9 Post – 187 Comments
Joined 7 months ago

Storage is cheap if you are lucky, in my country storage is so overpricedto the point thatI don't wanna bother with it.












Average day in (neo)vim

17 more...

Never touch anything in /run directory.

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There was an eclipse? Didn't even know since there weren't any news of it being on my part of the world.

Guess it first need to be worlwide to create an apocalypse,

7 more...

Just selfhost an instance and be your own admin.

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Average linux user managing his dotfiles.

Yes I'm guilty of that, only thing more I know is creating new branches.

Yea, gotta send my maintainer some money.

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I'm not even on that side of the earth.

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For me, the plasma 6 implementation misses nothing. Multiple monitors work with no issues, and every program I could run works with no issues.

My main problem is that none of the tiling wayland compositors ( hyprland for example ) work well with multiple monitors. My usecase is to keepcmy laptop's monitor in clamshell mode and just use the external one, but I tend to if I leave for a long time to turn off the monitor since plasma can't turn it off the output for powersaving by itself for weird reasons and plasma 6 kwin will corectly start up on the monitor if I turn it on.

Compositors like hyprland for soke reason won't and will ontly show blank screen and not even allow me to change to another tty, effectively freezing my system.

But I got used to the way plasma works, made it work similary to a tiling wm for the virtual desktops and placing speficifc windows in specific virtual desktop and stuff like that, so I get the benefits of a good stacking (floating) wayland compositor with robust virtual desktops support.

9 more...

Or you live in a country that purelly doesn't care about it to the point you can have a seedbox running 24/7 throught your network.

Bonus points if it also shows your "location" to be 100km away. To the point that it sometimes shows you to be in another country next to your.

Another point when it changes your public ip address dailly.

I'm just faster in the terminal than a gui

12 more...

I just stopped caring. I just want a meal a day and do stuff to not be bored.

Great to see another dev'd take up the mantle.

1 more...

My bed, miss it every morning.

It hasnt been for a quite a bit of time already. Like over a year I think at this point.

A loss is a loss

You always need a firewall, no other answer's.

Why do you think windows and most linix distributions come packaged with one?

4 more...

I selfhost audiobookshelf for all my podcast needs.

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That's all fine and dandy, but when it outright doesn't have features you wan't, and costs in most cases double your wage it just doesn't pay off.

Literally the reason I downloaded and played the game yesterday.

Really loving it, makes my 400 hours in osu somewhat worth it.

Also run's beautifully on linux.

Found random balkan shit on lemmy yay!

( if anybody wan't a translation of anything there I can do it )

14 more...

Until I didn't buy a phone without one, literally dailly.

Don't read/watch news. That's the only advice I can trully gie you since news are made to purposfully make people restless.

That's a fine but, as long as the server was hosted at my personal devices, which it isn't but on a hetzner dedicated box. Which is still better than on shared pc's.

Don't really need it, it's just nice to have.

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Depends on your usecase and your country of living. Why do I say so? I will name my 2 points:

  1. Lack of sd card. Yes I need my sd card, I don't want to upload stuff online on a 400kbps connection or download on a 16mbps connection. It's not a good experience.

  2. Not officially sold in my country, only available rarelly in resellers for 200+ euro more than normally.

12 more...

You guys get disposable income?

On a serious note, here it's very hard to get to a point to get any disposable income, unless you stay living with your parent's all your life and never get married, ...

This is the main reason why I'm now able to actually afford a used ps4, physical manga and be able to finally buy games, especially indie one's without the guilt of pirating them.

NOTE: I'm 20 and have been working since I was 18 seasonal work since that's mostly all you can find here, even if you finish university/college so I just skipped that part.

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I think that some people like me know who their maintainer is all too well.

The streaming services wont work if you have no access to interner lol.

At my last job I had to travel to my work dailly for over an hour in one way, for almost the whole travel I didn't have any network or phone reception.

Will much rather just have music on a media server and a client that allows me to locally download some of my favouritr music for such situations like navidrome and synfonium than pay for spotify premium to allow me to do that.

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I'm most likelly the only one among my friends who even own's a smartphone/pc ( I live in Croatia in countryside where tech is seen as evil )

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I used to experience this things from couple hours session on my pc.

I started to rely more on my keyboard which helped with right hand wrist pain ( vim for the win )

I then got a good chair, that when I need to type I have it sit upright so my back is completely straight, and when I take my controller to play a game for longer sessions ( dead cells ) I can tilt it back a little, keeping my back straight and still keep a good posture that doesn't hurt even after 5 hours ( not purelly 5 hours of just sitting and playing )

What helped me the most tho was getting one of those wrist training things and a pair of dumbells to train the parts off my body that would usually feel stiff after a longer session.

They are great.

What have we done to come to this point, wtf.

Update: Ended up setting up a mattermost server.

Main reason cause it's the easiest to setup as it only need 2 containers.

Edit: Might create a specific team just for selfhosters where people from this lemmy community can talk about posts there, or generally about selfhosting

Edit 2: I have created "Casual selfhosters" team on my mattermost instance, will create a post either later today or tommorow promoting it, but for now will leave an invite link here so feel free to join in and talk about selfhosting! [](Invite link)

This just gets worse and worse, but I still think the lack of sd card slot is the worst thing they never included in the pixel series, and now they are going ahead and fucking with the A series so that it's barelly any cheaper than the flagship?

Google needs to take a steap back and reconsider it.

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They do here, 1gb plan for 10 euro. Fuck Croatia.

My unlimited plan is about 35 euro. I have a lot of discounts so it is only 25 euro luckilly

I will also argue that general workout will help a lot with pain. I used ti get sorre after some time and after getting a couple dumbells and working out the parts of my body that would hurt/get sore I rarelly ever have problems nowdays.

Update: I have moved to caddy, planned a switch either way and this just pushed me to do it.

I don't have access to amazon at all, ao don't get the rave about amazon itself either.

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This just made me not want to visit US ever. And especially not live in it.

Thanks for the eye opener.

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I tend to use rsync 99% times.

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