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Joined 1 years ago

Spent years on reddit after Google+ closed, my hopes are now with the Threadiverse

I'm interested in (among many, many other things):
TTRPGs, board games, longboarding, SUP / paddleboarding, and mechanical keyboards.
Yes, I realize that's a lot of "boards" in that list. :)

And in the end the lying salesman died because of snakeoil therapy. I wish more stories had such a happy ending.

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My goodness, so it didn't just feel like Huffman was a discount Elon but that's literally what he is aspiring to?
I don't know what could be more pathetic than the MBA*hole emulating the Blood Emerald Silverspoon Kid Without Skills.

Reddit is so going down the drain, the downward cycle was palpable over the last years but now they're accelerating with Mach 3.

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"Temporarily suspended" is not the same as "dismissed with extreme prejudice never to hold office ever again". The latter is what's called for and what these women deserve to see.

Putin chambers

His poor son, family, and basically everyone he knows.

Agreed! Blobmoji were the best and I'm totally not bitter at all that Google killed them like so many other great services.

Angela is great! Love her passion and how she phrases things.
Sure the videos could usually be half as long without losing much in the way of her argument but I enjoy her personality so I don't mind.

If the tyrant Erdogan (same thing for Orban and those other autocrat dickbags) is unhappy that's a sign that at least something is going in the right direction.

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From "don't be evil" to "you know, what's so bad about being evil anyway?"

This kind of headline makes me sick: "Work of art worth X currency" - because of course it's only the financial speculative aspect that makes art valuable and no one cares about anything else. Disgusting.

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Yeah that's really cool for all those Linux phones out there. Oh wait, there are like two and a half models in total and none of them are great? Damn.

Apple is a litigation company disguised as hardware sales. Steve "thermonuclear war" Jobs saw to this.

It's very funny for sure and I was just about to share it with the other SWEs in our off-topic chat. But I just can't listen to it, had to close the tab after like 50 seconds. Perhaps on mute and with CC?

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Can this "feature" be removed or deactivated somehow? I guess not because that would be too convenient.

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We don't have our devs on call at all. Infra / platform ops are and I think they get 750€ per on-call week (not more than one week out of four) which includes two calls or two hours of call duration whichever is reached first.

After that it's another 70€ per call or started hour and it's the same if an expert who is not on call is asked to help out with an issue reported to on-call (but they may not answer / decline as there's never an expectation to be "soft on-call")

Overall that's an okay deal and some sorely needed extra money for the ops guys and gals. But all the same I'm happy that my devs don't need to plan their lives around an on-call schedule.

Edit: Ah sorry, didn't even answer all the questions in OP...

We're in Germany and there is a cooldown time after you fielded an emergency on-call report (which is outside of regular working hours by definition) which is either 8 or 10 hours (not entirely sure since my team doesn't do on-call as previously stated) before you are allowed to start your regular work time for the following day.
Not sure how they tally up working hours for payroll but if you wake up to a call at 3am then certainly no one expects you to be online again at 8am. If you get a call at 10pm however then you get to start working normally the next day. (unless that issue took forever to troubleshoot ofc)

On-call rotations are one entire week per person who participates (which is not mandatory) and the participants per pool must be at least four - which is why they are pooling web admins, DBAs and other ops folk together.
That seems to work okay even though every so often more specialized know-how is required than the current on-call tech possesses for the topic at hand and then they request extraordinary assistance as described above.

Was about to say, this should be easily doable with custom CSS. Looking forward to seeing your Userstyle when it's done :)


Count this as my vote as well. Take every other extension away (uBlock Origin excluded obv) but I simply can't endure the eye-searing pain of the internet without Dark Reader.

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He can change the name to Twitler. Not a big change but much more fitting.@Technological_Burger

Neat! Looks like a fully baked version of the quick&dirty userstyle I had been throwing together for my own usage throughout the last couple of days.

Very happy to retire mine in favor of yours! :D

I had been wondering whether that was just me. Kind of odd aspect ration for the vast majority of thumbnails too.

If we picked all of the asshole tyrant heads of state (add billionaire techbros while we're at it) it would look like Battle Royal back when WWF was still a thing with twenty freaks in the ring at the same time. And for every punch that lands you could cheer because it never hits anyone who didn't deserve it.

@umbraroze C64 caveman with datasette drive reporting in o7


7 Pro since launch, no issues whatsoever.

Realistically? I think it very much is. If you can't make money with art either by producing or buying/selling/owning it then pretty much no one cares.

When is the last time you genuinely saw someone care about a work of art breaking new ground, or for it delving into truly novel understanding, or due to it invoking feelings in the recipient?

Like the outrage ober the self-shredding Banksy? Oh noes, so much value destroyed how could he!!1

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As in "You know nothing, Jon Snoo"? :')

It used to be Relay for me as well. Other apps had neat features I wish Relay had gotten as well, but I couldn't get away from its neat UI and UX even though I tried pretty much every third-party reddit app there was.

I'm certainly sad to leave a handful of my favorite communities behind but Reddit overall can burn down for all I care. Even before the API BS and Huffmann lying through his teeth the Reddit experience had gotten more and more annoying aside from the coziest of subreddits.

Time to move on and perhaps some of the app devs try their hand at a sleek threadiverse app with all of the QoL goodies.

IBM sure does suck donkey balls but I really don't think that particular thing is their fault.


That is true and I have also muted a ton of my less-than-friend-level contacts in regards to stories. But that nag screen to subscribe to channels seems so terribly gauche.

I'm with you that battery tech is a crucial linchpin for so many other developments. Until this transcends the current restrictions many other approaches will not really go anywhere in practice.

I'm not aware of any major breakthroughs currently so hopefully something viable is going to come up before too long.

Yeah, there are extensions that enable injecting custom CSS. I'm using Stylus in Chrome (switched to that from Stylish about two years ago) and essentially you need to override the native CSS with lots of !important style declarations. Basically like Inspect Element but will load every time once the relevant website(s) is done loading.

If the HTML classes and ids are straightforwards that's fairly easy, like old.reddit for instance. But every time they change the classes you need to go in a manually tweak it. And once a site starts obfuscating their code it's not worth the effort anymore.
But it's possible and for a while I honed my meager CSS skills by doing my own bespoke stylesheets. :)

I really tried hard to persevere - but I'm weak and it was too much.

I know that I certainly believed this article to be very well crafted satire at first. Because how could it possibly so very on the nose in reality?

I can see getting a Pixel Fold 3 Pro or something like that when it comes out in a few years. That is if Google doesn't lose interest in the product line in the meantime...

I have been using my Pixel 7 Pro for almost a year and it's still perfect so I am not in need of a new device. But I certainly like the pocketable tablet form factor of Fold devices and may very well get one of those next.

You're an amazing human being and I am in awe of what you have managed to create! The Patreon was my easiest join ever and I'm happy to hear that buying you a coffee will actually buy you a coffee (or other tasty beverage) going forward :)

Yeah, you're right. They try but it's not the same.

Before Dark Reader I used to make custom dark theme CSS for all the sites that I frequented heavily and spent so much time tweaking things so it came out "mostly right".

Dark Reader isn't perfect all the time but the peace of mind it grants me is immeasurable:)

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Yep, that counts. And honestly, it counts for a lot more to me than speculative art trading and hoarding.

I kind of love the selection of subreddits that are still available:
/r/amitheasshole, /r/mildlyinfuriating, /r/therewasanattempt, /r/whatcouldgowrong, /r/publicfreakout, /r/quityourbullshit, among others

It paints such a lovely picture of the current situation! :D

So, I really hate taking a laptop into meeting rooms so unless I know I'll have to share my screen I (used to) take an A4 sized paper notebook and a pen to jot down notes.

Recently I upgraded to a ReMarkable 2 which, while certainly not inexpensive, has so been worth it for me.

I do type pretty efficiently on one of my mechanical keyboards, but putting my thoughts into handwriting is a different experience entirely and I always want to retain this option especially for personal one-on-ones.