal to not want to share your deepest most personal problems with your coworkers.

Obsidian is proprietary

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I wonder if this being a digital billboard is actually cheaper than just hiring some workers to swap out the printed advertisement every, I dunno how often they normally change, week or so?

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Tbf this would enforce the order in which the two people decrypt it, which may not be good if you expect these two people to "arrive" asyncrhonously and you don't want them to have to wait for the other before entering their password/key. But maybe that's too specific of a use case.

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If you're spending money on a book you may as well get a physical one.

Yeah I've always entered my location manually for both redshift and gammastep (like redshift but for wayland) in a config file because these programs can never seem to auto-detect my location on any of the devices I've tried them on. You don't have to use your real location. Just put yourself in the correct hemisphere and continent and it'll probably be ok. If putting a location in the same approximate location as your country in a local text file is too much of a privacy concern to you, then so is setting your system's local time to your real timezone.

If I were the co-maintainer of a project I wouldn't suspect that the person who had been actively contributing for over 2 years had injected malicious code into a binary file to distribute in the tarballs. "Jia Tan" had already gained Collin's trust by then

Yes, I don't see why not. What else am I gonna do with my organs when I'm dead?

If I'm at home, udon noodle soup: just vegetable stock cube in a pot of water, boil it, chuck the noodles in, chuck in whatever you want to put in the soup (I just chop up tofu and one vegetable of my choice), boil for a few mins, and it's done. Put Laoganma on to serve. Obviously use whatever other noodles you prefer if you have a preference other than udon. Takes like 15 mins total and it's so simple for something that's an actual full meal. I don't take it with me when I'm on the go though, as it's hard to carry a bowl of noodle soup with you.

For something you can take with you on the go, I've been making this vegan smoked tofu carbonara recipe lately. You'll still need a microwave to heat it up once it's lunchtime, unless you want to eat cold spaghetti for lunch, but it's really tasty, especially the tofu.

Yes, perhaps I should have named them outerLuks and innerLuks... oh well lol

Damn, Linux distros are doing advertising now

How did you install KDE in the first place? If you uninstalled too many packages for the logs to be of use, just reinstall KDE however you installed it

You are in a piracy community

For me it was a combination of seeing that there was a lot of activity on the fediverse (no point joining a social media if there's no people on it) and also feeling the need to actually frequently use social media again, because I hadn't been using social media for a while outside of retweeting something once in a blue moon.

We're social creatures, so I'm sure the more people move to Fediverse, well, the more people will follow.

Thank you!!

Edit: Tried running that, I'm getting the error that /dev/cpu/0/msr doesn't exist. dev/cpu doesn't seem to exist at all on my machine. Hm

Edit 2: You need to run sudo modprobe msr. All good now :)

Definitely not professionally lol. I think I'd only want a programming job if I could somehow develop FOSS for a living, which is hard to get a full-time job in. And only to a limited extent as a hobby, though I do enjoy programming and am trying to teach myself more whenever I have the time :)

Not when there's an organised boycott, called for by Palestinians. You can do multiple things at once. Not buying something takes 0 hours of your time lol

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I also use Mullvad's. I didn't know they allowed non customers to use it but that's cool that they do. I have no complaints; it works well for me.

I have heard from friends that they got banned for using adblockers on free Spotify. I used a tool, forgot what it's called, for the brief time I had Spotify Premium where you could give it access to your account via the API and it'd search music piracy websites to download all the songs and albums in your library. After I had downloaded my library I cancelled my subscription. So that was entirely within Spotify's ToS. (Music piracy is still illegal, but the violation didn't happen against Spotify.) I suppose if you wanted to do this then doing something like that, where you just look the song up on music piracy sites and don't actually download from Spotify directly, would be less likely to get your account banned. You still need Premium to access the API, but you could just scrape the webpage if you want.

Compose key doesn't use numerical codes. To type an em dash with a compose key, it's compose followed by pressing minus 3 times. I set my compose key to Alt Gr

All these poor millennials are buying too much avocado toast. Here's how I became a homeowner at 18 by pulling myself up by my bootstraps:

  1. Get your dad to spend 300k of his 1mil/year income on a house for you

Making a post takes a few mins of time. Not boycotting is taking so little of your time that you needed to make 2 comments about it, wow

I have an SSD and an HDD—I was considering on my next distro hop to put the root partition on the SSD and home partition on the HDD, decrypt the SSD and top level of the HDD upon boot, then decrypt the bottom level of the HDD upon user login. I'm sure many will think that's overkill or silly, but hey, if you have full disk encryption you'll have to enter two passwords to get into your computer anyway, just means your personal files get protected with two passwords. I would agree it's mostly gimmicky but I still want to try it out lol

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I'm not a native English speaker either but I've spoken English from a young age. "Whose" is used to denote belonging, not necessarily personhood, which can be confusing as "who" does denote personhood. There isn't really a "whose" equivalent for objects so it's used for any noun which another noun belongs to.

Well, it's federated and runs on free (as in freedom) software. So the whole point is it's theoretically for anyone and everyone. Anyone with a computer and internet connection can host their own instance, or join another instance that aligns with their interests and politics, and connect with any other instance that's federated with them/doesn't have them blocked. And similarly if there's people you find insufferable you can block them as individuals, and if they break the rules of your instance they can be banned from your instance. Or an instance can block another entire instance if they find the other community particularly vile.

Not sure about the positioning of "aunts" as people who wouldn't be interested in the fediverse though. Plenty of people are aunts, I'm sure there's plenty of aunts on the fediverse too.

Significant improvement in the quality of life of Cubans. Probably also increase US tourism to Cuba. Not sure if it would have any real impact on the average US citizen.

I wouldn't do anything. Your job is to teach, not to discipline. Your students can choose to do or not do whatever work you set them; it's their education and their choice. Ultimately cheating only affects them and their learning.

Also, seconding the fact that if you give people a graded take home exam that implies open book (including the internet and each other)

Ah. I'm getting this answer a lot actually. I might try a newer Ryzen then if a lot of people are saying the newer Ryzens work

Ah, thanks. I'm using runit not systemd (although this was happening on systemd when I was on systemd too) but I saw amd-disable-c6 in the AUR so I've installed that now, fingers crossed it works (the fixes in the Arch Wiki article haven't fixed it for me, it just happened again rip)

Edit: nvm, looks like that package is a systemd service

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Ah rip. I didn't know they were replacing Ryzens. I'll reach out to them but the warranty on my CPU is almost definitely voided after so long.

Wow, I didn't know about the covid lung transplants. If you don't mind me asking, could you describe the covid lungs/how they looked different to healthy lungs? Just morbidly curious

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Afraid the kernel params didn't fix it. Have invested in a newer Ryzen cpu as people are saying that the first gen ones were particularly buggy so I'm hoping it's fixed in the newer ones.

I'm showing you the parts I'm happy with—a lot of programs are not customised! Also, it's a placeholder wallpaper & neofetch theme, etc