5 Post – 109 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

No, but we probably sounded something like that way before there were neanderthals and modern humans though. At some point, somebody figured out how to tell their peers that they're going to have to hunt for something big

They did speak weird though! Analysis of their airways suggest that they had a much higher-pitched voice than our kind, and probably had a harder time with consonants. So their language would have certainly been different. Although we have no way of knowing if parts of their language still lives on in our speech today.

Men visst, "talare" blir lite roligt på svenska

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Right, so I seem to have gotten it wrong on his name. It was Neander (New Man in greek) rather than Neumann (New Man in german), but I should also have specified in the meme that the name means New Man.

I don't want to brag, but I learned this from a book

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Hehe. Never heard of that one. I want to know how aware these people are when they name things. In sports, a bit of humor is probably common, but with the neanderthals, I just don't see the high-strung scientists of the late 1800's intentionally making a joke on this kind of thing. I do however see them doubling down on a decision even if it's pointed out that it's stupid.

That one takes the cake! How does that happen? Is there welsh, saxon and latin in there or something?

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Source: your ass

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This is why meme posts shouldn't have titles

Confiscating their phones and testing their bodily fluids... to try and jail them for something they did with their own body. Sick fucks

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Took me a lap around the picture. "Hmm, let's see. Curtains, normal hands, picture of Hitler, blond girl looks normal, nothing weird in the shelves..."

Here is an awesome thing that's so cool it sounds unreal, and still the title is a massive lie. They performed one simple test better.

Awesome that this is even a possibility though

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Blood - 0, but you get spammed with text messages asking for more

If somebody would seriously pay 138700$ for a kidney, I still couldn't afford to have a kid in the city I was born in.

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I'll never forget when some dude on IRC casually asked if I'd like to read their "MLP fanfic". I didn't know what that meant, but I felt kinda obligated to say yes.

That was a mistake

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Considering what the international standard for that is... holy shit

Pretty sure he does discriminate

Correct response:

"Haha good one"

If you care about Ukraine, you should start taking this more seriously. Outside of your echo-chamber, Russia has proved resilient to sanctions and their ability to manifacture vital military goods in some crucial areas outpace the west, and by far outpace what is avaliable to Ukraine.

The much hoped for ukrainian counteroffensive yeilded nothing, and instead Russia is slowly gaining ground, allthewhile expanding its army with new, fresh units and learning to work with or around their shortcomings. Ukraine doesn't have anything to put its hope to other than simple endurance. And that's something that Russia has always had a lot of. The outlook is grim.

Ukraine needs support

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The punishment if caught will be a spanking

This screen shot is 7 years old.

"This had better not awaken anything in me"

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There are 400 people. Yet the 2 trans people are all you talk about. Goes both ways

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There's a good chance some of your ancestors became cat food. They probably understand stress

paying for oil change

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"playing... Stuck in the middle with you"

What's diy?

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"This time we try splitting it in a zig-zag pattern... or circles!"

Didn't we try that already

Jesse what the fuck are you talking about

You could live forever without fear of the heat-death of the universe :o

Hell I'd F5 right after getting home from work and never have to work again

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"You'd have been up all night and seen three naked women" - Rory, IT Crowd

They were in the trees man

Wasn't she their rep in the UN Security Council?

When a girl said this to me once, I said "it's alright. He's 18"

Jesus fucking christ...

Your banks still have offices? Cool!

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So people are super mad that Obama fought islamic terrorism? Ok

I did it in a pork packing plant. Same thing, but in a cooler room. Clean containers ofc

Bro that's not where your brain is

People in here lack humor to such a degree that they can't even recognise a joke.