8 Post – 77 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

wind me up

This is the best most comprehensive article written on this subject. And there is a link to every other article. As usual EFF does their homework and applies their judgement to describe perfectly:

The heart of this fight is for what Reddit’s CEO calls their “valuable corpus of data,” i.e. the user-made content on the company’s servers, and for who gets live off this digital commons. While Reddit provides essential infrastructural support, these community developers and moderators make the site worth visiting, and any worthwhile content is the fruit of their volunteer labor. It’s this labor and worker solidarity which gives users unique leverage over the platform, in contrast to past backlash to other platforms.

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/c/SuggestACommunity or /c/CommunityWish or /c/LookingForCommuntiy or /c/WhereIsMyCommunity

People can go post when they are in the mood of wanting a community that doesn't exist. Others can comment on it. If a big group of people are talking about a certain thing it might be more viable. Or, you might find out that there is a community like the one you are looking for already.

Also people can make more in depth threads like about what kind of vibe/guidelines they are thinking of and have discussion about what others would like to participate in.

It would serve as a record of what people have wanted. Would be useful both to show interest over time but also to think about communities that might have significant conflicts in expectations.

check out dua. I usually use it in interactive most which lets you navigate through the file system with visual representations of total dir/file size.

Here is a screenshot randomly found from the github issues


I also recently found this gui program called k4dirstat buried in the repos. There are a few more modern options but this one blows them all out of the park.

Screenshot from the github repo:


Too bad they used such an ugly configuration for the screenshot.. It allows you to modify the visualization to look better and display information differently. Anyway just thought I'd share as the project is old and little known.

Im about 20 mins in. Seems interesting and knowledgeable but why the game? Is it a quirk of her or do ppl like to watch it? Is this what twitch did?

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Back in the day I was a big Usenet fan. What's the modern solution to the spam issue? At the time, folk wisdom was that the demise was being caused by spam, and that due to the nature of the protocol it was somehwhat unsolveable.

I also wonder to what extent activity pub is the barrier to offline use? For reddit, the Slide client had offline reading and iirc posting. I have been disappointed it isn't available for Lemmy. My guess has been it simply isn't a priority for the devs. Maybe eventually we will get it.

I think it would be cool if RSS got put into Lemmy clients. Example you could make a unified inbox for all accounts by automatically getting the private RSS for incoming messages for all logged in accounts. I have manually set this up a couple of times but its tedious. Completely lacks smoothness when it comes to clicking a link, replying etc. But a client could add a little finesse to fix that.

In looking up suggestions made already I found 2 other projects that might be useful. Does anyone have comments about these? I have just looked at them a little bit.


OfflineIMAP is software that downloads your email mailbox(es) as local Maildirs. OfflineIMAP will synchronize both sides via IMAP.

There are a few different overlapping projects by same developer(s). It is a bit messy.


Imapsync is an IMAP transfer tool. The purpose of imapsync is to migrate IMAP accounts or to backup IMAP accounts.

Imapsync is a command-line tool that allows incremental and recursive IMAP transfers from one mailbox to another, both anywhere on the internet or in your local network. Imapsync runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X. "Incremental" means you can stop the transfer at any time and restart it later efficiently, without generating duplicates.

Codeberg is a free/nonprofit hosted instance of Forgeo. Forgeo is a fork of Gitea created by Codeberg about a year ago when the governance of Gitea changed suddenly.

You can selfhost either Forgeo or Gitea.

There are other hosted instances of forgeo and gitea also available.

Gitlab is a hosted instance if gitlab.

You can also self host gitlab.

I assume there are other hosted instances of gitlab tho i cant think of any off the top of my head.

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As a person who has come and gone as a casual linux user a few times i have had multiple chances to experience being a new user. I have used mainsream distros and niche distros.

Agree popularity is the #1 factor to consider. You need help to get you over the first humps and having a huge existing archive of other people working through issues on forums, tutorials, etc is gold. And innumerable channels to pose questions if you need personal help.

Your first linux install is like your first date. You will probably not marry and spend the rest of your life together. No need to agonize over it passing notes and getting your fortune told. Just go for it and move on.

I think you should add that the arch docs excellent regardless of what distro you use and are beginer friendly because i actually avoided them for a while assuming theyd be written in 1337 speak and only complicated arch stuff.

Seeing the list of potential new communities is useful. I had a hard time even clicking on even one option and it was a bit of a stretch. I probably wouldnt realistically participate in any of them, they do not suit me. So it is more to know about the instance.

I wonder if might be thinking of

Reimer was an identical twin AMAB who was raised female due to his penis being mangled during circumcision. The gender was then reassigned as female and the infant had surgical procedures done to align the body with the new female gender. The case was overseen by John Money who made a lot of hay over it, publishing all about how this proved gender was a purely social construction. It was a very famous case study. Ultimately Reimar he felt himself to be male and transitioned to male as an adult. However he was very screwed up by the whole thing and my understanding is his death by suicide is attributed to this whole series of events. There was a lot of weird stuff.

To be fair there are still oodles of projects there. I end up on source forge regular basis.

Well you can always pay someone to read it for you. Blind people do that.

Are any of these books public domain? If so the print version could be eligible for inclusion at Project Guttenberg. PG has very specific docs about eligibility for this. You could probably get a scan from if you don't have one. You would have to clean up the OCR by hand.

Then it would eligible to be requested from the volunteer (human) readers who have been pumping out Libra audio books for years at LibriVox.

Recently I saw Gutenberg has a collab. They are producing and distributing Libre guidebooks generated by AI. I believe I read on one of the pages they have 4000 done. I haven't tried it out but I guess I should.

Project Gutenberg, Microsoft, and MIT have worked together to create thousands of free and open audiobooks using new neural text-to-speech technology and Project Gutenberg's large open-access collection of e-books. This project aims to make literature more accessible to (audio)book-lovers everywhere and democratize access to high quality audiobooks. Whether you are learning to read, looking for inclusive reading technology, or about to head out on a long drive, we hope you enjoy this audiobook collection.

I assume this is also a great benefit as fertilizer down at the old AI content farm which is otherwise totally run over with reddit shitposts.

If anyone tries it let me know how it goes.

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Commenting from the future. Here in 2039 and i cant believe how prescient you are!

2040 def the year it happens.

i guess satisfies the requirements:

  1. you like to share
  2. we may not know about

Interesting questions... well they would have to pick a protocol(s) and implement them. They would have to comply with the mechanics and the licenses.

For example here is the ActivityPub rec. Given how non interested reddit seems to be in developing... anything... that is not directly $$$-oriented it's hard to imagine them doing all this. But if they for some reason decided to make a take over of the fediverse and put their back into it? It would be a totally different reddit and I can't imagine it.

Every time I read about emacs it sounds really cool. I have tried a few times to sit down and get myself into it but I can never get past the initial learning curve.

I think a word like "easy" is the wrong choice when you consider the large amount of perquisite knowledge needed to "write a few lines of code to do any random thing at all". My impression from reading what its users say, is that it is elegantly and endlessly customizable. If you have the foundational knowledge already. But when you consider what is required to obtain that position, "easy" is not how I would describe it.

But then, out of all the people who probably could use it, it seems that very few of them do. I cannot have any insight on why that is.

Lol the hastag in the video "#equalrightsforallrefugees". Like i dont think anyone is worried about the discrepency of rights among refugees.

Looks like some people trying to hussle funding for themselves.

wow that is a very funny bug.

what do you mean:

checking to make sure the post hasn’t changed without my noticing


like is it the OP that is moving around, or my comment?

Feels like a star trek episode... which end of the wormhole is stable?

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I thought that was quite an escalation also. But maybe their health & safety committee reccomended it. Probably just trying to make the workers feel embattled and unsafe so they would avoid engaging with the issues and stay to reddits side. Its a PUA kind of doublespeak; spez is the one actually making the threat. But in a way it seems to come from us.

To be a fly on the wall at the water cooler. Please reddit workers, leak a zoom call.

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That is pretty good catch. I did mean to.. and I did post it there.

edit: sorry this comment doesn't belong in this thread (I assume). moved.

If you want to filter all mail (on a specific mail host) from host.tld into a specific folder, how do you create the filter?

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I mean in theory someone else might know the answer... I don't want to bother the developers with every little problem. They are already busy making the software. I try to treat the developers with respect by reaching out to others for something like this. I do not know if there is a problem with the application. If someone else who uses the software would mention if they have this problem, or a different work style, or make a workaround. Possibly running the text through a script could do it? Maybe it is buried in one of the ambiguously named plugins.

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I think it is true because if they get the tech right the market could be saturated and voice actors will be in lower demand.

And the situation is already terrible for these workers. >90% of people buy and consume books via Audible which is owned by Amazon. As I'm sure you can guess there is lots of shady stuff going on. Such as (but not limited to) the "Audiblegate" campaign where workers discovered Amazon was engaging massive systemic wagetheft. As situation which is still ongoing to the best of my knowledge.

Some further context about Audible:

Well it is literally exactly what I was asking for. :) But as you allude to the setup is not trivial and would be a bit of a project. It is useful to know about because it could help find a somewhat simpler alternative. And I will add it to my own list in case I find none.


Led me to polo2ro/imapbox: Dump imap inbox to a local folder in a regular backupable format: html, json and attachements. Which is a different take on the same problem. I am not sure if I like the email all being converted to html like this. It could be a really nice addition but somehow I feel that keeping more original-formatted emails would be wise too. It does also create for each message "A gziped version of the email in .eml format" alongside the html but I would have to look more into what can be done with that.

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Ive been using zsh for most of my linux time cause it is trendy.

Im actually planning a move to bash. All else being equal, i prefer gpl-style to mit-style. (Tried fish didnt like it.)

Dyk the "monopoly man" illustration was created by the grandparent of the original developer of bash? And was uncredited by the company who owns Monopoly until a relative publicized this recently.

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If this was a correct idea then there is no need for anyone to transition because their gender isn't real anyway.

This is not a toxic idea if you stay here temporarily on a path to somewhere else but it is actually anti-trans so try to move on to the next brain wave.

Anyone interested can find (usually free) externally hosted freshRss and TinyRss hosts on the chatons website. Select one of those in the "based on" drop down menu.

I've tried both and like neither. As far as I can tell, they only have a small number of apps. And none of them work offline. With a regular RSS reader you can refresh it when you have internet access, then everything is available when you do not. Like an email client or any other such software.

But it might be suitable to you. So check out the chatons.

It’s Open Source

If Apple ever built an RSS reader, it’d be like this.


Some of my kitchen stuff, hand tools and a few ornaments come from my grandparents place. Ive been handling/seeing them my whole life. Add x years to that before me.

was hovering over the link like "is this going to be a rick roll or something?"

so I click it and YES this is literally what I was imagining. not the rick roll, the previous comment. fucking brilliant. in the comments it says it is the last post to /r/videos

a lot of people mentioning ./ and digg here. on ./ there was this "first post" joke. it was very boring even at that time IMHO. but now is the moment to be thinking about "last post" if you are a person who has "last post" powers.

Hi that is kind of you to reconsider. No offense taken or intended. :) It's just that 3 people commented to tell me to make an issue as though asking a question about linux software was inappropriate. Whereas 0 people commented with anything about my question. I still wonder if I am doing commenting wrong somehow.

I am pretty sure I opened some kind of issue with these folks in the past and it was closed because I couldn't submit a PR. I thought it was some sort of policy but I can't find anything about it; either I am misremembering or whatever I read before is gone.

I really truly do not begrudge any devs for running their FLOSS projects how they feel is best for them. It takes all types to make up the world. I think on the whole it is better for the FLOSS community to be open to feedback even from those who aren't able to provide a solution, in order that the needs of non-developers can be met. But when it comes to a project which is explicitly aimed at developers, idk what can I say? It's probably better that people who prefer issues be in the form of PRs be creating tools for other developers rather than normy end users.

that is wild

if it happens while writing it means most likely to happen on loooooong comments. maybe it is the system punishing those of us who are excessively verbose. ha!

a little spice in the pot. 🍲 In case lemmy would get boring and complacent.

Totally true about the librivox readers. They are doing their best. :) There are some total gems in there. But I have definitely given up on a few of them. OTOH I have given up on professionally read audiobooks too for all sorts of reasons.

Back in the 19th century when unions were powerful and innovative, a lot of people had jobs where they had to sit and do repetitive tasks in a room all day. A lot of it was handwork that didn't have big loud machines.

So one of the demands made by workers in such situations was that the employer would pay someone to come in and provide entertainment such as reading a book or giving talks on subjects of interest. The book or lecturer of course being selected by the workers via the democratic process of the union. And then of course the workers became way more educated because they suddenly had 8-12 hours daily to read books together. Since knowledge is power, the workers became stronger and more decisive in their collective actions.

When you are listening to audiobook at work you can know you are in a long tradition of workers exercising power over their job conditions. Although now it is individualized in the implementation. The desire to have your mind even though the job has your body and some concentration is universal.

I'm sure it's fake on principal. First of all, the subheading:

Washington State, like more than 20 other states, bars licensed therapists from trying to change the sexual orientation or gender identity of minors in their care.

NYT shouldn't be publishing such misleading headlines but why are you repeating their misinformation?

I am less than 50 words in. Still time to be proven wrong.

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Can someone explain what the changelog items mean in ways a non developer could understand?

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Cool you should post an update of how it goes.

Everyone is comparing geany to vscode; i guess because it is so widely used. But i think kate is the most comperable project. They both have similar structures and even some of the same problems for my use case.

For someone looking for a more vscode type experience (without the fking electron) they should check out cudatext.

OK I went to their tracker. Which jogs my memory even further on why I gave up on it and am unmotivated to open issues in this case.

Here is a similar but not exactly the same issue: Tool to Comentent lines fail and can be more elegant · Issue #3554 · geany/geany. I suspect my issue is probably related to theirs. The developer response is:

Since nobody has asked for this formatting before (@osergioabreu you did search for existing open or closed issues before you raised this didn't you? 😁) users either don't care because they only use it to temporarily comment out code and will remove it quickly, or they like it like that.

So if "somebody" made a pull request which made the formatting an option it likely would be accepted so both tastes are accommodated.

Or it was put in a plugin (if it isn't in one already?)

  1. If my request is unique they are not interested because if it was important someone would already have posed it. If it isn't unique than it would be a duplicate anyway. Unlike my problem, this issue #3554 is a real bug. The feature simply fails to work even on its own logic because it produces comments in such a way that the application itself does not recognize as comments. So impossible to later uncomment!

  2. They are basically open to PRs rather than suggestions. It isn't just this particular case; it is the project as a a whole. It is a tool with a primary user base of developers so it is expected that many users will have the ability to do this. So-called "do-ocracy" I've heard described elsewhere. Which, fair enough, it is a FLOSS project and they have no responsibility to cater to me. I always am grateful for FLOSS developers and respect the right to runt heir project as they see fit. However I have no capacity to make a PR.

  3. Like me this dev wonders if it is a plugin. Also like me doesn't have a way of finding out because the plugins are poorly described.

Obviously we do not know each other but I will say that I have opened lots of issues like this in the past and will do so in the future. I don't need a push to do it. That said, I appreciate the encouragement because for a long time I would never open issues and lots of people feel intimidated to do so. As I got more into FLOSS I came to understand that there is a sort of responsibility from users to give useful and constructive feedback to developers. And I have been blown away at how receptive developers are to my feedback, especially knowing that 90% of them are doing it on their own time. It really changes the way I look at commercial software when I have to use it at work. :) Where the relationship is transactional between my employer and the developers, rather than reciprocal between myself and the developers. My expectations are now so high based on FLOSS that commercial software seems so deficient. All that to say I understand what you are getting at.

However I have also learned to evaluate the project prior to engaging with it to determine if my contribution would be welcome. When I am not the target user of the project, I find I am often wasting everyone's time. The target user of this project is programmers.

So in this case a forum post is more appropriate because the odds of a solution from the devs are like 1%. Maybe I will make an issue next time I'm logged in to github idk.

A forum is a good place to learn from other users about undocumented features, or maybe there is a plugin someone knows about. That would actually be helpful.

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no rude, it's what forum are for :)


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