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Joined 1 years ago

The main dev of lemmy is one of them, that's how.

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For those who want to know, that makes Xitter sound like halfway between Sitter and Shitter.

As an English speaker you can try to make that sound by saying the Y in YEET and paying close attention to how exactly your tongue is positioned and where in your mouth the air is being constricted. Then try to position your tongue as if you want to say "yeet" or "yes" again, but make an S sound at exactly the same constriction point where you made the Y sound before. If you're successful, it should sound like a hybrid between S and SH to your English ears.

That's how I make it anyway, actual Mandarin speakers might find issue with my explanation.

I would be surprised if she came into this position without being either a psychopath or a sociopath. As such, all that truth distorting wouldn't damage her mental health. At worst she might feel overworked.

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I quoted your comment to ChatGPT 3.5 and asked what you were referring to with "the 14 words". I've never seen it take so long to answer, and when it finally did, it was like watching someone else write in a shared Google doc, including watching words getting replaced. Maybe my question triggered a reply by an actual human?

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(p.s. this orange kunt will never be president again)

I sincerely hope and wish you are correct. But last I heard he was ahead in the polls. 😱

The democrats really should have gone with a new face rather than Biden round 2.

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Even if you're pro-religion, voting blue is the better choice. Only blind mammonites and hate-filled egotists can justify voting republican.

Also, the way Trump's base is all whipped up, not voting at all is nearly equivalent to voting for him.

Did you not hear that Steve Huffman let slip during an interview that the API cost them about 10 million? And that he demanded 20million from the Apollo app alone? He wanted 3rd party apps gone.

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At least in German, there's even a term that translates to grill vegetables. Meaning zucchini, eggplant, ...

Thank you for the metric conversion 🥰

Dont forget Steve Mould

  1. Thanks for posting a non-paywall version.
  2. Wtf, Twitter's standard automated reply to press queries is a poo emoji now?

In the Spanish I speak, there's a saying that goes "sarna con gusto no pica" ~= "scabies doesn't itch if you like it", meaning something like "love covers many faults" in a negative way, or something like "some people just masochists, they like pain 🤷‍♂️"

I claim this is at least partially because people look for good news:

Generally, if the news is already good, we're often satisfied with reading the title. If the news is bad, we go into the article to look for a silver lining.

Flour isn't just flammable; if it's dispersed in the air like a cloud, like it probably would be if you hastily threw it into a grease fire, it can even explode.

Just in! Man takes too many weightloss pills, ends up inadvertently cooking his testes! Read all about it in Blabbity Fair!

How about you make a lemmy community or a kbin magazine and officially migrate your subreddit there? (including making a stickied announcement in the subreddit)

Since you're its only mod, that should be possible and even easier to do than migrating a bigger subreddit like /r/TalesFromTheFrontDesk

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You're kidding yourself. A lot of that metal box is plastic instead.

Careful: it doesn't work if there's a user account with the same name

In this regard, I'm probably part of the old folks. I'm older than the WWW at least. I just figured I'd try asking ChatGPT with context instead of Google because I didn't want something I suspected to be Nazi terminology in my search history.

I was just surprised by how differently it reacted compared to when I tested it with alt history scenario requests a few months ago.

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I'm not OP, but thanks for the tip, will check it out. Greetings from Züri Oberland.

Sounds similar to something my family recounts. We were living in Lima, Perú at the time and had friends from Switzerland or Argentina come visit us. On the way to our home someone noticed a bakery advertising black forest cake and they decided to buy one to mark the occasion.

Well, apparently that bakery had failed to consider that while salted butter may be the default form of butter in Perú, the default form of butter where the recipe was from is unsalted butter.

My parents and their guests (I was probably around 3yo at the time) ended up playing Uno. Whoever lost a round had to eat a piece of this cursed black forest cake.

In short:

Very hot weather & no AC => window open at night => getting woken up at 5:30 in the morning by early morning trains => tired af

So I know the one on the middle left is the trans flag and I think the one in the middle is either the homosexual or general lgbtq flag. What are the other ones? (sorry for not being in the know, trying to learn)

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might make their country cease to exist completely

Wait what?

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You're telling me they'd turn down a mouthful of medium rare grilled beef if it was only lightly salted? (because really good grilled beef doesn't need to be seasoned much or at all)

For what dish?

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I did something similar helping out in a vineyard. Cut part of my index finger off with secateurs/pruning shears. Not completely, but it was dangling on a thin string. It could be reattached, but it got rotated in the process of reattaching, making it look weird. Similarly to you, I also have partial feeling in it.

Luckily it was rather small. It's an about 8x3 mm ellipse now at the the tip of my index on the middle finger side.

I guess you meant "pulpit"?

Yes, but there's context about why I asked

I love that two drums and a cymbal video. It's amazing how perfect it turned out.

Volume is an indie stealth game I've quite enjoyed. In addition to the campaign it has a level creator, if you want to try player-made levels.

Can you unpack that one for me? I have zero idea of what you're talking about other than Todd Howard being an executive of Bethesda.

I reused my Reddit username. I kind of identify with it. I love healthy curiosity and Lynx are my favourite wild animal.

Also, I suspect I copied some nonverbal communication clues from the cats we had growing up, such as slow-blinking upon eye contact to indicate everything's fine. So a username that can be interpreted to mean I'm feline seems fitting.

Speaking of Jerboa, I installed it, but it opens to and I can't figure out how to change it to beehaw.

I miss RES's context feature now. Thank god this thread wasn't too long, so I was able to find my comment you replied to in it in a reasonable amount of time.

Might be app- or instance-dependant. I'm using Liftoff.

I'm better informed, but I can't say I'm happier. Ignorance is bliss, as they say. I'm frustrated by enshittification and embrace expand extinguish, idiotic and/or evil rightwing politicians and stuff like Musk wanting to implant chips into people's brains. Before, I could go to /r/Eyebleach and other cute/pet subreddits or be entertained by tales from various industries, but those communities are still way too small in the fediverse, if they exist at all, and I end up on the main page even if I'm trying to de-frustrate.

Well duh. King Midas has no silver left, it all turned into gold. 😜

"Nothing" is a bit of an exaggeration. I'd say admiring Hitler is an even louder shout about being an idiot.

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