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Joined 11 months ago

Who is this even about?

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Feeding humans is not needed to keep the world saving AI running, so why would we even bother?

Thank god, this has been one of the most anti consumer things of our time and it needs to stop.

God I hope so

28 more...

Right so we just implement socialist policies in housing.

I mean, water, power, education, healthcare are all heavily regulated or controlled by the government. Why not housing? It is a basic human need after all more of a basic need than education (not saying education should change).

16 more...

I mean we have other studies that show kids who play video games usually are better at problem solving and fine motor controls.

Could be like you said, bad parents. Could also be that the content developed for mobile is somewhat mind numbing by design, most games are idle or just geared towards ads/in game purchases instead of game content. Apps tend to be easier to use and navigate as well.

Technology is obviously a powerful tool for both good and bad.

I mean why would someone want to fight for a country that doesn't care about them?

Ohhh the irony

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That would be hella inspiring ngl

Honestly after I noticed the declining users on Lemmy I started using reddit again, it just has more activity on a lot of niche communities I'm interested in.

However I still use Lemmy almost daily since I like the content and comments here more, and it's the kind of platform I enjoy, just like the Reddit of old.

Spez is a fucking idiot.

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This is one of the biggest issues with Lemmy right now.

I'm gonna keep holding out cause I hope that Lemmy will have improvements like sorting algorithms and mod tools and such, users have stabilized.

If the users keep going down I might have to go back to Reddit, a man can only laugh at the same Linux meme so many times.

They were able to build a business and be profitable for over a decade but now all of the sudden ad block is destroying YouTube? 🤔

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I really wish they had fixed the movement, considering it's supposed to be a tactical shooter I would love to see some sort of footstep mechanic but it's still ice rink battle simulator.

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I mean, just tax corporate home ownership, double property tax for homes that sit empty for more than 3 or 6 months, and put a 50% tax on any rental net profits above 15% of the total rental price.

Use that money for high density/low income development grants, seems simple to me.

Even if we made massive changes today we would still have immense suffering.

We are fucked, the only thing we can change now is how severely we are fucked.

Just make homelessness illegal guys, c'mon, so simple

Me literally right now fml

It's crazy to me that Nigeria has a bobsledding team, where would they practice?

Same bro

I used to work in a Linux environment, I regret leaving that job all the time

Wow, the criminality of it all. Wish we had Trump as our president, then we would be crime free!!

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He's adorable

I'm young and have played computer games since childhood, I never bought a VR headset cause anything more than 20 minutes and I feel dizzy as fuck.

VR needs an overhaul for me to actually buy into it, I honestly just think the headsets aren't going to work, I don't think a higher refresh rate will fix this

Shit I was not ready for this personal attack

Texas Governor be like "if she's forced to carry the child till birth and marry the rapist then it doesn't count in statistics!"

What a fucking joke dude


As someone who was once a small artist on Spotify, they do actually pay really well. Better than most places.

YouTube has definitely been profitable for many years dude, I don't know what your on about.

I specifically remember them announcing quarterly profits from YouTube in alphabets breakdown a few years back, they are almost definitely profitable, I'm okay with being proven otherwise but as far as I know YouTube is profitable now.

Thank you friend

What? I honestly don't understand what you're trying to get across here

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I legit don't understand why this exists. Why would anyone want a bunch of shit in their OneDrive to have a permanent link?

Microsoft just loves money at the expense of quality products.

Definitely done this more than once, pyrocynical has been on these a lot lately and has been killing it

He is eternal, he is always

I am not even remotely surprised.

Every day I hear a story about Chinese software being spyware.

It seems like any religious emblems or clothing aren't allowed in public schools, not so much that they can't wear what they want.

I think it's fair enough, it's pretty obvious that religion and education are incompatible in the modern age. Anyone who disagrees with that is a "religious" person who's never read a holy book.

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1070ti here 3600x didn't notice much of a difference, I'm still hitting 130-140 easy

I found the best comment on lemmy

Was looking for this one

Idk after 3 vaccines I'll hold off until there's an actual spike in cases instead of just a mild rise in cases. I got covid after my first 2 and it did suck a lot (worse than vaccines but better than it would've been without vaccines), but my 3rd vaccine hit me hard for like 2 days I felt like shit and honestly I just don't feel like I need to do that as of now, I feel like my memory B cells probably have stuck around considering how frequently I was exposed to the virus/proteins.

Personal choice, anyone who wants to get vaccinated I completely encourage it, I would just rather not get another one at this time, I don't get a flu shot every year for pretty much the same reason and considering the r⁰ value of covid I doubt any amount of vaccination efforts/campaigns will ever eradicate it, especially with all the anti vaxx nutjobs out there.