const void*

@const void*
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Joined 12 months ago

Why was .ml selected to begin with?

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When a physical button is buried under a menu, it ceases to become a feature and instead becomes a chore. Rear ac on / off should always be a dedicated button if not knob.

I wouldn’t mind voice activation however.

Precisely why I left

Hell, medium should be paying me to read them

I imagine 80% of student homework starts with a chatgtp first draft. Machine learning is now shaping human learning..

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Write and see if it is the same

Have you met marketing?

*most smart phones…

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Reddit has major issues of power hungry mods & admins demanding others think like they do or suffer the consequences.

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Lemmy is way more fun for me. I am done with Reddit.

That is what happened at the of WW1 which created conditions that were a straight line into WW2.

The reality it is far better to support a people back into democratic, peaceful self-governed society vs perpetuate the damage and trauma of a bestial dictatorship.

Great call.

“Scully, this is a classic case of demon fetal harvest.”

Why get a warrant when you can honey pot the entire thing? A trick as old as time.

we shouldn’t be a dictator to other Americans however i understand the sentiment. The bill will get wrapped up in courts, or it should.

lol! yes, we likely agree. A free market refers to a market free from all forms of economic privilege, monopolies, and artificial scarcity.

Easiest way to collect negative downvotes is originality or making fun of what passes for German humor.

Yeah, ungood to trap Florida kids in an echo chamber. It’s the reverse. We want them to leave and see a bigger world.

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I agree. Linux is great when one has the time but not the money.

However for a system that just works - MacOS is one of the best bsd distros of all time esp on arm.

Sadly MacOS also comes with the downfalls of a closed and proprietary ecosystem.

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Wonder what dent the 40M rasberry pi's make, not to mention virtual desktops and the like! The number may be higher than 3%!

like lemmy! of course.

Yes, I have yet to have a zero-config experience even on vertical (but open) platforms like RasberryPi. What has been your experience?

GPU, Sound, WiFi Day 0 / 1 / 365 are not yet on par with MacOS or Win11, for me, anyway.

For me, it is important to recognize there is a larger time investment, otherwise how does it get better?

lol - I was thinking iPhones which are still USB C <-> Lightening (at best), and not yet USB C<->C.

A rambunctious community can jump a fence. The amount of butthurt in Reddit admin teams runs deep, and there is no escape; of course, that is the whole appeal (to them).

Why is that a good or better thing?

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It looks like a state government was creating their own mastodon instance which, when plugged into the rest, would give them surveillance and digital wire tapping powers that today they do not have?

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Dear diary,

Today I forgot about how the internet functions, and have decided to ignore how a router + infinite cpu & storage works, without websites that are not documenting who their visitors aren’t, so they can’t sell advertising, nor sell to groups who aren’t affiliated with state governments.

Sincerely, Not a computer scientist

Decentralized yet federated open platforms are part of the free market - and a victory of the free market. Consolidating media into an empire is a problem ... but ... ultimately ... a problem the free market can solve, as long as the role of government keeps a free market free.

For media, a state platform in order of goodness:

non state (open) platform > non state (closed) platform > State owned platform

most times when the state takes an action it deprives it’s citizens of the beneficial outcomes of that action (skill, monetary).

Which would be better - open instances in each country where the state ( country and regional/s) is a participant along with its citizens?

Or instances where the state and its infinite power is private and above the people the state would govern?

My reaction is not to a state using mastodon nor twitter for that matter. My reaction is to a state running mastodon separate from the people.

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Just the opposite, I would argue...the role of the state should be to keep a market free so that open & standard-based solutions can replace vertical & proprietary solutions.

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Why be pro any *ism or *ist? Why not be pro *ance?

Why shouldn't the state be subject to the same whims as its citizens? How else will the state have skin in the game?

To me, the free market has produced both Lemmy and Mastodon - I wouldn't count it out just yet.

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Surveillance with neither a warrant nor probable cause.

A private instance on an open platform, by the state, for the state? Sure. Go for it.

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tbh - I am not a fan of state-run media, would prefer free market solns where the state has to abide by the rules of the people.

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