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Joined 1 years ago

Speaking as a Dutch person, our infrastructure just isn't made for cars this size. People basically need to enlarge their driveways to park something like this. So if you need to park a car like this it's almost impossible. That would stop most people from getting one, except the type of person that does buy one...

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Besides the amount of content (and the occasional server issues) on Lemmy I haven't missed anything about Reddit after switching.

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I think the only way he'll retire is in a coffin or if he gets confined to a hospital, otherwise they'll keep him going somehow.

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Nope, it feels like most people are too far gone for that and they'll never accept it. All thanks to these dumb politicians that took bribes to cover it up for years and years. Thanks for making our futures so much worse...

I suppose, except happy hour gives it a bit more of a positive spin. People like getting discount way more than having to pay more. They could've definitely handled this one better.

Also, having people pay more at peak hours is potentially going to shift when people start drinking. Day drinkers will most likely become more common that way.

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I wonder how the Trump fanboys are going to spin this advantagous decision as if the government is out to get him.

This is my main problem with hydrogen cars. I think it's a very cool concept that might eventually overtake pure electric cars but there's almost no places to get hydrogen yet.

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Except most governments. They also fund humanitarian aid for the Palestinians on the down-low but publically they're supporting Israel. Just look at the US.

Looks pretty cool, it's interesting to see how fast drones have developed in the last 10 years

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I wouldn't mind paying a little bit of money every month to get YouTube ad free. However, it costs €12 a month. That's a lot of money if you only care about getting rid of ads. I personally don't need the other features (downloading videos, background play and YouTube music). If they added a 5 to 7 euro a month tier through which you could get rid of ads then that would be much more interesting to me. Now I just feel like I should keep looking for ways around their pop up shenanigans.

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This whole conflict has just always felt like a massive grey area as an outsider. Both sides have done horrible things over the years, with the retaliation often being even worse. Most governments (including mine) are actually supporting both sides, for example through humanitarian aid. That's just kind of weird when you think about it, in a way they're enabling both sides to keep going. And I just don't know if there's any way out of this besides one side completely destroying the other. Peace talks have been had so many times and it just doesn't lead anywhere. It just feels inevitable.

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There's already been 2 terrorist attacks in Europe and based on the evacuations of public spaces in France it seems like it's only the start. I'm not sure if it's all because of the war (the attack in Brussels seems to be more related to ISIS according to the news) but it sure seems like it's gotten a lot more frequent since it really kicked off last week.

It's the standard Blizzard approach to do that, they used to do the same thing in WoW. I hope they do look at how many times someone's done it. If they've only done it once (or maybe twice), maybe just give them a warning. If more, then consider banning them.

This happened to me the one and only time I took an edible... I felt fine until I was just far away enough to freak out about never being able to make it back.

It's not just here, it's people in general. I find that most people are pretty pessimistic about the future or they don't care at all. That second group is generally the group that's not (or barely) on the internet

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Dude Gort is my favorite protagonist in the Urban Rescue Ranch anime

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Does Turkey have a big navy? Just curious, I never hear much about their army

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I know right? Executives just never seem to get that you actually need to provide value to have people want to sign up for it. Saying that though, there's a lot of dumb consumers out there that just pay for it if needed.

I usually just end up recording them if I really want to watch them so I can fast forward through the commercials when I watch it later.

Or, you know... get a job in IT as a programmer? There's plenty of work out there in IT at the moment.

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Fair enough, I guess time will tell then. I'm just wondering if the Hollywood accounting that gets mentioned below also gets applied to their revenue, meaning that it's in fact much lower than what they're saying. But I guess that's corporate accounting in a nutshell.

Prairie dog yahoo's cure depression

Thanks for sharing these, it always makes me feel more optimistic to hear these things, even if using a forest efficiently means that it takes a while for them to get going.

It sometimes feels like everything is negative nowadays and we're basically doomed but reading things like these makes me feel like I could make a difference (even if I probably can't on my own).

I haven't gone running in a really long time now but I used to love getting that runners high. When I first started training for an obstacle run I could barely run for 2 minutes straight and in the end I'd finish my 10km and decide to do one more lap because the music was just so good and I felt like I could go for ages. I ended up doing like 4km extra one time. Man I miss that feeling... Maybe I should start doing it again.

I was just about to ask if there were any good Android apps for Kbin... I remember creating an account on the website a while ago but because I mostly browse on my phone I ended up on Lemmy in the end. I'd like to give Kbin a fair shot once a working Android app is released though.

If this is really the case, then where are the movies that are intended for older audiences? It feels like almost all movies are for a younger target audience nowadays (if that's what you want to call it). You can argue that Oppenheimer is one but besides that there haven't been many big movies for older audiences this year.

Thanks for the explanation and additional context, that helps put things into perspective a bit more. I understand that they want a different kind of monetary reward from streaming, hopefully they can get their deal eventually.

I had a look and the current subscriber numbers for Disney+ are at 146 million, they haven't been at 164 million since Q4 2022. So they've actually dropped 18 million subscribers in less than a year, which is more than 10% of their subs.

I do agree that CEOs earn way too much money, they could get by earning much less and it would be nice if this money went to the other employees instead. However, I don't fully agree with the statement that writers can't afford a roof over their heads. I did some googling and the average salary for a writer in Hollywood is almost $70,000 a year. Digging a bit deeper, I found this:

Variety also reports that for a WGA member in 2023, writer-producers earn a minimum of "$41,773 for each 60-minute script, or $28,403 for each 30-minute script." However, staff writers are the lowest-level writers and are paid differently. In 2023, "[t]he median staff writer on a network show works 29 weeks for a wage of $131,834, while the median staff writer on a streaming show works 20 weeks for $90,920." (source)

So if these numbers are correct, a writer for a streaming show makes on average $90,920 for a 20 week show. If they have 2 of those shows a year, that's a yearly salary of more than $180,000 + 12 weeks of vacation at a minimum (don't know if they need the full 20 weeks to write the show). I know they live in an expensive part of the country but come on, you can't say that that's a low wage, regardless of whether you think they deserve more or not. If you look at the average salary in the entire USA (~ $60,000) they make about triple that. Hell, they make even more than double the average salary in California ($73,000) (source)

The family plan sadly isn't an option for me, I don't have anyone in my family that uses YouTube as much as I do so they wouldn't be interested in it.

How do you know they're able to? Looking at Disney as a specific case, they've lost over 1 billion on their movies in the past 2 years and are constantly bleeding subscribers. On top of that there's also some persistent rumors that they got caught up in the whole FTX debacle and lost a bunch of money on that as well.

Also, as a quick aside: what would you consider to be fair to their workers? The wages I've heard being mentioned sounded pretty good to me already, especially compared to other jobs.

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I mean, Disney appears to be well on it's way if the news is to be believed.

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I'm really curious how these strikes will end. It feels like they've been going on for a long time and at a bad time for the studios as well, judging by how many movies are bombing at the moment + the streaming subscriber numbers. I'm just not sure if the studios will be able to ever meet the demands the strike is asking for, it feels like they're stuck in a downward spiral...

Also, from what I've heard here and there it sounds like they have some pretty crazy demands (something about a minimum writers room size of 8 or 10?) which are going to make it hard to ever come to an agreement, especially if those writers also need to be paid in full.

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