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Joined 1 years ago

Finally, that tired excuse of a sport has no reason to exist

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how could anyone with a brain think that was going to work?

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if you're going to get nuked there's little that can be done, missing people are too common because many areas of the US do them on a county level leading to messages about missing people that are from more than 50 miles away. Probably part of why I hate them is that during a poorly coordenated school lockdown the national alert test happened and it terrified just about everyone in the school as every phone (even the silenced ones) blasted alarms while the teachers didn't know if the drill was a drill.

there are generally actual alerts systems (that don't depend on expensive dodads) in areas prone to flooding.

Because "CSAM" states abuse as the third word in the acronym. Machine learning could (in theory, I lack knowledge on the current implementations) be trained without any children being abused (in any traditional sense anyway) and used to produce the content without any real children being involved (ignoring training data).

The downvotes likely come from a difference in definition between abuse and CP, images of nonexistent people cannot realistically harm anyone.

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I honestly wish all alerts were able to be turned off (including national bullshit)

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depiction yes, but if no person or animal is harmed is it abuse?