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Joined 12 months ago

Because when choosing where to build infrastructure projects like these, poor and minority neighborhoods are usually chosen over richer or white neighborhoods.

This is so so stupid. We should also sue the ISPs then, they enabled the use of YouTube and Reddit. And the phone provider for enabling communications. This is such a dangerous slippery slope to put any blame on the platforms.

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It was never meant to be covert. That doesn't work as a deterrent. The headline means quiet as in not announced, not as In nobody knows.

Like, if you quietly left a party. It just means you didn't say goodbye, it does not mean that you're still hiding in the building.

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They're for her dick.

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Right! SteamOS with sleep/resume, gyro, touchpads and back paddles are my absolute baseline for handhelds now.

I can't wait to see some REAL competition.

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Not interested at all. Steam os has spoiled gamers with the quick booting, flexibility, and pause / resume. It's over for windows.

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I think it has more to do with the the people she put in prison for weed as a prosecutor.

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Look at other countries. Huge slums / shanty towns get built and normalized long before revolution.

If you're living in a plywood shack, but still have a phone with data, some games to play, ebt / food bank to eat, you're not about to pick up arms. At least most people in that spot won't.

14 more...

Leverage your precious free market capitalism and compete, assholes. It's not a threat, it's an opportunity.

Oh bullshit. I've been on that 7.99 since Google play music all access first launched. They said it was a permanent 7.99 if you signed up that first month it launched. Guess I'm moving services or going back to piracy.

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Honestly, were probably just going to have to get over it. Or pull the plug on the whole ai thing, but good luck with that.

Same, it's an objectively bad show.

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That's part of why the laws are so strict, so even rape victims have to carry them to term and the rapist father still gets custody rights.

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If anyone is wondering why this person thinks it common to call a guy a misogynist, look at this guy's post history.

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It should be. All computational photography has zero business being used in court

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The phrase eye contact implies it's an eye.

Considering Cyberpunk isn't even finished yet, I'm going to take this one with a metric ton of salt.

You're supposed to enjoy your meal, then tape a QR code to the table and say that's your payment as you walk out.

Biden is going to lose an election over it. Let's try sanctions against Israel instead of, maybe, you know, giving them billions in military aid that's being used to kill toddlers.

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Yeah. It was so dramatic I knew it would happen again, and waited for it to catch it in the act.

I'm super smart, but also super lazy. I think I'm lazy because I'm smart. School was super easy for me, so I was always bored. I got poor grades overall because I didn't do the work. I could show up and crush the tests, but felt that homework was a waste of time and never did it. I took AP classes that give college credit, got a weak grade in the class but got 4s and 5s on the AP test. (Out of 5).

Poor grades in highschool meant I couldn't get into college right away. So I took a few years off and just sort of hung out for a bit. Then the click. I decided I wanted to go to college, not just any, but a really good school. So I went to the local junior college and asked the counselor how I could go there next year. He explained that the transfer program is a two year program, but I wanted to go next year. He said I probably won't succeed, but here's a schedule of classes that will get me the two years of credits in one year. 24 units per semester for two semesters. I got straight As. I just did all the work and crushed it. Got into my dream school and studied... philosophy.

Don't get me wrong, it was what I wanted to study. I got a great education, but it didn't set me up for a real job after school, more for grad school, but I felt like I was done with school for a while. I ended bartending and waiting tables for years. It was in this phase that I started thinking about that click. Something in me elevated me to get into my dream school within a year once I decided I wanted to. I found peace in that fact. I knew that despite my toiling, working hard just for rent, making it month by month in the city, that I'd elevate myself again when the time was right. I thought a lot about it. That one year of 48 units and straight As was such a blur, what was it that drove me? I was so confident it would just happen again though that I decided to try to consciously catch it in the act.

Sure enough it happened again. Enrolled in a coding boot camp. One year of absolute blur, crushed it, became a successful software engineer. I failed to notice while it was happening, but did think right after: "fuck that was it, that was the thing, I was right, it did happen again!"

Turns out I'm bipolar and was just making the most of my manic upswings.

Uh, Chernobyl is in Ukraine. So... Chernobyl was Ukraine's Chernobyl.

They were all wearing their scarves.

By an absurd margin? Motherfucker the steam deck is $400. If you buy a series s over a deck you're a fool.

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You can get 300 tokens in pornx dot ai for $9.99. This guy is ripping people off.

If your trait as the word brutal in it, you're probably an asshole.

The younger generations today are already giving in to that apathy.

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All this stuff is like planning to colonize mars before we stop destroying earth. There is plenty of water if we just stop fucking pumping it all out and wasting it.

13 more...

Cats out of the bag. We need to get used to it because it's only getting worse.

Tell me you haven't tried a steam deck without telling me you haven't tried a steam deck.

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Ban them and let the market figure it out. They always do.

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I have a friend who works at the morgue. He drives the hearse, picks up bodies that don't need autopsies, prepares the bodies, hosts the funurals, a lot of it. He knows the guys who operate the crematorium and dig the graves well. He can make a body disappear. He also finds plenty of John Does, unidentified bodies. Mostly ones that float up to the shore, severely decayed. He's told me if I needed, I'd just have to lay low for a few weeks and he'd have a body in my casket.

That looks so disgusting. I can't even.

Well, if you don't buy unfinished games like me, you get to play this amazing game for just $30 on sale.

So if an attack is planned via mail you think we should sue the postal service? The phone company if it's done over the phone?

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Because it burns you. That's the answer. It kills your skin cells and eyes the same way it kills the bacteria. Also, it is everywhere, it's fucking outside. The sun. Fucking stupid. Idiots.

Know what else kills bacteria? Bleach. So get chugging.

So stupid.

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Android auto IS using your own phone.

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Ah, that explains your confusion.

There's a way easier and better way to make folks stop hating you.

Most police are cowards, and bad at their jobs simultaneously.