12 Post – 127 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

What you describe happened in Munich, at least. This is in another state.

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An alternative is to keep your eggs somewhat separated so that you don't end up in a locked in situation if their services deteriorate over the years, giving you an easier escape in that scenario.

Konsole. Never had the need to explore alternatives.

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That is what the interface bind is supposed to prevent, or at least that is what I thought it was supposed to prevent. To avoid IP leaks in case of a lost VPN connection. I wonder if I've misunderstood it, or misconfigured it or something else.

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Nice! Just switched to Wayland, and planning on playing around with Godot again this Summer :)

Thanks! I was trying to implement this, and was trying to figure out how to pass all the arguments! This worked for me! I got some other errors, but they don't seem related to this, so now to find out what they are all about 😅

For now, Mozilla's official stance is to oppose this proposal:

I wish that this kind of thing would generate enough outrage to increase Firefox' market share considerably (from the <3% it is today), and in that way deter websites from adopting it since they would block a larger share of users. Unfortunately, I think that might be too naive of me...

Isn't distance more suitable to describe an improvement than time? Don't find anything wrong with that comment.

"It is better by a mile" vs "It is better by three hours"

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My calendaring needs might be less restrictive than yours, but Proton offers a nice calendar that from what I understand offers at least some integration with their e-mail client. Have you checked it out?

I use Nextcloud self-maintained on a VPS myself for all my calendaring needs, which is basically keeping track of appointments, syncing via CalDAV to my phone, as well as sharing some sub-calendars with other people. Setting up a Nextcloud-server is admittedly a bit more hassle than just signing up for a service, but also here there are options of making it a bit easier than hosting yourself.

I find Google Maps by far the hardest service to rid myself off, followed by Gmail (the time it takes!!! Been using Proton for two years, still not completely rid of my Gmail-account). I'm slowly getting used to using OSM-based map services more and more.

Ah, that didn't occur to me... good to know. I will use it mainly to navigate the Jellyfin UI, so hopefully it will be sufficient as it mostly consists of large images.

Good to know the feature is included in the Dolphinbar - I have been thinking about getting it in order to get the Wiimote working with Retroarch. But on the hardware I am running it on now, Wii-games are unplayable in Retroarch, so I have delayed that purchase.

FreeTube Cordova it is called

Yeah, I tried this, and it works from my session, but I still got the same error from trying to run the program. I figured it was because it is called outside the bash session so the run commands have not been run, but is that perhaps not true?

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Specific supported devices, but the list keeps growing.

I use a Xiaomi Mi Band 7. Works pretty well for my needs.

Learn Linux TV is number one for me - his Linux Crash Course has been an immense help in getting started using Linux for me.

I use a Xiaomi Smart Band 7 and pair it with Gadgetbridge, and it works fine for my purposes, which is HR-monitoring during the day, sleep and workout sessions. I rarely interface with the watch itself (which is by design), so if you want more functionality out of your watch, then this might be a little on the light side feature wise. I tend to keep Bluetooth off, so I connect to it maybe once a day to sync data with Gadgetbridge, which I again export for analysis. A bit clunky to connect - I have to search for it first in the Gadgetbridge app, and only when it has found it can I attempt to reconnect. Maybe this is easily fixable, but I have not bothered to do it because I only sync once a day.

You do need to obtain a key first though, which requires a login to the Xiaomi servers. I used a throwaway e-mail for the registration. Gadgetbridge has no access to the internet.

Rechecked this now, and it's at about 5% now. The statistics seem a bit weird to me, unless there are some big seasonal changes. Your 12% was recorded in June and July. Maybe with less business activity during these months, the Windows share plummets in favor of home users who are more prone to use Linux.

I've deleted my DE a couple of times from not reading the "The following packages will be REMOVED"-list.

Wow, thanks a lot for this thorough answer. I see I need to dust off the old employment contract and see what it says - I've had an assumption that any ownership my previous employer has pertains only to any discovery that could be commercialized through patents and spin-offs - this is not that. This work is academic research, and I was required to make any publication openly accessible (with CC-licenses) due to how the work was funded, and this code base contains all the analysis tools that underpin these publications.

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This is so nice!

Brilliant list! Starred this to go through it in detail later.

EDIT: A good deal of overlap with me on the type of applications I already use, so looking forward to discovering other hidden gems I haven't yet found.

I am not sure what you intention was with your reply, so maybe I am misreading it.

"... that respects your privacy" is most of the post title. I was simply asking whether a keyboard application could be privacy disrespecting, if it doesn't have network access. It was genuine question that I want to learn the answer to, and I was hoping that somebody might be able to provide a sensible answer.

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Genuine question: is there any way for any keyboard application to be privacy disrespecting if their internet access is blocked off by a firewall?

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I tried that, but nothing really happened (i.e. no output). hid-wiimote is one of several things I couldn't fit into the whole picture I was trying to create for myself. I figured that, since I got it connected and could see the sensor data from the xwiishow command from xwiimote, that the module was loaded and I didn't need to pay more attention to it.

Wayland by default

Having an Nvidia-card, should I be worried about this? So far I've read so many "Nvidia bad, Wayland no work" posts that I have just stayed clear waiting for a final confirmation that everything is smooth sailing.

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I have been using this combined with Fluent Reader Lite for Android and a self-hosted FreshRSS-server to sync my feeds. Just recently found a workflow that works well for me: I will browse my feeds on my phone once in a while (very productive bathroom breaks....), showing only unread stories. I star any story I want to read later, mark the rest as read. With Fluent Reader on Linux set to only show starred, and I can then pick and choose whatever story I want to read from there on a bigger screen. Whenever I go some days without checking, I will just mark all spammy news outlets as read without checking the 400 unread stories.

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I love this for redirecting YouTube-links to FreeTube.

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How does this deal with any flags passed?

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Yeah, I already have KDE Connect already setup, and it is quite nice. However, since this is for navigating a media station I would prefer to avoid having my smartphone nearby, as I will end up scrolling mindlessly like the drone I am. Getting the Wiimote working is also not entirely a project of utility, but something I consider to be an interesting and fun project, so while having options are good, I still want to accomplish this.

In what way does it fail on Lineage? My local banking app fails on CalyxOS - seems to pass the security checks (judging from init messages when opening the app), but get a nondescriptive error when trying to log in.

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This is perfect! I've been meaning to get into contributing to OSM in my area, and this makes that very easy. I will be heading out once the rain stops to test this.

Don’t you love when you give in and go to get help for something and you can no longer reproduce it after you ask?

It's almost like it's a law of nature...

Alright, cheers - I'll leave it be as well then :)

Just keep in mind that security through obscurity is not considered secure in itself.

Do you consider it to not be a helpful measure to take at all?

I have fail2ban configured - since it is reading from the auth.log, I guess I would not have to make any changes to the configuration there to have it work with a new port?

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Agreed. I made the switch after Mendeley pushed their online manager with only a new limited desktop client, which was awful. Couldn't believe I hadn't gone with Zotero in the first place. Originally only used for my thesis, now I use for work and personal interests as well.

I am on an FP4 and there is nothing sluggish about it.

Over the course of 14 years, I had five different iPhones: 3GS in 2009, iPhone 4S in 2011, iPhone 6 in 2014, an iPhone XS in 2018 and now a work-only phone owned by my company which I don't know the model of - I barely use it. I also had a brief Android-spell from mid-2010 until the release of the 4S with an HTC Legend which was a truly awful experience, and turned me off from Android for a long time until I bought a Fairphone 4 for personal use end of last year and installed CalyxOS on it. No regrets making the switch.

But yeah, I liked iPhones for a while. My prejudice against Android was unfortunate, but HTC Legend was a truly awful phone that lost support for updates quickly after I got it, and was also not prioritized by the modding community. I was going to get an HTC Desire, but they were sold out at the time, and I was about to go into the military, so waiting was not an option. If I got the Desire, I think the experience would've been better, but instead I sat with the impression that you could not count on long-term support for Android-devices, and that the hardware was rubbish.

I adopted iPhones at the same time as I departed from my teenage more tech-oriented years in favor of more social stuff at high school and university, so avoiding spending time on customization through the whole "you get what exactly we want you to get"-vibe of Apple worked fine for me then. It is the same shit that eventually drove me mad and made me ditch both iOS and macOS last year in favor of Android and Linux.

The hardware itself is quite good. They lasted increasingly longer for my use, but battery performance was shit towards the end and I was not going to spend a fortune changing the battery. My new phone has an easily changeable battery. Other than repairability, new features of smartphones have not excited me for many years.

The Apple ecosystem never really worked for me. I had iCloud only because the price point was much better than Dropbox for my use when I made the change. Other than that I really didn't use much of their stuff, which made the transition a lot easier than it could've been. Exporting iCloud-stuff from a non-Apple device was a chore though... But since I also did not use much of the ecosystem, that was also a big "why bother"-point. But my main grievance is the lack of openness and control over your own device. I also have an old iPad now that sits with no use cases, because I can't get a recent enough iOS-version installed, and I can't install another operating system as far as I know. It's so wasteful.

Yeah, it happens straight after boot, but it never resolves itself. And the process exists after reboot as well, so it seems that it starts running apt-get update and gets stuck / hangs.

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Hehe yeah, this persisted over several days and through several reboots and on two different phones. No clue what changed as I understood iptraf to simply help me diagnose. But a run directly before and after running iptraf for the first time had different results, and now I am reproducing it every time.

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Ok, thanks - so if I understand correctly then, it is listening on port 22 as a default, and not accepting traffic on any port.

That brings of the question: wouldn't I be better off changing the SSH-port? And is that so easy as to uncomment the #Port 22 line in the config file and changing the port number to something random, and saving that somewhere? Would I then be able to connect by running ssh, or would I need to do anything else to successfully connect?

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