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Blaming AirBnB for high housing prices is like setting up a chain of dominos, and criticizing a guy who comes by and knocks it over.

Yeah, and that's exactly what they chose to do. They contributed to the reasons John Public can't afford housing, and were rewarded massively for it.

If it wasn't him, it would have been someone else, or the wind.

Yeah, anyone can rob a bank with poor security, but we should still punish the guy who actually robs the bank.

destroying as much fossil fuel infrastructure as possible is a good thing

Maybe not when doing so would release as much methane as a small country.

IDF drops bombs on the homes of any man, killing entire families at once. "Human shields" do not exist, there is no point. The IDF has shown they will happily shoot through the civilians anyways.

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This is great! Now you can compare prices for the 10 services you require and calculate the extent of your of financial ruin, all from the back of the ambulance!

I jest. Also, good luck opening a SQL database or parsing a massive minified JSON file. Many facilities do not provide the data in an easily accessible or standardized form, making it inaccessible for most people.

It depends whether you think killing 200,000+ civilians is a defensible act.

300,000+ if you include the bombing of Tokyo.

Nobody knows how a conventional war would have played out. To assert civilian deaths would have been higher is pure speculation and a gross attempt to justify the slaughter of noncombatants.

Though it is likely that even without nukes, the US would have still razed these cities with conventional munitions, given the events in Tokyo.

Don't worry, It's OK when the US does it.

If the plant tastes very bitter or soapy

brb, eating soap

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Did hamas limit the food, water, and electric going into Israel too? Was Hamas making settlements inside Israel? Was Hamas controlling the border and movement of Israelis? Was Hamas controlling the outcome of Israels elections?

Hamas bad, but Israel made Hamas.

Do you think the IDF wasn't murdering Palestinians before Oct 2023?

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I would say it is quite well established that Israel wants to continue the conflict. I don't think that is an opinion at this point.

Sure, the title isn't the best, but isn't that also the point they are trying to make?

To put it briefly, the story is being reported on, but it seems that the media who live off clicks and eyeballs are basically doing the equivalent of "anti-clickbait" and downplaying the significance of these stories.

Nah, mate. Killing random civilians isn't the same as killing slave masters. Random people on the street aren't the ones to blame. Needless blood is counterproductive and just fuels hatred. Being designated as a terrorist org means the slim possibility of receiving foreign assistance is reduced to zero.

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The referenced article primarily critiques the phrasing and tone of the headlines. Through engineering of the headline, you can affect how the body of the article is perceived. The headlines are all quite flaccid and downplay the significance of the refusal. Not coming to an agreement right now, is an admission of intent to enter Rafa.

Headlines are very important as many people will only skim the title. Perhaps you did the same here, and were bamboozled by the headline of the original article?

The links you posted here are just more examples of what the original piece was criticising.

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It's both.

An example of bad urban planning is low density urban sprawl, which requires lots of resources for few housing units.

Less housing, price go up. High build cost, price go up.

Or just right-wing oligarchs in general. It's not like plenty of people within the US wouldn't want the same.

Bro, Facebook facilitated a genocide, and this is who we want to buy TikTok? What action was taken against fb?

"US coRpOrAtiOn goOd!"

I think we still need more time/data to get the whole picture. EVs are still in their early stages.

It would be interesting to look at fire rates for vehicles at rest. These types of fires have the potential to become quite serious, as they are often not immediately noticed, especially if the vehicle is parked in a garage or remote area. This additional time allows the fire to spread and intensify.

Since EV fires are typically more intense than ICE vehicles, we should expect EV fires to cause more damage to the surroundings and to spread faster. Though, this danger could be offset if EVs have a lower probability of self ignition.

We should also look at fires while refueling/charging. Lithium cells are most dangerous when charging and discharging. While an overfilled gas tank is easy to spot and may catch fire, a continually overcharged battery is invisible and will catch fire. Also, because of the long charge time of batteries, many EV owners leave the vehicle unattended while charging and would not immediately notice a fire if one were to occur. In addition, EVs are often charged at home, in close proximity to residences and other vehicles, and often within garages. These residential locations do not have the same fire safety requirements and suppression systems as gas stations, so a vehicle fire at home is already much more dangerous and has the potential to severely damage your home.

We have had a century to figure out ICE, but it's still very early days for EVs, so only time will tell.

Are we talking truly autonomous vehicles with no driver, or today's "self-driving-but-keep-your-hands-on-the-wheel" type cars?

In the case of the former, it should be absolutely the fault of the manufacturer.

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Cops would rather beat up college students and the unhoused than go after landlords.

that's an expense that's hard to justify to taxpayers

Ah, yes. We don't have money because collecting taxes would be too expensive. Classic.


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Relevant username?

Human life is to be protected, rescued etc. in all cases.

Exceptions need to have very clear and very strict rules


Financial irregularities brought to light by the raid and subsequent investigations led to a conviction of the plant's chief executive Sholom on bank fraud and related charges.

He was sentenced to 27 years in prison, but this led to an outcry by a bipartisan group of more than 100 former high-ranking and distinguished Department of Justice (DOJ) officials, prosecutors, judges, and legal scholars who expressed concern with the evidentiary proceedings in his case as well as with the severity of his sentence.

On December 20, 2017, then-President Donald Trump commuted his sentence to time served, and his trial on immigration charges was canceled.

Same article.

Yep, less/no fire is very important when creating battery banks with many cells. The probability of single cell failure spreading to adjacent cells is reduced, making a catastrophic failure of the entire bank less likely.

A stabbing is a stabbing. It's not terrorism, and the article provided no evidence of any "radicalization".

Media literacy?

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Neither the owner, Aaron Rubashkin, nor his sons Sholom and Heshy, who were in charge of the management of Agriprocessors, were convicted of immigration or labor law violations, although both Aaron and son Sholom were initially charged with 9,311 counts of child labor law violation, for which they could have faced over 700 years in prison if found guilty. All charges against Aaron were dropped right before the trial was scheduled to begin, and after a five-week trial Sholom was acquitted on all charges of violating child labor laws.

Undocumented workers have no rights. If they don't accept the bad pay and conditions offered, they get reported. The state takes the current group of "troublemakers" away and you hire fresh immigrants.

All charges being dropped against the owners of the plant just before the trial is either corruption or a plea deal. The owners very likely snitched on themselves in exchange for amnesty.

Continued in reply...

Say there is a car with no human driver, that is being sold as requiring "no human input other than set destination, stop, and go".

If that vehicle crashes, you think the person who bought the car (the passenger) has legal liability, and not the manufacturer?

That's like being a passenger on a bus and getting sued if the bus driver hits a parked car.

Thanks for the better source

Is it not tax evasion/fraud? In the US, either can bring criminal charges. For a smaller municipality, is there no assistance available from higher government?

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Unfortunately, the card mentioned in the article is far too slow to record high resolution, high bit-rate video from even older "pro" cameras.

Yes, war crimes are good actually. More war crimes please! /s

Exactly. It's absurd that we allow companies to get away with shit like this.

The United States leads globally in school shootings, with 288 incidents from 2009 to 2018

Over the same time period, Mexico suffered the second highest number of school shooting incidents with a total of 6.

So, the USA had 48x more incidents than Mexico, the country with the second highest.

Hum, gee, I wonder what modern data looks like...

America number one bay-bee!

I don't know, seems like an unfortunately common health crisis.

But "terrorism" sure gets clicks.

LiPo batteries of the same capacity actually have the potential to be much more dangerous than the sodium cell shown here.

LiPo packs typically use flat, soft walled cells which are far more susceptible to being punctured. In the event of a puncture or overcharge event, high temperature enduring flames are produced, with the severity and duration largely depending on the amount of energy within the cell. LiPo batteries also degrade at a much faster rate (both over time and with charge cycles) and have been known to spontaneously combust in storage while at rest.

With the sodium battery, the thrust produced by the puncture could have been easily been overcome by properly securing the cell.

The DOD deals death daily, dude.

the number of Americans who own 401(K) investments, which benefit from better stock index performance, has increased significantly in recent years

This is the same as saying lots of Americans have bank accounts. The accounts could be empty.

the US cooled inflation down to that level far faster than other Western economies (e.g. the UK and Eurozone)

The US did not experience the same economic effects as the UK. The UK performed Brexit which raised the cost of goods by definition, and had their price of fuel skyrocket due to the effects of the Russia-Ukraine war. The US is not dependent on Russian oil.

wage growth has actually outpaced inflation in recent years

EDIT: Wages with respect to productivity have been stagnant since 1970, but today's average worker produces far more value for their employer. Employers are not sharing their increased profits with their workers, who are making roughly the same as workers from 1970. So yes, workers got a very slight real increase in pay, but are still vastly underpaid.

The inflation rate measures the price change of a basket of household goods

No, it doesn't. That's the consumer price index.

employers are more willing to be generous with pay raises when the economy is good. In short, people credit increases in wages to their own hard work but blame inflation on the Government.

No, increased wages are not because bosses decided to be nice. Corporate profits reached records during the pandemic, paying more reduces profits. Unions and displays of labor activism in the US have expanded significantly in the past few years. People are demanding higher wages from their employers. The entire purpose of the Federal Reserve is to combat inflation. Action by the government is the only way to control inflation.

Economists are not stupid.

That's debatable, but some are certainly self-serving.

Tell me how high interest rates benefits those who have to borrow money for school, medical expenses, a car, or a first home.

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That's fair.

You just build a network on top of the existing infrastructure. See tor, i2p, usenet

EDIT: I'll update my previous comment for clarity