0 Post – 321 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Aaaand it's electron garbage.

67 more...

It's basically Chrome. It's not a real application, it's a website pretending to be one. It uses a metric fuckton of RAM and eats your battery faster than Prince Andrew a minor.

25 more...

They are probably paying clickfarms.

14 more...

And I give it a 0/10 on having a 3.5mm connector

116 more...

Not voting for Biden is the same thing as voting for Trump.

Voting for Biden doesn't mean supporting him. It means preventing Trump from becoming president.

65 more...

She called him an old madman in the link posted. She's one of the good ones

Also, the imperial system is defined through the metric system.

In using imperial, you're just using metric with extra steps.

14 more...

They will care about their adblocker no longer working

10 more...

What's up, cunts

Works best if they're your friends and also you're in Australia

1 more...

Who cares?

MS loves money. If Linux makes them money, great. If not, fuck it.

4 more...

No, they exist but they are rather rare.

Here is an example of a programming language that is completely in Russian:

That said, English is the lingua franca of the field of computing. You aren't forced to learn it, but without it, you'll deny yourself access to the vast majority of material out there, be it books, articles, papers, documentation, specification, and so on.

2 more...

They'd probably call social services or a doctor because someone going on about a "fifth amendment" in Switzerland is clearly in need of medical attention

5 more...
  1. Do not buy processed shit

  2. Do buy real food (legumes, vegetables)

  3. I mean it

11 more...

Github has discussions. The code is already there anyways

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US-americans: apartments suck, I want a single house

Also US-americans:

Meanwhile, in the civilised world:

gestures broadly at everything

Thank you for spelling aluminium correctly.

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top / bottom

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


The rifle given to active members of the armed forces (militia system means this is most men basically) can either be kept at home or stored in an army facility until needed for service. It must be stored disassembled, locked, out of reach, and without ammunition. (Ammunition isn't given anyways.) It may not be used for anything outside of armed forces' service.

Private firearms can be bought after obtaining a permit with a background check. It can only be used on firing ranges which are almost always run by an association (syndicate? not sure about the translation, basically a shooting for fun and sports club) which provides some level of social control (no shooting alone whenever you feel like it). The firearm can only be transported from or to the firing range and otherwise not be carried. When transported it should be in a locked box in the boot of the car, not in the owners trousers or something crazy like that. Ammunition is typically provided by the organisation so no need to own any (but firearm owners can buy it.) For carrying it in general a much more difficult to get permit is needed. Conceal carry doesn't exist afaik.

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Not necessarily. Bears only attack humans if they feel threatened or see no alternative. In most cases the bear would prefer to avoid any confrontation with a human. They're mostly peaceful.

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That's not how antimalware software works. They can do nothing against backdoors.

A normal day in usa

Please stop adding licences.

3 more...

Thinkpad T, W, X series.

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  • could of (could've)

  • try and (try to)

  • if I was... (if I were)

  • effect/affect

  • less / fewer

  • not adapting adjectives, like "this fits real good" (really well)

Use shellcheck

It's normie-accessible

You are welcome to rejoin

7 more...

I would like to pay for the content, but they don't want my money. So I don't

Is is a joke I'm too European to understand?

Diese Kommentarsektion ist fortan Eigentum der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.

I never understood why some communists would defend a fascist regime. Fascism is their literal arch enemy.

They can't even govern their own country

There is no reason AIs can't generate diverse kinds of people.

More like:

EU: Oh yeah of course I understand, but also, you need to follow the law.

The concessions are the same as for any other EU member, which is fair

That's usually not because they don't care but because they don't know that ads can be blocked on the phone as well