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Joined 12 months ago

They disproportionately move to LGBT tolerant places, which tend to be expensive metro areas or blue states where real estate is expensive.

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Did any of you commenters read past the headline? He's saying we should have stood up to Hitler sooner, but instead ended up forced to make the costly, brutal D-Day landings. He is advocating for us to stand up to Putin sooner.

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Sounds like a secret affair with the gardener

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It' call handling. What about that needs to be in a specific room?

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No, the whole argument of the damages amount was that it needed to be high enough to actually matter to this particular individual. Are you at all familiar with the case? The court agreed it needed to be high enough to be punitive.

It's not 45 congresspeople. It's the millions of people they collectively represent who put them there by ticking a box on a voting machine. Those 45 people are doing exactly what their constituents elected them to do. That is the real problem.

Is this not a human trafficking operation? What is the FBI doing with their thumbs in their asses?

It's true, former British colony The United States is still a developing country for this very reason.

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Sounds like where you live sucks. But it's always possible to have something random and unlikely happen even in the safest of places. Getting bitten by a shark doesn't mean sharks all need to die. You're just exceptionally unlucky.

Defensive response? North Korea invaded South Korea and almost won in the 1950s, until the UN forces pushed them back from the end of the peninsula and an armistice was reached.

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This shit doesnt work. Fines get added to cost of business and passed off to consumers.

The law needs to change to stop considering corps as people, and go after the actual stakeholders fucking over the country for extra profit.

Quote from article:

"A deal is on the table” that “the entire world is behind,” Blinken told a news conference. “Israel has accepted it, and Hamas could have answered with a single word: yes.”

In the event, Hamas took 12 days to issue its official reply. “You get to a point where, if one side continues to change its demands, you have to question whether they’re proceeding in good faith or not,” Blinken said.

Diphenhydramine, melatonin, neck pillow, and EYE MASK. Critical to block out light. Bonus for noise cancwlli headphones playing noise.

Why don't paltestinians work with Israel to get rid of Hamas ASAP?

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Linux still is not a main gaming OS yet. Stop being an asshole; you know this is true.


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Property acquisition costs and legal fees are immensely more expensive in the US. Have to obtain those thousands of miles of land for rail development from somebody.

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I've ordered real pet medications from there because american vet wait was two months in my area. It took a few weeks for the cat meds to arrive, but they definitely delivered. Cheaper than a vet in my area too.

Israel's watch? Israel agreed several times to various two state solutions. Palestinians have always rejected recognizing Israel as a state. Here's a reality check:,based%20on%20the%201967%20lines.

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FYI the United States has always maintained a first-strike policy as official nuclear doctrine. There is no language restricting nuclear weapons to just nuclear retaliation.

Why, were you too stupid to configure dual boot? I don't imagine you're having a better time with Linux. This is not hard stuff.

Make the burger stand free 🇺🇸

I wonder how the court would respond to a petition to allow firearms in court rooms. It's a god-given American freedom, guaranteed by the second amendment right?

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It's a joke, dummy

You probably don't choose to be homeless, but you do choose where to put your tent.

Sleeping is a biological necessity. So is shitting. WHY CAN'T I SHIT WHEREVER I WANT?! America sucks.

Yes, they are innocent. They did not consent to what their elected government is doing, assuming the actions being taken are from representatives they did not vote for.

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Your company paid you to do a specific job. I don't imagine the job expectations were to physically apprehend thieves; that's what security is for. You could have been stabbed or shot. Your employer's bottom line is not worth your life. However pissed off it makes you feel that some asshole makes off with store items, you're not the store owner. I get that it sucks, but your firing is because of liability, not because you tried to do the "right thing"

Lemme ask you a question: how did Jerusalem get its name, and who lived there and named it thousands of years ago?

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This is the standard component in smoke rounds to actually produce the smoke. This is what Israel is using white phosphorus for, but the article is biased and never mentions it. The US and many other countries use white phosphorus based smoke munitions too, and it is not a war crime. The militant areas of Gaza are all densely populated, and smoke is often necessary during combat.


These wouldn't be like single family homes for the most part. More like concrete apartment block slums. Hamas has tunnels under the entire Gaza strip, weaving throughout civilian infrastructure and housing. When Hamas tunnels are blown or bombed, streets and buildings above further down the tunnels can be damaged or destroyed too. These tunnels range in size, from tiny crawl ways to large corridors multiple people could wall in for ferrying supplies and fighters. They are not conditions teams of soldiers can directly fight through. Israel tried different options like pumping in water or concrete to deal with the tunnels but Hamas has found ways to make these safer solutions ineffective. It's not like a single tunnel system; it's innumerable small tunnel systems. More are constantly being being made too.

Additionally, Hamas fights like Al-Qaeda, embedded in the civilian population without clear designation or uniform. They exploit humanitarian activity, diverting supplies intended for civilians for themselves. If they know IDF soldiers are approaching, they can just disperse and pretend to be civilians.

How would any of you approach this problem? Hamas IS a terrorist militant group, especially obviously so after the massive terror attack in October killing over a thousand innocent Israeli civilians.

The IDF seems to have run out of effective options that don't hurt the civilian population, and gave up after the October events with their prior painstakingly slow and risky standard counterterrorism strategies. They just bomb the tunnels now, and they bomb wherever they find Hamas positions embedded above ground regardless of collateral.

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No, it started in 1948. And it was started by several Arab nations, who invaded immediately after Britain released their mandate in the region protecting Israelis.

Heard of the six day war? How about the Yom kipour war? Who started any of them?

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Nope, just because I'm part of a wide, very diluted group collectively responsible doesn't mean I think I am wrong. I am happy for voting representatives into power who used military force against Al-Qaida and ISIS. Fuck them.

Yes, those people are innocent. I have no qualms with that.

Germans voted for the Nazi party to take power. And guess what? Germans supported that party, even after that party they chose to put into power suspended elections. If you elect a government that suspends elections, you're still responsible for electing that government. You put them there: you and your fellow citizens gave consent.

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I AM responsible. This is how democracy works. You are responsible for your own governance. Why don't you think for yourself? You can't vote for your government to kill others, and take zero responsibility.

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I don't disagree. Airstrikes and intelligence on where to put them can only be so reliable.

No, every voting eligible citizen in a democratically elected government is responsible for a war of aggression. They are giving consent to the war of aggression. That is how democracy works: you the citizen decide your own governance, and you are not magically absolved of responsibility for the actions of the government you elected.

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The article says the post was made by an employee in India. Seems like a cultural misunderstanding.

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No, I am a voter. Do you know how government works? Are you 12?

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There's only so many times you can step on a human turd in the middle of the sidewalk downtown before you agree with Grant's Pass.

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