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Joined 1 years ago

Demand is what causes Supply. Somewhere out there is someone with the skill to crack Denuvo, but no need to, because this lunatic is already doing it. And being the competition means being on empress' radar, which is really something a sane person would not want.

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Because Windows is known to be malicious spyware, and you should consider not tolerating it any longer.

I think it's the fact that not everything needs a 20 minute video. There's a lot of topics that I'm interested in but skip because I don't have 20, 30, 40, 60 minutes for it.

My guy do you really not understand the shared desire of corporations to prevent solidarity and organization among workers?

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What no proper version control does to a mfer.

My understanding is there's group of people whose visa is sponsored by Twitter. If they leave the company, they may well have to leave the country.

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If the second one is true, even in a subjective sense, I'm honestly just impressed. I mean, if it works, it works.

That is not a winning elevator pitch, that sounds like a dumpster fire of elements in an always online package.

The people who made halo are scattered to the wind my dude. Most of them did jump to 343, and a lot of the ones who stayed were driven off during the destiny/Activision years.

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Just another old dude complaining that his interests and the internet spaces that discuss them has become more accessible in the last thirty years. This type of greybeard elitism got in my way when I was trying to learn and if I hadn't been self motivated to keep learning, that might have been the end of it. The biggest takeaway from this discussion is that Google is regressing in usefulness and that discord was always a bad place to store information.

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From the point of web infrastructure and standards, they certainly do.

It is not even semi-private. It is a completely public medium and absolutely nothing posted on it, including direct messages, can be seen as even remotely secure. Worse, anything you post on Mastodon is, once sent, for all intents and purposes completely irrevocable.

This guy is either actively trying to spread fear and doubt about decentralized services, or is somehow only now understanding what the internet is and how it works. Did I step into some kind of time vortex a while back and end up in a world where people ever believed that anything on the internet was private or revocable?

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They hated him because he spoke the truth

I’m going to make the switch to Linux

one of us

Seriously, though, it's easier than ever.

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Lemmy needs to have people willing to put up with the rough edges and build functioning communities before it will become a desirable alternative to one of the largest websites on the modern internet. Rome was not built in a day, friend.

People feel the same way about cars, electricity, food preservation. People's lives are interdependent on massively specialized technical disciplines and most of them couldn't care less. I understand that the amount of specialization that goes into some topics means you can't be an expert on all of these subjects, but some people just could not give a single shit how any of it works, and do not have any understanding of the ways in which it might stop working.

I've come to greatly resent any sort of technology or design being dismissed as "magic", because I've met too many people who mean it literally.

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Nah, it's just the kids of the wealthiest people and a handful of diversity admissions.

As far as I know, Ubuntu is unique in its insistence on snaps. I can't really speak for any others but my system runs fine entirely on native or locally compiled packages known to my package manager.

Yes. The bottleneck with games consoles has basically always been how fast you can get into data into memory and optical media has become a limiting factor in the last few hardware generations. I would say games started recommending installation to reduce load times in the late 360/PS3 era and have slowly started requiring it as the latest games are targeted at systems with SSDs and no optical drive at all.

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I wouldn't, but my biology disagrees.

I use btop, iotop, jnettop, and radeontop. I rarely need any individual piece of information any of them but they make for an incredible spread of blinkenlights.

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My gut reaction is that a multimedia website the size of reddit must be a juggernaut of server and hosting expenses.

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Yeah hi can someone explain the logic involved in advocating for Free Lossless Audio Codec as a method for storing photos?

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Ride a corporation's meat a little harder, pal.

This is a bit of an off-topic nit pick, but for the sake of user clarity, especially as lemmy is still growing, I would like to ask you to refrain from referring to this community solely as c/games. This is because there are communities on other instances named games, and I've already seen a lot of recent refugees from reddit be confused about the nomenclature involved.

I understand is one of if not the largest instance, and I don't expect people to be this precise in their casual conversation. But it would go a long way for clarity if official communications explicitly used the fediverse format of ! at least once, so there can be no confusion for other active and growing communities dedicated to the same topic.


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The bottom line is that I decide what content is received, interpreted, and rendered by my hardware. Youtube can kick and scream all they want, the nature of the internet is not in their favor.

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Starfield also requires an SSD, a first for a modern triple-A PC game.

I recall the same being said about Cyberpunk 2077, and I'm not sure that was the first either.

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When RIF finally stopped working for me, it was giving error 429, which is Too Many Requests. I expect you're getting lucky with whatever rate limiting scheme was implemented on reddit's server side.

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FLAC, because you didn't specify what kind of Codec.

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This was always the inevitable result of companies driven by shareholders seeing games that were released broken later receiving inexplicable critical praise when they were hammered into something closer to the original pitch.

I don't think TPB is strictly recommended for anything anymore, I could be out of the loop on that.

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Always refreshing to see somebody who owns one of these cars and hasn't immediately forgotten all expectations of build quality from an automotive manufacturer. I've seen intelligent and analytical people just turn their brains off at the suggestion that these cars aren't perfect, when the procedure for getting one repaired reads like it's from Apple.

But convincing tech companies to make webpages bigger seems difficult.

Do we live in opposite universes or something?

Much like international waters, its always required a bit of watching out for your own well being.

The reason this is being asked is because the PC port for GTA IV was notoriously broken. There is a popular set of patches and mods that will improve that and I know they come bundled in the fit girl repack but it's one of the ones that won't play nice with WINE during installation.

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Seconded, Alacritty has been great to me

Civilized society abandoned this type of "natural" selection a while back.

I appreciate their "barely surviving the mines" shtick a lot better now that they're independent.

I did the opposite and also can't remember why I did it.

Been using it, absolutely cannot recommend.

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