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Joined 2 months ago

I'm an anarchocommunist, all states are evil.

Your local herpetology guy.

Feel free to AMA about picking a pet/reptiles in general, I have a lot of recommendations for that!

They didn't though? Source?

Not in the sense that they’ll all be confiscated, but in the sense that multiple anarcho-communists have told me that under their utopia, theft will not be a crime.

source: dude just trust me

They were probably saying there will be no reason to steal because resources will be plentiful, not that you can just take other peoples stuff and it's fine.

They’ve also told me that under anarcho-communism, there will be no state, thus no laws, thus no justice system.

no they didn't, a state is just a monopoly on violence in a given region, there will still be law and order through democracy and consensus, it'll just be horizontally handled by the community.

If you are wronged, your only recourse is vigilantism – a point I can’t help but notice you quoted but conveniently glossed over

this is just nonsense, we just believe these things would be handled communally, not by authority, but by democracy. it got glossed over because it's just as much nonsense as the toothbrush thing.

But I digress. Vigilantism doesn’t work (I’d be happy to explain why if you have trouble with that as well) and I’m still waiting to hear a single anarcho-communist propose an alternative.

democratically run courts with rotations, honestly there are hundreds of ideas, google it. Nobodies idea is what you're saying, it's just a strawman.

Does leftism only count if I do it in public?

No but it means if you do it wrong you'll get made fun of. You've clearly never even read a single book on anarchism and have strong opinions about it.

If your opinions are based on complete nonsense strawmen, that explains why you keep getting made fun of.

The point of the comic is that absolute buffoons say they're getting bullied and that's the reason they're getting pushed right, like you. It has no basis in reality, people are just criticizing things they should criticize, and since you don't bother to do the necessary reading to understand why people are criticizing you, you just go "the left is mean wahhh"

The fact that your arguments are covered in socialism101 courses shows that you've never even bothered to make an attempt. Do you actually think socialists are so dumb that they never thought of these arguments? Do you actually think marx or kropotkin never came up with "but what if someone murders someone" on their own? They wrote all these books and they get dunked on by a guy who says "well what if someone takes my stuff?" in your imaginary world.

anarcho-communist utopia in which personal belongings are a distant memory and vigilante justice reigns supreme

Literally nobody, not even anarchocommunists, like me, want personal belongings to not be a thing. Marxism 101 includes a section on personal vs private property, the notion of wanting to abolish private property is not with the modern understanding of private property, marx made the clear distinction between private and personal property, and it's quite simple, personal property is stuff that you own, private property is stuff that generates capital.

I don't get why people keep thinking anyone would believe something this stupid, like do you actually think we're going to take your toothbrushes?

but that “utopia” is something I will fight tooth and nail against

You clearly don't even know what you're fighting against. That's probably why you get made fun of in socialist circles. Read theory, all you have is a clear strawman and whining that people make fun of you.

I’m a devout Catholic, I think being gay is sinful, and I voted for Trump. Maybe then they’ll stop calling me a Nazi.

This is you proving the point made by the comic.

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I did not call you racist.

But you're using the same argument they're using. I don't see what I misinterpreted here, it's literally identical to the comic.

...he literally said firefox was better than most in the post? I don't understand why you believe mozilla to be above criticism just because they're better than google

and why bother criticizing a company so laughably awful as google, try saying you use chrome on a post, everyone will recommend you switch.

door hinge

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They can technically be used to power your home from a generator... but please don't

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I think there should be a default blocklist and defeds should be saved for illegal shit

if I want to see an instance I should be able to

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I don't agree that belief is always a choice, in many cases people simply cannot conceive of an alternate position being the case, in my case I have no choice but to be an atheist because I can't believe in a god, I find it far too silly a notion.

bigoted beliefs are of course bad, but I don't think people choose them necessarily

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Not under any active development

i don't really see the usecase that isn't perfectly covered by lemmy?

Dude is running for president and doesn't even know how to spell "poll"

I love thumb-key with the two-hands symbols and numbers layout

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Putin once got 140% so no he does

Pretty sure her last name is actually ruckus

Everyone thinks they only let observable facts influence their beliefs

It's just the firmware, my work-necessary programs, and steam.

I love arch, but i'm planning on moving to atomic fedora eventually, but I use a bunch of niche things because i'm an early adopter

i'll switch to fedora atomic when pwvucontrol, tofi, hyprland, hyprland-autoname-workspaces, citrix workspace (work necessary), notiflut-land, bato, wljoywake, wayland-pipewire-idle-inhibit, ananicy-cpp, easyeffects, wl-mirror, gtk3-classic, keyd, iwgtk, qtalarm, kvantum and subliminal are all available, haven't checked which are yet

couple of those (pwvucontrol and notiflut-land) aren't even in the AUR yet so it'll be a while.

these days I recommend fedora kinoite to beginners from windows.

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Make sure to go for an immutable distro with kde if you're a windows user, you'll never have to do any maintenance, I highly recommend fedora kinoite

Trump was worse on immigration than biden by right wing standards, biden has deported far more and trump blocked border reform that was bipartisan because it would be bad for his reelection if the problem was solved (not speculation, really what he said)

I'm not very good at it yet I've only been using it for a month or so

I love arch, but i'm planning on moving to atomic fedora eventually, but I use a bunch of niche things because i'm an early adopter, plus installing hyprland isn't easy right now

i'll switch to fedora atomic when pwvucontrol, tofi, hyprland, hyprland-autoname-workspaces, citrix workspace (work necessary), notiflut-land, bato, wljoywake, wayland-pipewire-idle-inhibit, ananicy-cpp, easyeffects, wl-mirror, gtk3-classic, keyd, iwgtk, qtalarm, kvantum and subliminal are all available, haven't checked which are yet

couple of those (pwvucontrol and notiflut-land) aren't even in the AUR yet so it'll be a while.

bindntr=CTRL,C,exec,hyprctl dispatch closewindow alacrittyclipboard & hyprctl activewindow | rg -q "class: Wfica" && alacritty -qq --config-file ~/.config/alacritty/alacrittyclipboard.toml --class 'alacrittyclipboard' --title 'Office365 Desktop - Nexus (SSL/TLS Secured, 256 bit)' -e sh -c 'sleep .03 && xclip -o | wl-copy ; wl-paste | xclip -i'
windowrulev2 = float,class:(alacrittyclipboard)
windowrulev2 = stayfocused,class:(alacrittyclipboard)
windowrulev2 = noborder,class:(alacrittyclipboard)
windowrulev2 = noanim,class:(alacrittyclipboard)
windowrulev2 = noblur,class:(alacrittyclipboard)
windowrulev2 = opacity 0,class:(alacrittyclipboard)
windowrulev2 = maxsize 1 1,class:(alacrittyclipboard)

Fixes the fucking clipboard in citrix, no, I cannot figure out a better solution.

the move to aquamarine with hyprland mostly resolved this... but not completely and i'm going to have to write a new duct tape solution for that.

If you're wondering why I launch alacritty... it doesn't work without alacritty, wayland needs the window to be in focus, if alacritty isn't there there's no in focus window and it doesn't update the clipboard.

People who know there's another ship on the way

I recently visited reddit after not being on since the exodus, reddit has gotten so much worse, you are really just wrong about this

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It has a number of benefits over a normal keyboard:

  1. No need for autocorrect since the buttons are so large that it's hard to accidentally press the wrong one
  2. It's symmetrical so both thumbs can type any letter, so you can type faster, in fact the world record typing speed on a phone was set on a one-handed version of this, i'm sure with the two-handed you can go even faster
  3. Pretty much everything I need can be hit without switching to another layout (no need for a symbols page)
  4. The other features of the keyboard are easily accessible, like, copy/paste/select all/undo/redo etc.

It's awesome, it's foss, and not a keylogger like most keyboards.

This will incentivize businesses to only support chrome

It's not completely foss

Esc also removes anything typed into swaylock so esc

Trump is not a good candidate, everyone the dems run is just horrible

Text rather than words?

You're not supposed to use that, and in fact, when i give it to beginners, i don't mention the package manager, I just use discover with flatpaks.

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Can you give some examples of these kinks? I haven't had any issues giving it to beginners.

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Ah, the driver thing is mitigated by me doing the installation for them.

As for flatpaks having issues, that makes sense, i try to stick to verified flatpaks and do tell them to avoid unverified ones. I just really haven't had these problems, have you had them recently or historically?

I don't choose to believe facts

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I moved from tusky to moshidon, as for a server just pick one, I use

It does not fail the 9.11 > 9.8 thing.

For windows users I actually recommend fedora kinoite, because it's immutable it's VERY difficult to break things and also you get the benefits of safer updates, and it's plenty easier to use.

That's the arch of immutables, fedora kinoite is a much better example