1 Post – 49 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Russian on Russian violence is good for pretty much everyone except Russia. The only thing keeping Russia relevant is the threat of their military power. The weaker their military gets, the weaker Russia gets.

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Elon "Free speech absolutist" Musk proves once again that he doesn't give a shit about free speech. He only cares about right-wing speech.

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This isn't ransomware. This is standard blackmail.

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Usually what happens is that these sorts of blackmailers will leak small, verifiable pieces of data so people know they really got something. We don't see that here, so for now there's no reason to take them seriously yet.

This drives me nuts. Why do his moronic cult followers keep giving him money? He's a "billionaire." LOL

I think that would defeat a piece of the point of a decentralized system. In the current design, what will naturally happen is that if one instance has all the good content on a particular topic, most users will gravitate toward it anyway. We can read across federated instances anyway so I, a kbin user, have no problem reading something on lemmy like this.

Then let's say one day gets taken over by people who want to post stuff I don't want to see. If I miss how it used to be here, I could go make and it would be fine.

Just post them quotes from things like the Bible, Abraham Lincoln, or Ronald Reagan that directly contradict what the Republican Party does now.

Harming animals is absolutely a sign of someone being deranged. Many eventually escalate to harming humans.

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Remember, it's not all of Lemmy, it's just is the one run by pro-china folks.

Well they mention Github artifacts in that message so it sounds like it's more like they may have obtained source code and that sort of non public stuff.

How long until conservatives try to cancel Marvel for spreading pro-mutant propaganda?

Why would anyone want to be his lawyer at this point? The cases against him have overwhelming evidence. You can't even do it for the money cuz Trump will probably not pay you. I guess the only lawyers who would do it just want their 15 minutes of fame and the right-wing lunatics as your future client pool.

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Yep this is the truth. The vast majority of users just go there and scroll and click through stuff. They don't really care. They were inconvenienced by the blackout and want it back to normal.

The real consequences are that a significant chunk of the active and power users have left the site now.

I haven't deleted my reddit account either. I have definitely noticed that my feed on reddit has less interesting content now.

I can't remember, are conservatives for or against "cancel culture?"

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Remember that in an interview, they mentioned that they used fake accounts early on to control the discourse on Reddit.

Not saying I have any proof they are doing that now, but it does show what they are willing to do to control the platform.

People who are afraid vote for someone they perceive as strong. Thus you'll see that right-wing media and politicians are constantly trying to instill fear in people. They want their voters to think that their way of life is under attack and there are enemies everywhere. The only one they can count on is their fearless leader to save them!

Social media recommendation algorithms. They are too good at showing people what they want to see. They are largely at fault for causing social media to devolve into echo chambers and radicalizing people.

The head wobble doesn't have one simple meaning.

I worked for many years with someone from south India and he would do the head wobble so over the years he tried to explain it. I still don't fully understand it. Haha

The Republican party serves the rich. Poor Republican voters are just temporarily embarrassed millionaires so they are cool with suffering themselves as long as other poor people are suffering. Other people deserve to suffer because of skin color, religion, "laziness", or whatever, so they keep voting to cut services for themselves.

I've been using Mastodon since Twitter was taken over by Musk, so I'm not a super long-term user, but I can give my perspective:

Platforms like kbin / lemmy are more like "topic" communities. Like people on kbin create "magazines" and on lemmy they are actually "communities". From the user perspective, you can just look for these communities you are interested in and sign up to get updates from them.

Platforms like Mastodon are more like you and specific people you like to see content from. So you find people you like to hear from and you follow them to get their updates. They may post on subjects you aren't interested in but oh well, that's up to them.

Both formats can produce desirable, tight-knit communities, but they just use different structure. In my opinion, the kbin / lemmy style is more accessible in terms of finding people interested in a specific subject but feels less personal since you are just all there to talk about a specific subject. On Mastodon, when I find people posting content I like, I end up learning more about the random nonsense they are interested in. Like my feed there has a ton of moose pictures now because one person I followed likes to post pictures of moose. I don't mind seeing them, but I never expected to see so many moose.

TLDR: Mastodon is about following people, kbin / lemmy are about following topics.

Post more content here and help make it less boring. More content will attract more users, which will result in more content. We need to grow the community.

I prefer public transportation, but I have to drive to save time when I commute to the office. If I drive myself it takes 25 minutes. If i take a bus, it would take like 1.5 hours (there's no direct route there). So my choice is like literally 3 hours a day on a bus or a bit under 1 hour in my car. With long hours of work and limited time to see the kids, I can't throw away 2 hours a day on transportation. Since COVID, though, I've been able to WFH so now I almost never drive.

This is pretty pathetic for positive spin. It reminds me of Zap Brannigan: "You see, Killbots have a preset kill limit. Knowing their weakness, I sent wave after wave of my own men at them, until they reached their limit and shutdown. Kif, show them the medal I won."

I had a couple of Motorola phones back in the day. Most recently I had a Moto Z2 Force, which had a shatterproof screen. I really liked that because around then I had my first kid and kids cause accidents all the time. LOL

I think that depends on the price, but yeah, if they charged a reasonable price, sure.

The insanity in the ruling is that 3/9 justices voted in favor if this nonsense. Seriously. I expected Thomas and Alito, but Gorsuch also voted in favor? These conservative justices need to be replaced.

Hmm this still doesn't quite work for those of us visiting from kbin because from kbin we access this community as: so even the /c/ doesn't match up.

We probably will need some special markup that each instance converts to their own local community / magazine format.

Executives aren't there to care about the product. They are there to lead the company to make a profit. That's what he's prioritizing. I don't really hold it against him personally myself. I'm just going to hang out here instead.

It took me a while to accept cloud storage but I use it now. I backed up all of our family photos on Google photos.

Definitely get it into beta as soon as you can. Many of us are happy to beta test.

If you want an even dirtier approach, you'd make a browser extension that scrapes reddit as your browse it and forwards links you upvote to kbin / lemmy or whatever. This has the benefit of being indistinguishable from regular browser traffic as far as reddit is concerned so they won't notice.

Well it depends on why the company has never managed to turn a profit. A great example is Amazon. I think it existed for like 15 years before it first turned a profit because it was aggressively growing and spending all of their income to try to grow more.

As for Reddit, they are not growing like Amazon did. However, capturing a large user base is worth something because they may be able to monetize those users eventually. Investors view simply having a large user base as pretty valuable.

Seriously, how can people still support these clowns? This is on the same sophistication level as "I totally did my homework, but my dog ate it."

I was pleasantly surprised by HSR. I didn't expect much but it's been a good game to pick up. Once you're caught up on the storyline, the daily time commitment is pretty small so I'll probably continue it for a while.

People did that on Twitter and Twitter has been resurrecting old, deleted posts. Reddit could easily do the same. Deleting doesn't really delete any data.

Yes, you can follow mastodon users and they can follow you. You can see what each other post, basically. I tested it out with my Mastodon account and my kbin account.

No business is a force for good. They are all there to make a profit. If they appear to be doing good, it's because that image is one that they feel is profitable. It can change at a moment's notice if they decide that going a different direction is profitable (e.g. Twitter).

I'm still remote. The company forced everyone to go back 3 days a week, but it was too big of a pain for me with child care being an issue (3 year old and 5 year old). So I applied for permanent WFH and they are sitting on my application. The CTO told me that the heads of the company are not giving permanent WFH for anyone without a medical reason. He did say that he would extend my return to office date until next year, though, so at least by then my 3 year-old will be in preschool.

All in all I'm considering leaving for a permanent WFH position. The work-life balance is just way better when you have small kids.

That's actually really good thing. In the U.S. not wanting to kill trans people makes you a "far left" person according to right-wingers. real "far left" people are pretty nuts, man. The vast majority of us are moderates who are now labeled as "far left" in the U.S. political discourse.

I've been a professional software engineer in the game industry for 22 years now. I started off in school at first on Apple computers with Basic, then when I got a graphing calculator in school I started writing tools for school work and games on it all the time. After college, I wasn't sure what sort of software I wanted to work on (dot-com era), but one of my good friends talked me into applying to some game companies. I've been in a bunch of different companies since then but right now I'm working on online systems for one of the biggest online games.