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Joined 4 months ago

If this law passes I will delete What's App. I don't fucking care how many contacts I will loose. Matrix it is then.

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Its really worth reading the whole Article. Im looking forward to long lasting EVs, but I really fear that, what the author also described in his article, may come true. I think we will see that car manufacturers will start to act like hardware company's and start to force you to regularly buy a new car by making your car incompatible to new features or by designing it to fail after a few years.

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Not yet. The submarine should do 2-3 tours before we get musk and Bezos in, since then its more likely to break.

Idk about the EU(there have been cases that were exactly this, an example would be Article 13), but I can say to you, that this devinetively happens in Germany. Our conservatives party wants to pass a law, that would track and save all your online activity(Vorratsdatenspeicherung/ data preservation) to fight "paedophiles and terrorists" they bring it up once in a while, even tho, our federal court already said, that its illegal.

AS far AS i know, there are experiments with identifying the gender in the egg, but it isn't practically usable on a big scale. I might be wrong, would love if someone knew more about this.

I can only suggest getting yourself a legal expense insurance. It may not be to obvious, but there will be day, where you get a customer that makes a very sweet deal and later won't pay you. It devinetively is good, if you don't have to take the costs of it going to court.

Same. Matrix is great.

How does je dare to.

But i thought both sides are the same?

Jokes aside. I really hope that this passes and that other country's may take this as an example to follow.

I once forgot my ear protection while going to the club and had tinnitus for 2 days straight. Devinetively not worth it.

Don't even get in a relationship.

I have to go now crying to sleep from loneliness.

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I would use Libretube, but it simply doesn't work on my phone. On PC I always use piped.

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surprised pikachu

The hens are bred for laying as much eggs as possible, on the cost of meat production. this means, that it isn't profitable to raise them, just to get some meat, when you can raise other chicken breads to get twice the amount of meat.

No silicone in your dick yet.

That's why its better to take them under medical supervision(at least for the first time). Just giving them someone is probably the dumbest thing you could do.

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Oh my god, that's inefficient as hell.

Havent thought about the spelling mistakes being a filter, but now that you say it, it does makes sense.

I'm not sure we want someone who said, that if he could he would have crossed the border(slaughtering civilians) is someone you want in Europe.

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What is Pipeline?

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Absolute legend

Organic food is devinetively not snake oil. As you mentioned,Nutrition wise its exactly the same. However, the Environmental Impact is completely different. Organic farming is much better in terms of biodiversity, soil health. Since organic farming doesn't include the use of pesticides it doesn't kills everything else that would live on a field. Also, Theres always parts of the pesticides that stay in the crops and that you eat. I don't know exactly how bad they are, but considering that(at least in Germany) Parkinson is an accepted work related illness for farmers its sure that they aren't entirely safe for humans. However, we should take into consideration, that farmers get exposed to much higher doses of pesticides. If someone has some articles regarding this topic feel free to share.

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It’s not a bad outcome, really, and if someone somehow wants to start a counter-culture right wing node on the fediverse, nothing is stopping him except a total lack of willing participants.

And the fact, that most instance would instantly defederate

I really like the Electric Callboy cover of it. You should listen to it.

Thanks. That fixed it.

I wasn't able to find the same Quote in a more reliable source, but I was able to find about 6 difference Websites quoting Abbu Sitta with this. The Quote also was(if I remember right) why he was denied(unlawfully) Entrance into Germany and France.

I will try to find a more Serious source and link it then.

Edit: sadly i was only able to find a german Article regarding the palestina conference and why it had been stopped by the police:!6004209/

In the Article they say the following:

Grund für die Polizei, den Video-Vortrag von Abu Sitta abzubrechen, war offenbar ein Blog-Beitrag des 87-jährigen vom Januar. Darin hatte dieser geschrieben, wäre er jünger, hätte er einer derjenigen sein können, die am 7. Oktober die Blockade des Gazastreifens durchbrachen. Beim Überfall der islamistischen Hamas waren etwa 1.200 Menschen in Israel getötet worden. Als Redner war Sitta allerdings schon seit Monaten angekündigt, sein Vortrag also alles andere als überraschend. Dennoch griff die Polizei mit voller Härte durch, als sei akute Gefahr im Verzug.


The reason for for the police to stop Abu Sitta's video presentation was apparently a blog post a blog post by the 87-year-old in January. In it he had written had written that if he had been younger, he could have been one of those who who broke through the blockade of the Gaza Strip on October 7. During the attack attack by the Islamist Hamas killed around 1,200 people in Israel. were killed in Israel. However, Sitta had already been announced as a speaker for months, so his speech was anything but surprising. Nevertheless, the police cracked down as if there was imminent danger.

Buy 2 handguns and get a free joint

Also, its literally impossible to prove, that something doesntvexist. You can be very sure about the not existence of something, but you can't be 100% sure.

That's why you shouldn't just give it out to the Normie's. It should only be taken with medical supervision.

I was considering to vote for Volt, but I fear, that their approach to save the climate might get overrun by other liberal parties. I'm currently considering voting for die Piraten.

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That Approach is great. I also agree with most of their core values, except their approach to taxes. Its also great to have a party that is active in different country's.

Yes, I try to avoid it, but its kinda ass, if you loose contact to literally everyone you know.

I already use Signal and matrix for certain groups and contacts.

I have no fucking clue how you're supposed to double blind it. Obviously the patients will realise if theyve been giving MDMA.

I have a desktop for gaming and office work. My Laptop for watching stuff while laying in bed and for school work. My phone primarily is for chatting with friends, browsing Lemmy, calling and playing some games.

Docker is in theory nice, if it works. Docker doesn't run on my computer(i have no fucking clue why). Every time I try to do anything I get the Error "Unknown Server: OS" also there is literally nothing you can find online about how to Fux this problem.

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Damn, I kinda don't care. Another day being happy that I know use piped so whatever YouTube does doesn't affect me.

Nothing happens if you fuck up your proxy, but if you develop an app that gets very popular and don't care about safety, so hackers are able to take control over your whole Server they can do a lot of damage. If you develop software for critical infrastructure it can actually cost human lives if you fuck up your security systems.

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Bauhaus, wenns gut werden muss.

That's what he mentioned. High quality content and high quality shitposts as the result.

I absolutely did. Thanks for that.