1 Post – 18 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

he/they/it | Nerd living in County Monaghan, Ireland

As a school student in a school where phones are banned, I think this is a bad idea. The ban achieves 2 things for me:

  1. Making it harder to check a fact or figure quickly.

  2. Preventing me from listening to music, playing games or browsing the web uring lunch break.

It DOES NOT stop me from becoming disengaged from the class! If I'm bored, I'll look out the window, play with a calculator or something similar. And of course the ban hasn't stopped many students using phones anyway. Maybe phone bans don't solve the issue of uninteresting classes after all?

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Sunny weather. Living in Ireland, the sun is ALWAYS a welcome respite from the constant dull rainy shite.

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We don't have those kind of calculators in the schools here. I just do the old-fashioned "input random sums and see what the calculator says".

The town nearest to me has free wifi on its main street AFAIK. Can see it being very useful for homeless people.

I chose the username "computerfan" because I'm a fan of computers. Soon I found a website where that username was taken, so I added my (at the time) favourite number to the end and kept it ever since.

I love the animations too! Glad to see a 2D Mario with an actually new style!

I'm currently on holidays in Lanzarote. Will be returning home on Thursday.

That's my exact experience too. My school already bans phones, but that hasn't stopped me staring out the window or just sitting there and thinking to myself. A phone would be an improvement as I'd at least have a chance of looking up something relevant to what the teacher's saying.

I think it should be limited to thirty years at the absolute maximum. In addition, I feel as though copyright should have to be defended. If the copyright holder does not make their copyrighted work available for a certain amount of time, it should fall into public domain.

Currently relaxing in an all inclusive. Will be staying here until Tuesday next week.

And a Mother 3 localisation while we're at it!

Irish person here. Yes, I drink my tap water without boiling. My water comes from a well as I live in a rural area, but town/city water is drinkable too.

Super Mario 3D World! The last few levels of it are a major difficulty spike, but I got through them!

Now I just have to beat every level again 4 times...

I mostly just play games on my computer and mindlessly browse the web.

Alternatively, embrace the rain! Put on a raincoat and enjoy less crowds!

Absolutely not. I love the summer and I feel far more alive when the sun's out! Unfortunately, here in Ireland we've been having lots of rainy dull shite weather and not much sunshine. I wish the rainy dull shite would pass quicker.

I am too! Given that this game hardly ever gets mentioned, I never even thought that a remake could happen!

Nearly there! Not just Kirby, but a specific game in his series.

Pink ball in abandoned world

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