3 Post – 36 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This is a good article. Has a lot of examples showing why streets have a good or bad pedestrian experience.

It's not as simple as number of lanes or even the quality of the sidewalk. A lot of it really comes down to development patterns. You can really feel the difference when you're in a place not built for walking. Being on a well constructed sidewalk far away from any buildings because there's a giant parking lot in between just feels wrong.

There are a few places very close to my house I refuse to walk to because the pedestrian experience is terrible. You feel out of place, unwelcome, and unsafe.

It's surprising how often I can actually bump into people that I know when I'm walking or biking around. Like other parents from my child's school or coworkers.

I think people really underestimate how antisocial cars are and how much car centric design actually harms our communities

A lot of people in this thread talking about how it's not feasible because content creators wouldn't get paid and I agree if you expect that same quality of content.

But I think peertube opens the door for a lot of the more organic content of just people sharing interesting/entertaining/educational videos with others without any expectation of being paid. I've already watched some really good videos on peertube that feel a lot more like the old days of YouTube.

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I think this is the beauty of decentralization is that individual servers can still maintain smaller communities and still be part of the broader network

I've seen a lot of posts about how having the same community across multiple servers is a bad thing, but I disagree for this reason (and others).

I've found several good videos/channels on which is kind of specific to urbanism but still there's some good stuff. The videos have a lot lower production quality than most YouTube channels, but I actually kind of like how casual it is.

They're just making videos because they have something interesting/funny/educational to share and they're not out there trying to make money.

I think they might go the other way and use it as leverage to push Sony to release cross platform games

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I like that this article preemptively acknowledges that ebikes are not always the right transportation mode for every single thing, but they don't have to be. Too often whenever ebikes come up you get those people going "but what if I need to bring a couch which derails from the real point. It's like saying trains aren't an efficient way to move people because those people can't also move furniture.

There are still a lot of trips that can be replaced by ebikes and they can do more than most people probably realize

No, an e-bike is not going to get you to the beach. You’re not going to be able to transport a couch sectional. And it won’t work for your six-kid carpool to the soccer game. But there is no reason that a single vehicle needs to accomplish every transportation need. Use the car for the carpool, and use the e-bike for shorter trips in-town, to the pharmacy, out to dinner, to meet friends, or even to the grocery store, You’d be amazed what you can carry with the right equipment.

There's usually a self checkout. I almost always scan and bag my own this way.

I don't know how they'd react if you asked in the regular line tbh 🤔

Yeah I think the show is harder to watch if you've read the books.

I had some issues with season 1, but I'll give season 2 a fresh chance. My wife who hasn't read the books enjoyed it

I've used it and like it except I noticed that it apparently has a lot of 3rd party trackers. It apparently tries to send data to many 3rd party companies including Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Twitter.

I'm not sure why it needs to send this much data to third parties, but it makes me feel a little turned off by this app.

If you edit the URL and remove everything before and the change it to you can view it without the app

Yeah I mostly use it for like product reviews/recommendations or like personal help topics. Not stuff where factual information is required

You can actually use messenger without a Facebook account which is what I do for the rare occasions I need that

This is very cool. I'm looking forward to seeing the progress!

If you're really serious I would first recommend you familiarize yourself with the needs of blind users generally. Like try using the internet with your eyes closed and a screen reader to understand how a blind person would interact with a website. Maybe you can ask around or Google some tips for getting started with that.

I had a former coworker who was a UX designer and he taught himself to use a screen reader for this reason since he was required to ensure anything he designed was accessible.

That's beautiful! Nothing beats fresh baked bread

I really like the flair for home brewing espresso. I have the pro 2 and it's pretty awesome to be able to make quality espresso that's just as good or better than what I can get in local cafes while still being able to pack it away when I'm not using it.

I think the key part of ebikes though is just how versatile they are that makes them so much more practical for a lot more types of trips than anything you mentioned (although I don't know what the aerodynamic electric vehicles you're talking about are)

Ebikes make doing a lot of things you would otherwise need a car for easier. I can't pick up my kids from school on a scooter or carry as many things on a regular unassisted bike (or at least it would be much harder). Ebikes might not be able to do everything but they can do a lot.

For a society that is so dependent on cars I think ebikes are a real game changer for that reason.

1 more...'re supposed to clean it?

Wait what happened to fireflies? I just saw some outside my house.

Although, I will admit when I think back to my childhood I remember there being lots more of them at night in the summer

Oh that would be amazing. I like that idea but I'm not sure if it's likely

They use an enterprise or custom government version which has a lot of the tracking and annoying crap disabled

I can use a couple different ways actually. I have a seat that attaches on the rear rack and a trailer that I can hitch with capacity for 2 kids plus a trunk for extra stuff.

Recently though we purchased a front load cargo bike which comes with bench seating for 2 kids and we can get an optional extra bench for a third. We could also put a rack on it and have an additional kid (or stuff) on the back as well. Technically we could probably hitch the trailer to it as well but I think that would get a little impractical at that point since it's already pretty long so the handling with the trailer probably wouldn't work too well

Thank for sharing, this is pretty cool!

No way am I going to pre-order a game in this era of half baked releases and especially not a game from Bethesda which is as well known for their rampant bugs as their compelling gameplay

I live in Atlanta and going entirely car free would be a challenge for my family of four, but we did manage to go from a 2 car family to a 1 car family which has been a nice shift.

It's had a few lifestyle changes for us, mostly me since I try to leave the car for my wife when I go somewhere by myself. The sale of our second car funded the purchase of 2 ebikes, so we like to ride bikes around which has changed the kind of place we like to go around our city. It's been a lot of fun for us.

When I occasionally need to go to work I've found that bike+transit works fairly well for my needs. Sometimes I'll also just take only transit on days when the weather is bad but it's a lot less flexible that way since the bus schedule is so infrequent.

Overall, I'd say that you don't necessarily need to go all in on being car free to care about urbanism and reducing car travel. There are so many things out of our control with regard to the state of our city so sometimes taking smaller steps to reduce our car usage is all we can do.

A lot of that comes down to some combination of your personal tolerance level and quality of the local infrastructure though.

I will say that if they can bike year round in Finland there's plenty of hope New England!

At work we had a front end bug ticket filed and one of the other engineers determined it was only affecting Firefox.

Our product manager said "who still uses Firefox anyway?". I was the one to pipe up and say actually I use it too

Well you can actually build about 130 or so ebike batteries for every average car battery so if batteries are your concern ebikes are much better in that regard. In general bikes are way more efficient than cars and honestly at should try to limit the usage of all cars, electric or not,as much as possible and ebikes are a great alternative in a lot of cases.

I have no problems with unassisted bikes think of course!

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I was trying to say lithium batteries. So for the amount of materials is takes to make one lithium car battery you could make around 130 ebike batteries since they're so much smaller.

But yeah I agree with you that we need better programs to actually recycle the batteries.

I bought it right before the price increase so I told myself it was like getting it on sale

Omg yes this one was my favorite. I am HYPED

Jumping on to this. We've gotten into ebikes and they are borderline life changing

I would recommend giving them a try to almost everyone and they can be a really good alternative to driving your gas guzzling car without needing to drop on an electric one

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How different is neo vim from regular vim?

Yeah I have a lot of experience with Ubuntu but I was wondering if there were any more optimal distros for gaming.

But I'm glad you mentioned Nvidia cause I have an Nvidia graphics card so that might be an issue for me

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What about cargo bikes??