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Do you think this will change over time where one community on a specific instance will gain the market share and all others will evaporate away? And if it does, doesn’t that just place us back in the reddit situation?

To the second question of putting us back in the Reddit situation: Yes.

If you want one platform, that's what Reddit did for you. How did that work out?

This discomfort that we feel from many communities paving their own ways I think is temporary. We will learn to adapt to this. I think this is not a fundamental problem with Lemmy, but a UI/UX issue that new UI features will help us handle as the needs are outlined and the "pain points" are made more clear.

One platform or source is not the answer. Freedom in choosing from many sources of information is where the real benefit lies.

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This is very important aspect of games from this era and as a huge fanatic of Zelda games it is why Link to the Past is one of my faves.

On a related note, the game Tunic utilizes this game manual mechanic. It is a similar type game and part of the game is finding pages to the manual around the world that reveal game secrets, maps and mechanics. It's an absolute delight!

That is what this particular type of furnace is called in glassblowing. A glory hole is a specific furnace for reheating glass that has been gathered to keep it at the right temperature.

A lot of great advice in this thread.

Adding a note here about socks. Don't bother with Bombas. They are fine, but no better than other generic socks you will find out there. I was all in to the hype of them too but after using them for a few years i found they don't hold up any better than other socks. I wouldn't consider them an "investment".

Now, if you want to invest in a sock, consider getting Darn Tough. They are more expensive, however their wool and synthetic socks are pretty solid. I find they hold up way better than my Bombas ever did, are much more comfortable, moisture wicking of wool is very good and, best part, if they fall apart, wear down and get holes, Darn Tough will replace them. They will have you send them back and give you a credit to get a new pair. Full credit. It's fantastic. Highly recommend.

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I have at least 4 companies on my banned list, but the ones that come up most often are...

  • Starbucks - I like good coffee. They just can't seem to deliver and just focus on mass appeal to overly sweet milk drinks. No thanks. Good coffee doesn't deserve that.
  • Blizzard/Activision - They need to clean house. Horrible treatment of people inside. The games they produce aren't good even that good. I refuse to play their stuff as popular as it might be.
  • Disney - I don't think they produce anything really valuable. Their marketing is amazing but I don't like what they have given us. I honestly want nothing to do with Marvel or Star Wars and dislike the direction they have gone with those franchises.
  • Wizards of the Coast - all their game products are clearly cash grabs. Building in expiration so customers have to buy more is awful. I do not play Magic the Gathering and never will. I have also grown to dislike Dungeons and Dragons. It's not even that great and there are so many better, more interesting games to play.

That's just a few of my old man rants.

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As an alternative view, I homebrew and while the cost to get in can be a bit steep, the long term costs are actually pretty good. I looked at the cost to get equipment as a loss and just wrote it off. Electronic kettle and automation was pricey, but luckily I was able to have some costs offset with work benefits. Realistically though, in actual ingredients, between $30-50 USD for 5 gallons of beer and about 8 hours total of time for cleaning, brewing, fermenting and packaging, it's not too bad.

I tend to be very meticulous though with my brew process, so I haven't lost a batch, at least not due to contamination. I've had some beers that weren't great, but when you put it in perspective, a 12 ounce serving probably cost me about $0.50 - 1.00. Comparatively, while not great, it was still drinkable and as good as anything I could get for that price.

Being able to make decent sized quantities of good beer to take to parties, give as gifts, and just have on hand really diminishes the hit of the cost of equipment. I feel like it's been worth it.

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Right? That's exactly what I wanted and didn't get. But I did get bombarded with a half dozen ads in my search through the article including one that wanted me to pay them for this stellar reporting.

Gorillaz - Stylo is pretty awesome. One of my favorite music videos ever.

Caravan Palace - Lone Digger is really awesome as well. Great song and well animated.

There was a great You Are Not So Smart podcast episode with her talking about this too. It was a delightful listen.

I needed to learn Go quickly for a small little side project and I was able to run through the fundamentals Go track in about a week and a half doing a few exercises here and there.

I've been exposed to quite a few programming languages so a lot of the common principles are there for me. What I really needed was to learn how Go is different and what the unique things about it are.

For example, I didn't need to learn about why loops are important. What I did like learning is how a for loop in Go was structured and how to use it in different contexts. Utilizing range was a great thing I picked up from their examples.

Exercise is a great hands-on tool to supplement and support learning.

Even the synthetic ones are great. Your options for colors are a bit more limited but the quality is still good. Would still recommend those over Bombas. I was disappointed in the Bombas quality and found myself having to buy them more often due to wearing down quickly.

Ultimately I hope you can find what you need! All the best to you, friend!

War. War never changes.

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All appropriate responses!

On your account here you can only subscribe to communities that are within beehaw and other communities from instances that beehaw is federated with.

However if you really want to participate in those defedetated instances you can go over there and sign up for an account on those. Nothing is stopping you from having another account in that space. I certainly do, but i definitely prefer things here for the philosophical approach and community.

I thought so too then I mathed. 1% of 8 billion is 80 million. Population of Australia is not even 26 million. Those numbers were just too big to comprehend and work with in my head.

There's more ads on that page than content too. I can't tell if there a hidden joke here or what.

No, that's a necklace job

He's talking about connecting to work on the Internet over the air without any cables at all

This was a discussion last week in this same community. There was a comment thread that talked a little more about it.

First off, I'm so sorry to hear you were having a bad day. That really sucks and I feel for you, friend. It happens to us all and I hope things look up for you soon! They usually do and stuff like this comes and goes in waves.

I should not let stranger’s opinion be able to affect me that much. I should be the gatekeeper of my emotions and what I let affect me.

You can't always help this. We are emotional creatures. Feeling emotions is just something we do, and you don't have to check that baggage at the door. You are entitled and valid for having a feeling in response to that situation. In my opinion you're not wrong about feeling bad/upset either. You should be upset for getting dumped on like that. We just have to be mindful to let it guide our decisions sensibly. Don't feel bad for feeling bad. You are justified in this situation.

...realizing I wasted my time sharing my ideas...

Please, please, please don't see your contribution as a waste, despite the response you got. The way others respond is not always a great indicator of the quality of your contribution, particularly if you don't exactly trust those individuals deeply. That's kind of the problem with online communities like this, not everyone responds affirmatively even if they think it actually is a great idea. It's hard to really know. It's absolutely validating when someone outright says it, but on the same hand the negativity, especially if it's not constructive, should be taken with a grain of salt. For all you know, someone could have seen your idea and run with it already, or come up with something else good based on it. You may never know though, and that's okay. The intent of putting an idea out there is good, and thank you for doing that. Please don't stop doing that.

More than just tolerate, I think you can find a certain amount of joy in this time of change and really relish something new, unusual and different. Just because it is new and uncomfortable doesn't mean it has to be unpleasant. Figuring out how to be sensitive to your own emotions and work through change quickly can get you there.

+1 For Squarepusher here. There are a lot of good recommendations in this thread but this is the one that immediately came to mind for me.

Hello Everything is great, and I'd also recommend Ultravisitor as well. Both those albums as a whole are masterpieces. Thoughtful, meticulously crafted and absolutely wild. If feels like organized chaos.

1000% agree. Im a huge fan of all things Legend of Zelda and this one still stands as a masterpiece to me as well.

No worries on the short notice, thank you for the heads up! Sincerely appreciate the transparency.

I love some pickles so, I'd be a cucumber any day. Not to say you can't pickle zucchini, but the cuke is a classic for a reason. I think it's the seeds that really make it different in a good way for me. I may be weird, but I like slimy cucumber seeds. It's a texture thing that I enjoy.

Learn when to say no.

You have to know when you're approaching your limit. Before you get to that, you have to be able to say no to new things or scale back ongoing things so you aren't working past your limit.

As an example, right now with work I'm juggling 3 main things. Working on research for an upcoming project. A project working on some information collecting, surveying and assessments of those results. And some review of business development documents. I'm close to my limit. I have time for them all, but just barely enough. I know my priority right now are the first two. I have already started scaling back on business development reviews. I was doing these as a favor to lend a hand and the other two things are more important.

I already know if I get asked to do more business development review work, I will say no and decline. I won't feel bad. I'm certain I won't get in trouble. I can set the boundaries that I have other important priorities right now. So while I know there's a lot going on and I sense my limit getting close, I have to protect myself from doing too much that will stress me out and burn me out.

I love Detroit style pizza!

For others asking: Detroit style is kind of like Sicilian pizza. Pan baked, rectangular, yeast crust, thick, chewy, crispy on the edges. Bottom layer is cheese. Then toppings and sauce that is usually a stripe of sauce.

The texture reminds me of old school Pizza Hut pan pizza. Thick, airy, oily, and my favorite part is the little crispy craggy bits on the top edge of the crust.

In Maryland we have a couple really great Detroit pizza joints. Underground Pizza in Baltimore is my favorite and quite good, but pretty pricey. Rad Pies is a little more remote but is quite good as well.

$20 CAD for a brew!!! That's really impressive and an amazing value. We do have a great local homebrew scene here and our local suppliers offer pretty good value for equipment and supplies. I probably could get similar costs as well. Unfortunately like the OP in the thread I don't have the kind of space for bulk grain and milling machines or other bulk storage. Being in an apartment has it's limits and Ive pretty much hit them. I'm satisfied with my cost efficiency even knowing it could be better under different circumstances.

Cool to hear that you have great cost efficiency! That's awesome to see. Thanks for sharing!

First off, OP, I'm sorry that you had to go through that. Hostile responses hurt, particularly when you're just trying to help. I hope this doesn't stop you from sharing ideas in the future. We need more people willing to share ideas so we can have good thought diversity.

That being said, I don't think this is a good reason to leave Reddit or hate Reddit.

I know a lot of us are really highly charged right now and the Reddit hate is strong. We got burned by something that was a major part of our lives for many years. But the toxicity of the participants is not exactly a Reddit thing. This is an internet thing. You are not getting away from that here.

I have had similar experiences as OP on Reddit and I'm also seeing similar behaviors on Lemmy as well, particularly now that it is growing faster.

Lemmy and federated services in general do not automatically mean that the community is nicer or are more respectful. That is not the problem these services try to solve. They solve issues of ownership and centralization. Even communities like Beehaw aren't free from this either. I've seen some pretty toxic behavior, even on Beehaw. They can't escape that. But what they can do is set a standard for expected behaviors and then moderate the community as best they can. This doesn't eliminate the problem, but at least it sets a stage where we can play, and call out when someone crosses the line.

So let's not kid ourselves. When people from different backgrounds, views, and intents come together with the capability of being anonymous and behind a screen, the bad actors WILL come and join the fray. That's just part of internet connected life.

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the rest of the world just don’t yet see their psychopathy

This is why we can't have nice things. Regardless of your morality or theirs, this excludes others in a harmful way and is ultimately why I personally greatly dislike and avoid most vegan/vegetarian social communities. I feel like comments such as this are the "battleground" that mods don't want to deal with. In a community that tries to be nice to all, calling out the psychopathy of someone who thinks differently feels very inappropriate and disrespectful on many levels.

I often see this problem in the testing world, particularly around frontend tests that utilize UI automation tools.

The pattern I see is often to abstract chunks of common steps into individual functions that often live in places very disconnected from the test. While this might reduce the number of lines of code in a test and arguably make it more maintainable it has its problems.

Main problem number one is that readability has been diminished. It is now harder to understand exactly what this test is doing because steps have been abstracted away. Tests that can be clearly understood, read and describe functionality and behaviors are immensely important to getting others to quickly understand code. I hate to put a barrier there to making that happen.

Second, i don't truly believe it ALWAYS improves maintainability. This decision of abstracting carries a risk. When that abstraction needs to change in one place you are faced with a tough choice...

Does this need to change in ALL places? How do you know? How can you get all places it is used and be certain it has to change in all of them? Changing for all usages is RISKY particularly when there are large numbers of uses and you don't know what they all do.

Do i make a new abstraction? This is safer but now starts to create bloat. It will lead down paths of making future implementations trickier because there are now two things to choose from that are possibly slightly different.

For tests I'm not really convinced that these problems are worth dealing with. Keep it simple and understandable. Repeating yourself for the sake of clarity is okay. I'll say it again... Repeating yourself for the sake of clarity is okay!