Cuz :twit:

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Joined 4 years ago

Professional key slapper. #Linux #Android #Proxmox #Sport

@somefool @anlumo yeah it's enshittification in full force. The good info will be in archived posts.

Salads can be made tasty and when paired with the right cheeses, nuts and proteins, they're healthy, filling, and downright heavenly.

Biggie: "Fuck the state pen, fuck hoes at Penn State" or "Now honeys play me close like butter play toast"

@app_priori @jacktherippah I would never put anything past Facebook's intentions and the reactions of some Mastodon users. I think a good chunk of Mastodon users would still go back to a centralized network and might see Threads as a way to have both worlds ... until the other shoe drops.

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@app_priori I sular communities that can federate. That's the draw for me, but may not be for others. I think I'm done with a Twitter-like experience but I know a lot of other Twitter "refugees" just will not roll with the new experiences. And recreating somewhere where news and information can be diseminated. I mean it seems like it would be an easy technical problem to solve and I'm surprised that it hasn't happened already.

Anyways lol I'm rambling

I'd be happy with just a functional bridge between iMessage and RCS

I'm sure the push for non proprietary standards before the latest EU rules had some part to play as well

The longcut is installing Linux

Apple isn't new to quid pro quo "journalism"

@Quartz @erik111189 a full bidet or a bidet addon?

@AA5B yeah the enshittification of streaming TV is well underway. Pretty soon the best option will be to buy a computer monitor

I have to believe that those who gave him that loan knew exactly the kind of shit show he would bring to Twitter and that was their goal - to make it wholly less relevant and less able to undermine them.

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Keep Lemmy Weird

Any recommendations for good instances to try?

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I had a Motorola StarTac, but I also had a plug-in organizer that I could import my contacts and initiate calls with. On top of that I had a cable that that I could tether my iPaq to by dialing #777 . My next phone was a Palm Treo.

@AA5B @BearOfaTime what brand, may I ask

And can it be factory reset?

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Cool! Thanks - I'll check them out.

I stopped trying to do Linux on the Chromebook after the third time this happened to me. Lust SSHed to another machine and tried Termux, then gave up and went to a regular laptop.

AT&T's 4GE is rolling over in its grave.

@scarabic I was also thinking about foreign illiberal governments

Which launcher did you install?

@fades @African_Grey do you know if any more beta slots have been upened up for Memmy? I'm trialing Mlem right now but there's no iPad version

@MargotRobbie @Aux lol what is going on? Where's the blue check?

@African_Grey @chickenwing the brute force method

@pixel any recommendations for some cool Calckey instances to try?

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Cheers. It'll be fun to explore.

I've heard it compared to Tumblr

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