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Joined 1 years ago

100% this. That was the beginning of the day end.

Maybe I'm going too old school here but the first 2 that came to mind were CommunityChannel and Phillip Defranco

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So I do not endorse this guy or any GOP member in any way. But if you read the article he says dropping the first cousin from the list was an error of omission and not intentional, and he is re-filing the bill to include it. The intent of the bill was to expand the classification of incest beyond just intercourse to include any type of sexual contact. Which seems like its actually progressive, just not clickbait worthy.

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Can I get those STL files? I'm gonna print one for each of my neighbors

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That's OK Margot Robbie. We like it when you don't wear pants.

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As someone that went initially got back into piracy for the "no you just raised your prices for this one service I only use for this one show anyway, I'll download it instead" reason. I have significantly increased my piracy because it's honestly a much better user experience. For me to easily set sonarr/radarr to grab what I want and have a beautiful and customizable UI/UX like jellyfin to consume that content, which works on all my devices. Fucking Hulu, Disney, Amazon, peacock, max all suck in comparison from a pure UX perspective

Ditto for me on both counts. I was trying to figure out if he was your wifes dad who is also your MD or what. So doctor father is more like drag mother.

See now we want to know what game it was...

Developer skilled enough to make a prototype game in a week... Github account is only 3 weeks old


This is the correct answer.

We could go with federators as we are now part of the fediverse, then we can also include mastodonians

This is amazing. Dude would have to wear one of those quick coin dispensers on his belt. He would need them for all the tolls he would be crossing too.

By progressive I mean a step in the right direction for shit place like KY. Source: am from KY

Truenas scale with truecharts makes all this fairly easy to get going. You don't even really need to understand kubernetes all that well. I use traefik for ingress and just set up a bunch of dns aliases so I don't have to remember port numbers

Greetings of the day!