0 Post – 116 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

funny man does c and c++, self declared prophet of profit, please inform me how to add line breaks to this thing :)

conformity is not the key to success, contentment with the fact that nature is rigid is the key to success, you can do anything within the bounds of reason lest it result in personal misfortune

telling them all to walk back to their boats and fuck off is a lot cheaper than 124 million dollars

just because a news source does make an article on it, it doesn't mean they promote it as much as they promote something else on their website, they make such articles to cover their backs if people make points regarding it

i'm not a christian but nice try, rant harder when you actually know what i'm talking about instead of assuming all religion is christian, no wonder very few coherent words come from you people

you're incorrect and you fall rather easily into the trap of genuinely believing that democracy exists, especially in america, one of the nations with the longest list of known (and unknown) human rights violations in history

just gave myself a handshake, i hope you felt that and appreciated it

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bro let me actually give you a handshake

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just a shame that you're simply incorrect, please do clear your mind and record your thoughts, begin understanding the world sooner rather than later and assemble logic that could never have freely flown before

that is news most splendid, i hereby pardon you from all acts under this thread

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the economy isnt booming, what a crock of shit, the people are poor and therefore it is not booming

the things invented in the mind that turn out to be incorrect are that way because the people inventing them are not knowledgeable about the ways of nature, they need to become more attuned to logic and reason before they can rely on their minds to find the truth

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show me code that achieves the same two functions in js and c++, then show me those converted to asm, c++ is immensely more useful and practical for anything involving numbers and calculations (i.e all of computing)

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the real fool is the one who expected the media to care about the truths and real troubles of the world, in my eyes

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the solution is simple, print more gold

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so you like creating (and when corps create) echo-chambers when they fit the concepts that you want? with all respect possible to give, your logic is therefore not sound

thanks man, i have no idea why it didnt work previously, though it did now

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can you upvote this comment, i'd love to truly bury the hatchet with you in particular, mr. cadeillac

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anyone who respects a user of js over a user of c++ is someone who likes to distance themselves from optimisation, from logic, and from reason, and it's obvious that you are one of them lol, as for setting up a server, i'd be shocked if they make it any more complex than launching an executable and filling out some config to start one, ain't it designed to not be clusterfucked? maybe you'd not know what it's like to make something non-clusterfucked lol

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mr. cadeillac, i had presumed thou to be a man of diplomatic prowess, i trust that this reputation that precedes you is not in contrast to truth?

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if i were out here printing more gold, i'd love to be safe in the knowledge that you too would join me and print gold too

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this is my first and only account thus far, actually, i was merely providing an answer to the problem you thought i had to deal with lmao, wherever i go i bring truth, that applies to programming too, i dont know what unoptimised clusterfucked language you may use, but i'd love to see some performance comparisons between it and c++ lol

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my brother in christopher, i don't understand this comment and do not know how to reply to it

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well you see, mr. cadeillac, i wield divine intellect and wisdom

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would you know if its possible to use line breaks within a profile's biography? thought i'd ask cause i happen to be here

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i hereby apologise that i chose 3 of the most close-to-metal and relevant languages i could (C, C++, AMD64 ASM), as opposed to learning some of the tech world's equivalents to babies first programming language, i love being in the knowledge that my own language isn't working against the optimisations i make lol

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are you a professional in nerdology or something? i've not looked into hosting a server yet, how many other instances can i dance between already? crawl into whatever python, objective-c, java shithole you came from and crawl out when you can write a hello world in asm, you'll have doubled your wisdom by then

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the funny part is where you think i care for an account getting banned from the server i made it with, the whole decentralisation shtick means that i can just go elsewhere and come back to comment on the same forum lol, not to mention the fact that you're a greasy js dev who i'd love to see try to convert their code into asm

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i'm also not english, i'm irish by family, culture, ethnicity, language, and self-declaration, thankfully i'm not a putrid american and i can even speak the languages i do in the correct manner lol, please do come back to me when you have a valid point to make though, whenever or if-ever that should be :)

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thanks for all the messages

it is though

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so then, using that logic, weed isnt a cure for pain lol

i upvoted that comment my fine sir, for thou have prove'st thine prowess in matters of resolving the troubles of these technological items

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that's actually a valid response, and i welcome them, i extend my apologies

irrelevant comment, it usually is you clusterfucked anti-religion people who turn out whining harder than i've ever seen one of my own do

i was going to let it slide the first time, but this is the second time you have used you're instead of your, mr. cadeillac, may i interest you at all in lessons of english?

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very fair lmao

what else would you suggest, clusterfucked javascript? or one of those new languages that nobody can seem to turn into asm?

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look outside, it might be hard, mr. wannabe-FOSS reddit addict, but nature has it's ways of conveying truth to you, and you need to actively seek it, no amount of my words can truly teach you until you witness

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he is justified, it's almost like times change and groups vary in what their situations are over time, let's not pretend like black people face discrimination anymore because it's almost exclusively the opposite in 2024

estimation is not the same as providing an exact number, i thought someone who lied about having moral truth would know this? do you now know that ~ means "estimated"? you truly do need to clear your mind and look at the world logically for once, you'll realise things that will change you for the better