cowboycrustation [he/him]

@cowboycrustation [he/him]
1 Post – 33 Comments
Joined 5 months ago

King of all crustations. Lord of all cowboys. Brother to all the transes.

I really hope that Nex will get justice and that there will be an independent investigation into this because this is a load of bullshit.

Do they think we're stupid? Even if the cause of death was suicide (which we don't know for sure, because the autopsy is shady AF.) it's a known fact that getting a concussion can make people suicidal. Either way, the girls who attacked him are responsible for his death. Pouring water on someone does not justify killing them.

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This is so relatable. I do this especially around family because I desperately don't want to be judged and talked about (but it happens anyway).

I would be much more concerned about domestic terrorists than foreign terrorists at this point.

Nex used he/him and they/them pronouns.

"Benedict, a 16-year-old Indigenous person who used both he/him and they/them pronouns according to friends and family"


I know all too well about these kinds of situations. My first thought when this story broke out in the news was "this could have been me." I'm from a state in the deep south with similar politics, and I know how easily local politics can get corrupted. I was a baby trans in a shitty, transphobic school system too. There are good people and people who care and want to help who are from there I'm sure, but the system has been built from the ground up to enforce the status quo.

I hope that there will be justice for Nex Benedict. If not now, then someday when things change for the better. In the meantime, we have to fight to get there and hold people accountable for their actions.

Woah that's terrifying. Fuck this guy

"Transfeminine AMABs (people assigned male at birth) with testicles experience surges in testosterone in relation to attraction and desire, which can make them more dysphoric." -Biochemical dysphoria, The Gender Dysphoria Bible

Sexual Dysphoria

Unfortunately that is true, but there's really not an alternative for a lot of the people who need help. Sometimes it's a matter of trusting strangers vs being out on the streets. This is a good thing to have for those people.

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Love your poetry. Keep it up.

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Could you also post this to c/trans?

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No please give me the opposite of all that I beg of you

Corporate pride for the win...sigh

Hey Emma, hope ya find someone. You're a very cool person and it's been nice knowing you online. Being isolated sucks.

I don't have any specific advice for you but I want you to know that you're loved, valued, and wanted, even if just by random internet people (but I'm sure there are people in your life who feel this way about you even if they don't say it outright).

Things are gonna turn out better, even if it takes some time. Take it one step at a time, day by day. You've done so much already, and it takes a strong, resilient person to go through the things you've been subjected to.

I wish you the best. You can do this.


Hell, I used to feel terrified to shop in the men's section. Now it feels like second nature.

You've got nice hair.

I'm having problems joining. When I click on the link it says you're not invited

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That's just not true. I know people who are happy with their jobs and live decent lives. Yes, capitalism sucks, but saying that there's no happiness and there's no joy in this system is just incorrect. Even in systems and countries that have even worse conditions, people still manage to find joy and happiness in things, even if they're small. Friends, family, pets, nature, hobbies, etc are ways that you can find little pockets of joy in this world. If you don't have any of those things, it's more than possible to find them. You're going to live a miserable life with that mindset (which isn't even reflective of reality) and there's no good in trying to spread that to others.

If you just switch guy and girl it's perfectly relatable to me. Some pretty universal trans themes in there.

No, that would be Natalie Wynn aka contra points. General trans is the organization she is CEO of and is used to carry out the agenda.

Thanks. I'm sure this'll benefit a lot of people.

So much so, that the Greek gods had a policy of sentencing aroace people to death.

Citation needed

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Please crosspost this to trans and ftm

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Give some specific examples

Alternatively, that could be a new article idea and then you could link to that as your source.

No, that's not entirely true. Most cis women are fully developed at around 18.

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It worked. You fixed it.

Honestly the things i'm most worried about for the very near future are the banning of changing legal documents (specifically birth certificates, because they're tied to your state of birth much more than other docs) and banning hrt for under 21. It'll likely be at least a few more years till something like rounding us up happens (if it does).


You could argue that maturation never ends since we are perpetually aging. Usually one thinks of puberty as the development of secondary sex characteristics.

Yeah that's true, and puberty's been starting earlier and earlier for AFABs in the past decade or two. If it's starting earlier then it's easy to assume it's ending earlier too. The average age for puberty to start is 10, and the average duration of puberty is five to six years. 25 is not a normal number to still be physically maturing at for AFABs. Not saying it's not possible, but it's definitely not the norm. 10-16 is a more accurate number for the majority.

To clarify, when I say physically maturing I mean the development of secondary sex characteristics, which is what puberty is typically associated with.


I'd mark this NSFW if I were you

Da fluoride in the water turned me trans (and the frogs gay)

Spiritfarer is a very good game. Kinda reminds me of Stardew valley. You're basically a person that runs this houseboat and you let spirits of dead people stay until they are ready to depart to the great unknown. In addition to running the houseboat, you can explore different islands and pick up new spirits as you go along. The world is really immersive.

It WILL make you cry at a couple of points, but it's so beautifully done. The art and music are just 👌🏻.