56 Post – 365 Comments
Joined 2 years ago

West Asia - Communist - international politics - anti-imperialism - software development - Math, science, chemistry, history, sociology, and a lot more.

You don't really explain why activityPub is limiting you. It's hard to help you here.

I love when people on the Internet say "X did Y quietly" to make it more suspenseful. This doesn't look quiet to me...

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Not surprised. A for-profit corporation wanting more money. Especially as we enroach further into late stage capitalism where corporations struggle to find more territory to profiteer from and squeeze more profit out of us.

The era of free services being profitable is ending rapidly, and we see this across many areas in the world.

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The efficiency of capitalism. Spend god-knows-how-many millions of dollars and time, then realize you'd rather spend 125 million all over again just to go back and spend even more millions to hire back the dame numbers again in 1-3 years.

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I intentionally answer wrong to confuse their AI model training. It does not work if the choice is obviously wrong, but if you do it with ambiguous ones, it lets you pass. Like if wants you to select birds, and the thing is just a bear that kinda can pass for a bird if you aren't looking deeply, I'll say it's a bird.

Doing my part of destroying machine learning models.

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Wayland isn't to blame for duplicate effort. Instead of 4 different efforts doing the same thing, they can collaborate to build a common base. Heck, wlroots is exactly that.

There's a ton of duplicated work in Linux ecosystem. Just think about every new distro coming out doing the same things other distros did. Just think about all those package managers on different distros. They do almost the same thing. Do they need to have codebases that share nothing? No. But they don't care. They rather duplicate effort. They chose this.

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Requiring a candidate to know a specific programming language is stupid. Nearly all of the commonly used languages in industry are similar.

It's maybe more valuable to require knowledge in a specific framework, where knowledge is less transferrable between popular frameworks. Nonetheless, I personally rather hire an engineer that solves problems and learns flexibly rather than one that happens to know the right tech.

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I feel like that's the point? Lemmy doesn't profit from wasting our time, so it has no interest doing so. This means more time for me to do productive things.

You should obey the basic rules such as speed limits, stopping for red light, etc. Driving faster is associated with higher rate of road fatalities.

The real solution is that our society must abolish the reliance on cars. We should opt for safer modes of transportation that do not make it necessary for us to trust every random person to have the patience and skill for operating a car that can kill people so easily.

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Java is #1 in enterprise. Pretty solid.

A worrying number of my colleagues use AI blindly. Like the kind where you just press tab and not even look. Those who look spend a second before moving on.

They call me anti-AI, even though I've used chatGPT since day 1. Those LLMs are great tools, but I am just paranoid to use it in that manner. I rather it explain to me how to do the thing instead of doing the thing (at which it is even better).

EDIT: Typo

Does Gentoo count?

It's not that unpopular. I chose it because it is very powerful. It really makes use of every Linux power there is. It makes solving problems yourself much easier, and customization is big.

But then you get locked into the ORM's much more highly specific syntax.

At least the differences across SQL variants are not THAT major from my experience. The core use cases are almost the same.

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I don't have a link, and not saying I agree with their answer, but the lemmy creators (and maintainers of join-lemmy answered this in a AMA about a month ago. They said they'd prefer the horrible people concentrate in their own instances so we can block them easily rather than have them in our instances. The join lemmy list does not serve as an endorsement, but a catalog of all available instances.

Some programmers are software engineers. They solve problems, sometimes problems with great ambiguity or non-straightforward solutions.

And some programmers are... code technicians? They understand and write code, but their job seldom involves problem solving. Often times, they're asked to code an already solved problem, or mostly solved.

This is not a diss. I was in the second camp for a while. But it hurts your career to stay in that. So be careful.

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You're right. I should say "profit growth" which is what corporations look for. You can have solid growth, but unless it's growing, they don't care.

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Exiting cloud being useful seems to be a very narrow use case.

For one, you have to be at a large enough scale where buying and hosting your own infra is feasible and cheaper.

Second, you have to give up the ability to almost instantly scale up or provision hardware in response to traffic or other events. (which is very common at scale)

Maybe his use case happens to be that very narrow case, but this isn't something I would take as general advice.

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Auto-block federation from servers that don't respect.

NO! Do NOT defederate due to judgement of how an instance chooses to operate internally. It is not your concern. You should only defederate if this instance causes you repeated trouble offenses. Do not issue pre-emprive blanket blocks.

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Docker containers are already plenty reusable!

Alright please proceed to ignore my unfunny programming joke.

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If I post this on reddit, will probably get downvoted. The support for the protest really died down. Not sure if because people gave up, or the ones who haven't given up already left. Probably a mixture.

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I don't use arch

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I'll tell you my approach and you can use it for inspiration, but keep in mind everyone is different.

I deleted the Reddit app, but still use Reddit sometimes through the browser. This caused me to use Reddit far less, and primarily use lemmy unless what I need is not found on lemmy.

Sometimes what I need is info from a specific community like you mentioned. For example, I am Arab, and there's very few Arabs on lemmy.

In your case, Reddit might be less rare than me. It might be more practical for you to use both apps, or maybe just not use lemmy at all. It all depends on your priorities and what you're looking for.

If you have to ask, no.

I say this as someone who doesn't use systemd. There's not much benefit to it. It's cool to do if you're an enthusiast or experimentalist, but from a practical stand point, systemd is most practical.

I use gentoo with openRC btw.

  • Have a really good keyboard-driven desktop environment.
  • Many good options for tiling desktop environments.
  • Extremely good logging, enabling you to diagnose most problems.
  • package manager-first approach: I don't want to manage package installations, routine updates, and dependency resolution myself. Package managers do the work for me
  • extreme customizability: I choose which kernel features are turned on or off, and compile them. For example, I can compile in PS4 controller drivers
  • first class support for the terminal and terminal-driven workflow
  • Enhanced security system: being able to sandbox apps easily, for example.
  • Enhanced transparency into the system: can easily get into the weeds of seeing why my Internet is not working.
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I second the others. It is the #1 privacy VPN. It is also fairly priced, imo. Be careful and consider your threat model. VPN is not fool proof.

Unity was never open source, right? Different situation.

Why not monthly? It seems the smallest unit to encompass them all, and is fairly standard.

Monthly makes sense also since most bills are monthly.

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I don't use flatpak. But if your distro does, I imagine it should be pretty easy for them to provide a higher level program that updates both types of packages at once. I think this isn't a big problem.

Comparing cost to AWS Aurora is unfair. Give us the self host price, and compare to that.

Also, they should have tried Scylla or Cassandra. It's very scalable and handles a lot of writes.

A symlink works more closely to the first way you described it. The software opening a symlink has to actually follow it. It's possible for a software to not follow the symlink (either intentionally or not).

So your sync software has to actually be able to follow symlinks. I'm not familiar with how gdrive and similar solutions work, but I know this is possible with something like rsync

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I hate capitalist economics, but the ease of obtaining student loans is one of the reasons for the high price of college tuition.

If student loans didn't exist, then most people would not be paying outrageous tuitions. Colleges will be forced to accomodate.

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That's certainly an unpopular opinion. I like your bravery!

Lack of uniform harms under-privileged population. School provided uniforms make everyone look more the same and there's less differentiation based on how you dress and your ability to wear something new every day and still be fashionable. So no, it is not conservative where I am, even if some may support it for the wrong reasons.

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The layoff wave started way before the AI hype. It is more tied to interest rates imo.

doing everything from your computer can be nicer than having to get out your phone and switch to another screen just to quickly respond to SMS

For the ability to mix and match. Makes it easy for newcomers.

Laptops these days do much better with Linux than before. But if you really want ~0% chance of dealing with driver issues, I'd go with System76 laptops. They're made for Linux, and with Linux pre-installed.

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You don't have to memorize. Next time, you can just recall the commands by looking at manpages or this blog post again. You will already retain most concepts.

ChatGPT is cool, but it is wrong often enough that makes hard to trust. I don't want to be running the wrong command and suffering its consequences. I only resort to chatGPT when docs and web search do not give me an answer quickly. Even then, I try to verify chatGPT with docs before going forward.

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Wow, my brain doubled in size just reading this comment

None. Arch repos + AUR have the highest availability of any Linux repository.

You can look at the PKGBUILD file and update it yourself. Most of the time it's just a version bump and you're good. If that's the case, I think you can also take over maintaining it if you want to share the wealth.

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