2 Post – 82 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

For me, it makes the clients disposable. I can reinstall the laptop, desktop, phone and be up and running in no time, without doing backups and preparation. Also it is easy to jump between clients.

The server needs to be backed up though

When the first dinosaur bone was discovered, noone had heard about it before and people believed that bones they found before were from some animals

After people knew about dinosaurs they started finding them other places in the world at a rapid pace. Many people thought it was all a hoax

So you know, unless you know about them you don't know what to report. And americans think most about aliens I guess.

That being said, probably there aren't secret aliens around. probably 🫣

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Email. I want a local email server where I can move old emails off the internet for archiving.

But the number of components going into email servers made me stop.. I already have caddy reverse proxy, but finding out how to use it for a email server.. I didn't even get properly started

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My email calendars I leave alone, but I use caldav for personal calendar and tasks.

I use radicale as caldav server, and on android and thunderbird on computer. works very well

I also use silverbullet ( for more complex todo lists

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There's the Nokia XR Phones

My girlfriend has one and it seems to work fine

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Yes, I have used it for many months. It has been the best solution for my use case for a while. Which is tasks, shopping, planning (trips, ..), recipes, and a simple knowledgebase. It was the offline support that set it apart from some other solutions

I have the files in a syncthing folder, so I can access the files without running silverbullet

My biggest problem is keeping up with all the changes. Zef made some youtube videos that are helpful

I used yadm for a while and liked it. It is a git wrapper that makes git'ing your home folder for config files less messy

Now I don't care so much for keeping settings anymore and use mainly vanilla settings, therefore I stopped using it

The first generation Hyundai Ioniq 5 had solar roof (at least some models).

The first gen ioniq 5 also had a very low payload capacity, with stories of families who couldn't legally be in the car at the same time without being over the capacity.

The reason, I'm told, is that supporting the solar roof reduced the payload capacity a lot.

Also, solar cells on a car doesn't make much sense like others have already said.

Don't know why you got downvoted. Chatgpt has helped me too wrap my head around programming/scripting - in my case jinja2 in home assistant.

It might not always be correct, but it helped me getting started!

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I use Debian + Gnome without custom extensions and like it.

I don't use too many programs, so in the overview I have Firefox in position 1, signal in position 2 and steam in 3. Then I use Win+1,2,3 to launch them.

For other programs, I hit Win and then start typing the name and hit enter.

For switching between windows, i use alt-tab or alt-(key above tab). If I have many windows or playing game in full screen, I hit Win-key once and choose the window i want.

I don't use workspaces, never found a good flow. And I rarely miss a taskbar.

I would recommend using one of the distros backed by a big company or have very long track records. They are less likely to break on updates, and have a higher chance of supporting any uncommon hardware you may have.

  • Fedora
  • Ubuntu
  • Mint
  • Pop OS

If you have new hardware (e.g. GPU newer than 6 months) you will probably have issues. Follow the recommendations from the hardware supplier, or use something arch based. I used Manjaro a while when I got new hardware.

Besides those tips, you should decide which desktop environment you like best. I prefer gnome, as I enjoy to spend time in apps and not on in settings. Others prefer customization. Have a look at

Currently using Silverbullet ( ).

I like that it has offline mode and everything is in .md files, and it is a combined edit and view mode. The home page us editable, but doesn't sync back - if you want to test it

It has a pretty powerful query function, to autogenerate lists of tasks or files

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Are the ones I use the most I think

I use miniflux, and flux news app on android. It looks nice and works well (i posted about it some time ago )

I am not missing any features, but I am not doing anything fancy. I have grouped the rss feeds, if that counts as filtering

I have used it for a long time now, and I don't have an urge to try and find something better, like I do for some other self hosted stuff.

I use Kvaesitso and have been using it for a long time now.

I wanted a search-based launcher with support for widgets. I was missing some features in the beginning, but I must admit I have forgotten what they were - so I guess that is a good sign 👌

Likes: Good search, OK widget, main screen can be as clean or dirty has you want

The built-in gallery app on my samsung galaxy phone, in combination with syncthing.

As long as the phone has enough storage for all your images, this has been my favourite selfhosted solution so far.

I used Photoprism before, but I could never find an old picture quickly during a conversation. Now I can, 50% of the time 🫣

I too use miniflux and I like it

I made a post some weeks ago

I also have internal only traffic, but I still use let's encrypt. I self signed for a couple of years, but switching to proper certificates made things much simpler and better. Especially on mobile.

I use a combination of my own domain and caddy. and duckdns, since my domain registrar does not have an api caddy can use, but I can point my domain to my duckdns domain and it works 👍

Miniflux has grown on me

I run it in docker and access from browser. It says it can automatically download the whole article. For me I have to hit download button each time, maybe I missed some configuration.

If you self-host services, I recommend it

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For the Play store, the developer provides a compiled version of the program.

For F-droid, the source code must be available online, and F-droid compiles the program, not the developer. This way you can be sure the source code is the actual code used.

Usually the two versions are the same, but sometimes the f-droid version is the play store paid version, but for free.

Have you considered silverbullet? the documentation uses silverbullet, and is editable (but not persistent) so you can test how it feels

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Actually I left 🫣🫣 After using it for a few years. I couldn't get a hang of it on Android, and I ended up switching to caldav for tasks and markdown for notes.

Currently testing out

I did enjoy orgmode for a long time, but I got too old for init.el ..

I ended up with installing a dovecot IMAP server that i can connect to from any email client. but no smtp to send emails

Then you connect to the imap server from the email client and search that way

Tsacdrop hasn't been updated since 2021, it was very buggy for me

AntennaPod UX felt a bit off for me when I first started using it, but it grew on me. And they recently did an UI/UX update to the front page I like. It might be a good time to give it a second look

I do the same. I use caddy reverse proxy, and find it useful to use the container name for url, and no ports exposed

What is the benefit for making changes with separate files?

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I have used both, and syncthing is the most stable in my opinion. But you will get sync conflicts/ duplicates if you work on the same file

For working on markdown files you should additionally look into , it's great 🙂. It has offline mode. But it will also generate duplicates if you edit the same file offline



Kvaesitso launcher also has built in note widget that can be linked to same local file as in an app.

I also stopped using Nextcloud after it broke a couple of times. As a consequence I also never use :latest tag on any docker container anymore - manual updates only

When I switched to Android phone, I also switched to syncthing. If you have enough storage on your phone, it is amazing! Never looked back

I use proxmox server and proxmox backup server (in a VM 🫣) to do encrypted backups.

A raspberry pi has ssh access to PBS and it rsync all the files, and then uploads them to backblaze using rclone. recommended "pull" backups, so if someone hacks your server they don't have access to your backups. If the pi is hacked it can mess with everything, but the idea is that is has a smaller attack surface (just ssh).

PS. If you rclone a lot of files to backblaze use , or else it will get expensive

I installed k-9 mail / Thunderbird on my android phone and set it to sync all emails, so I have local copy on my phone

I use silverbullet, it is great for tasks and notes! - the manual itself uses it, so it is both a manual and a demo page

Have you looked into the Batman Arkham series? They have great stories, and feel kinda Zelda in that you get new tools as you progress. There are puzzles which I don't always love, but maybe you do.

There is combat, but you can play on easy. And you upgrade your skills, but it is not very crucial to the experience.

And also maybe portal? Not very rpg, but environment changes as you progress.

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You could set up specifically clementines and tell me how you got it working 😅😅

I recently started using (note taking with PWA offline support). And nforwardauth (authentication). I like both so far.

I see you are also missing paperless-ngx, syncthing and gitea

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Same here!

I have used it for a long time, I like it too. I use the local podcast feeds from podgrab into antennapod on android.

In the beginning I used the tags feeds to have a single feed for all podcasts of a certain category. But now I have a feed for each podcast like normal people.

Nevermind, found the correct config in the examples folder (there is also nginx example there 😅 ) (edit: it was traefik)


In my opinion, the arkham games got progressively better (except origins) - my favorite is Arkham Knight.

You can try it right now on the docs, . I don't like the color scheme, but it seems quite simple to change

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Where do you backup the decryption? Is it a memorized password, or a key?

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Hear hear. Not allowing spare keys doesn't make sense. I have as many spare keys for my digital stuff as my apartment. But yeah, too few sites support that