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I posted about this in another thread, but Epic also bought exclusivity for games that were crowd-funded then had the option to have the game on Steam removed or you'd get the Steam key after the exclusivity period expired. This pissed off a lot of people.

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and because of this, the game isn't available in my region. Guess I'll pirate it if I ever feel like playing it then.

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Epic funding games development was only a recent thing. For the most part, they were buying exclusivity for games that were already set to be released or were already in active development. The other reason why this was hated was because they bought exclusivity for games that were crowd-funded back when the store was newly opened.

Best guess is people voted it because they didn't know any of the other games and didn't bother to check.

Yeah, Yahtzee and ZP was what kept The Escapist alive (Pretty sure there was a point where ZP was their only content). Cold Take was the other thing that was interesting and they lost that too. I don't think they have any other content without those guys.

I really hope Gamefaqs continues to persist. I still think it's one of the best places for guides.

I'm guessing this is still related to that time where a guy running a tournament had his nude Chun-Li mod on.

An important detail regarding exclusivity. What made a ton of people pissed off (and justifiably so, in my opinion) is that they bought exclusivity for games that were kickstarted which resulted in the option for Steam keys being removed for these games.

Yeah, this caused A LOT of controversy back then. As far as I know, Epic has stopped doing this and has pivoted a bit more into funding game development (i.e. Alan Wake 2.) That being said, that gave Epic a terrible reputation when they initially launched EGS.

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Not the person you're replying to, but from what I've read before Valve is kind of notorious for this because they do encourage people to work on what they want. The problem with this is that it also means it's hard to get support for your project. For example, in order to get Half-Life: Alyx pushed out, they had to suspend that policy of working only on things that make them happy.

Here's a quote from the wiki article about HL: Alyx's development:

Valve abandoned episodic development and made several failed attempts to develop further Half-Life projects. Walker blamed the lack of progress on Valve's flat management structure, whereby employees decide what to work on themselves. He said the team eventually decided they would be happier if they worked together on a large project, even if it was not their preferred choice.

Here's some additional info on how they work from an interview:

Robin Walker: We started in February of 2016, I think, with a small team, and we brought out a small prototype. Then people started to play that, understood what we were trying to do afterward, and started joining up. We had 80 people on the team when we were about midway through. The exact size of the team I wouldn’t be able to tell you. The way things work at Valve, people organically join once they’ve finished up what they were doing before, and if what you’re doing makes sense to them. So it was always full steam ahead, I guess, but not in the sense that all 80 people were there from day one.

Jane Ng: I joined the project last year, I think. People just sort of see that “Hey, this project’s getting pretty cool,” and then they roll their desks over when they’re done with whatever they were doing.

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I guess the guy doesn't consider roman senators to be rogues. Probably gave advantage for the surprise attack though.

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I can't help but feel this stance is because of a recent fuck up where a person hosting a tournament didn't turn off his nude Chun-Li mod while streaming it.

They decided to go John Oliver only too, except people are now posting normal content and just putting a small John Oliver somewhere in the original picture.

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It's kind of weird too since they sell PS5s in regions where PSN isn't officially supported.

Here's a super hot take. The N64 is not a bad controller. It's especially good for first person shooters.

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This is also why I don't mind the John Oliver stuff. It's interesting for now, but it will get boring. I just hope it doesn't get stupid like what happened on r/aww

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Based on the other poster above, it was the Darwinia devs who reached out to Steam. So Darwinia isn't a particularly good example either.

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Aren't demos kind of making a comeback? I've played lots of demos on Steam.

Buildapac is probably still one of the best places to get advice on pc parts.

Yep, only reason Epic sued Google is because they want more money. I think Tim Sweeney was even quoted that they'd make billions from it.

I don't actually know all the games that did this, but the most famous examples are Phoenix Point and Shenmue 3. I already read that Outer Wilds was another one that took the exclusivity deal.

Only write-ups I could see was for the description of the award. I don't remember if the games had write-ups during the voting period though.

Comer spent hours that day carpet bombing the Does with racist text and voice messages. Not satisfied, he decided to show the Does that he knew where they lived and could assault them there. Comer used an anonymous number to place a cash on delivery order with Domino’s Pizza for a virtually inedible, odiferous pizza. Comer instructed the delivery driver to “knock at least five times” on the Does’ door because he would purportedly be wearing headphones and so would need loud, insistent banging to learn of the pizza’s arrival. And he sent the order cash-on-delivery, to increase the chances of conflict between the Does and the delivery driver. Id. Comer again used the alias “Clay Bramston,” the same name he used on his voice and text messages. The order was dispatched to the Does’ home as a form of threat. Comer used Domino’s online order tracking system to confirm that the Does had received his pizza-shaped threat. Comer then left K. Doe another voicemail, telling her to “enjoy the pizza.”

That harasser is insane. There is no doubt that Bungie should have won.

Does have a toggle for seeing NSFW posts? I can't seem to find it.

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Honestly, I think the hype is more for having one of the least toxic online communities.

Yeah, I played It Takes Two with my gf last week and she had trouble with the most basic jumps because she couldn't use the keyboard and mouse at the same time. It might be easier with the controller, but moving a character and the camera at the same time is surprisingly hard to learn for beginners.

The best recommendations here are the games with extremely simple controls. I think Vampire Survivors was a good pick since you only need to use the keyboard for most of the time. Adventure games was another good recommendation since it should only require the mouse.

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I suppose you could say it's story heavy since what you're doing is piecing together what happened on the ship. The story is that you're a insurance investigator and have to find out what happened to every person that was on the Obra Dinn. It's a great game. If it matters, it's a Lucas Pope game, the guy who made Papers Please.

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If I understand correctly, Cold Take is owned by Frost so he can take that with him if he wants to.

Yeah. I can play Thrill of the Fight with no nausea after several matches. I also didn't get sick from Vader Immortal or other games like Beat Saber or Crisis VRigade. Games where you move in-game but stay still in real life though, I feel like throwing up after a short time.

There was no mention of this in the reviews right? Feels like this was done deliberately so that it wouldn't impact scores.

The other stupid part is that WFH makes more sense from a business perspective. Having to pay less in office rent and utilities is great for saving on costs.

I meant with crowd funded games. I'm aware that they still buy exclusivity. Though from what I know they pay indies less compared to what they used to pay.

I wonder what the listed offence was, because what OP stated in the comment is absolutely true. Did they conveniently forget the 9-dash line? China is absolutely laying claim to waters that have already been declared to belong to the Philippines.

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There's 3 days left for the kickstarter for anyone that wants to back this.

Another con is that GOG versions are usually not updated as much as other versions are. It's a shame, because I'd prefer to use GOG when possible.

Unreal World is probably one of the more interesting roguelikes I've ever seen but never played. Also, a lot of people talk about Dwarf Fortress, but don't mention the adventure mode which is a more standard roguelike adventure, but still very interesting because of the stuff that can happen and how powerful you can get.

Most people probably didn't even recognize the other games. I only know about Shadow of Doubt (which I think should have won) because Yahtzee made a video about it.

One of the examples I've seen of SBI "forcing inclusivity" was making Saga in Alan Wake 2 black. I'm not familiar enough with SBI's work to do make a real judgement, but if this is one of the examples being used to say that SBI is making games worse, then the curator list is dumb.

A lot of these people who love defending Epic also treat them as if they didn't do anything to earn their reputation for being shitty back then.

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